Cardiology Flashcards
Clues it is NOT cad and MI
Change with respiration
Change with position
Chest wall tender to touch
Next step in management of chest pain in ED
Versus in stable patient in office
- Always EKG
- In office stress test if stable and NO current chest pain
- In Ed cardiac enzymes
If underlying EKG anomaly such as LBB, hyper trophy, pacemaker, next step instead of exercise with EKG?
Nuclear isotope uptake- thallium
Echo for wall abnormalities
Coronary angiography
Gold standard for detecting cad
Determine whether surgery or angioplasty needed
Best 3 meds for lowering mortality in angina
Aspirin and beta blockers
Then nitroglycerin
ACE inhibitors/ARB if low ejection fraction or systolic dysfunction
Side effects hmg coA reductase inhibitors aka statins
Liver damage-monitor LFTs
No need to monitor CPk but other effect is myositis
Side effects of ACE INHIBTORS
Hyper kalmia
Adverse effects of non-useful lipid meds Niacin Fibrates Colestyramine Ezetimibe
Niacin-high glucose, high Uris acid, pruritis
Fibrates-myositis when with statins
Chokestyramine-flatus, ab cramps
Calcium channel blockers use
no mortality benefit in cad
Useful in prinzmetal angina
Side effects-edema, constipation(ESP verapamil), and heart block
Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG)
Best when
- 3 vessels 70% occluded
- Left main occlusion
- 2 vessel disease in diabetic
- Persistent angina symptoms after max therapy
Detect degree of disease with angiography
Arteries last longer than vein grafts
Per cutaneous Coronary Intervention aka Angioplasty
Best for ACUTE coronary syndrome ESP. STEMI within 90 minutes of arrival
not ideal for angina-no long term mort benefit
Rupture of artery
Hematoma at entry-femoral artery hematoma
> 20 mm Hg decrease in blood pressure on inhalation
Pulsus paradoxus
Cardiac tamponade
Increase in JVP on inhalation
Kussmaul sign
Constrictive pericarditis/restrictive cardiomyopathy
Displaced PMI to axilla
LVH secondary to dilated cardiomyopathy
Most important CAD risk factors
Diabetes mellitus Hypertension Tobacco Hyperllipidemia Family history in FIRST DEGREE and YOUNG relative ( mortality below 55in male and 65 in female)
V1-V4 ST elevation
Anterior wall MI
Highest mortality if untreated
Acute MI next best steps
If already confirmed on EKG:
1. Aspirin/ clopidegrel if aspirin allergy
2. Angioplasty within 90 minutes
Focus on mortality benefit
Morphine, nitroglycerin, cardiac enzymes (negative for first 4hours) should also be done /given but no mort benefit
3. Monitor in ICU once treatments given
4. Defibrillate if develop ventricular arrhythmia in ICU
5. pre-discharge STRESS test if no longer symptomatic to assess need for angiography
Positive in 4-6 hours
Remains abnormal for 10-14 days
NOTgood for detecting reinfarction
Detectable in 4-6 hours
Remains abnormal1-2 days
BETTER for reinfarction
Early decresendo diastolic murmur at left sternal border
Aortic dissection
Think marfans
Opening snap in early diastole
Mitral stenosis
Wide fixed splitting of second heart sound
Atrial Septal Defect
Third heart sound
Normal in healthy young adults
Abnormal In Dilated ventricles/CHF
Pericardial friction rub
leathery, scratchy sound heard through systole and diastole
usually viral in origin
Tx: NSAIDs-ibuprofen
Pulsus parvus et tardus
Decreased amplitude aNd delayed in arterial pulse
Seen in severe aortic stenosis
alpha and beta adrenergic
used in hypertensive emergency
rapid onset via IV