Cardiology Flashcards
Most common congenital heart defect
Heart defect related to maternal Lithium intake
Ebstein anomaly
Endocardial cushion defect is associated with
Down Syndrome
Common mutation causing ASD and VSD in Holt-Oram syndrome
Most common type of ASD
Ostium Secundum
“Snowman” or “eight” sign in CXR
Type of ASD in Down syndrome
Ostium primum
Most common type of VSD
“Swiss cheese” VSD
Muscular type
Most common cyanotic congenital anomaly
Tetralogy of Fallot
“Boot-shaped” heart
Most common surgical tx for TOF
Blalock-Taussig shunt
Associated heart defect in Turner syndrome
Coarctation of aorta
“3 sign”
Coarctation of aorta
Pathognomonic of coarctation of aorta
Rib notching or 3 sign in CXR
Most common cause of Ischemic heart disease
Arherosclerosis of epicardial coronary arteries
Most commonly affected coronary artery in IHD due to atherosclerosis
Left anterior descending
Most common type of Angina
Stable angina with 75% luminal narrowing
Most common cause of sudden cardiac death
Fatal cardiac arrhythmia - ventricular fibrillation
ECG finding for transmural MI
ST elevation
ECG finding in Subendocardial Mi
ST depression
Most common cause of death in DM patients
Myocardial Infarction
Most common fatal complication of MI in first few days
Cardiac arrhythmia
Most common cardiomyopathy
Dilated cardiomyopathy