Cardiology Flashcards
Your patient is having a massive inferior wall MI. Which of the following vessels is most likely occluded? A) RCA B) LCA C) Coronary Sinus D) Circumflex Artery
Your patient is in cardiogenic shock and you suspect this patient is having an infarct in their left ventricle (Widow Maker). Which of the following vessels is most likely occluded? A) RCA B) LCA C) Coronary Sinus D) Circumflex Artery
If left without input, a single cardiac cell will contract rhythmically at a steady rate. If two cells are in contact, the first one to contract will in turn stimulate the other to contract. This is an example of which of the following cardiac cell characteristics? A) Conductivity B) Excitability C) Automaticity D) Contractility
During systole, sodium and calcium move out of the cells.
Potassium is primarily an extracellular ion.
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is the amount of blood ejected from the ventricles with each contraction. A) Cardiac Output B) Stroke Volume C) Preload D) Afterload
Your patient has a blood pressure of 160/80. What is the patient's MAP? A) 86 B) 96 C) 106 D) 116
You are treating a patient complaining of severe chest pain that is made worse when the patient lies flat, and is relieved when the patient leans forward. Which of the following would you most likely suspect? A) Unstable Angina B) Myocardial Infarction C) Prinzmetal's Angina D) Pericarditis
An abdominal aortic aneurysm typically occurs between the renal and inferior mesenteric arteries.
Which of the following statements is true regarding non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis? (NBTE)
A) The main risk for serious morbidity or mortality is septic shock.
B) The main risk for serious morbidity or mortality is from a clot breaking loose and going to the heart or brain.
C) The main risk for serious morbidity or mortality is permanent damage to the myocardium (loss of stretch fibers).
D) The main risk for serious morbidity or mortality is the infection traveling to the brain.
You are treating a 55-year-old male IV drug user and alcoholic. The patient is having excruciating pain in his back, abdominal rigidity, and has a blood pressure of 52/P. Which of the following do you suspect?
A) Gastric Rupture
B) Lower esophageal varice rupture
C) Cardiogenic shock secondary to endocarditis
D) Abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture
You are transporting a patient with a AAA, and you fear that he might dissect his aorta. Which of the following below best represents target heart and target blood pressure for this patient?
A) HR between 60-80, systolic BP between 80-100
B) HR between 100-120, systolic BP between 60-80
C) HR between 60-80, systolic BP between 100-120
D) HR between 100-120, systolic BP between 100-120
Which of the following medications is typically NOT given to a patient with a suspected aortic dissection? A) Labetolol B) Fentanyl C) Nicardipine D) Atropine
Hypertensive urgency occurs when organ damage occurs as a result of hypertension. T
MAP should not be lowered more than \_\_% in the first hour of treatment for patients with hypertensive emergency. A) 10 B) 20 C) 30 D) 40