cardiology Flashcards
a) increase
b) decrease
c) remain same
a) C O ( stroke vol x HR) , femoral venous pressure, PR
b) peripheral resistance, BP( SYS < DIA)
c) JVP, antecubital venous pressure, LV ejection fraction
supine hypotension syndrome
best position?
in pregn women
in late 3rd TRIMESTER
due to compression of IVC -> RED. VENOUSRETURN -> RED. C O
mother: hypotension fetal : distress
best position left lat > right lat
normal changes during pregn
a) apex beat
b) ecg
c) xray
d) heart sounds
a) left 4th IC 2.5 cm lat to midclav line
b) left axis deviation (upto 15 is normal), non specific st changes, st depression
c) apparent cardiomegaly, straightening of the left heart border
d) S1- loud and prominent, S2- normal, S3- easily heard
physiological murmurs of the heart during pregn
i- ejection systolic murmur ( < grade 3/6)
ii- continuous mammary murmur
iii- diastolic murmur - r/o heart disease before labelling as physiological murmur
signs of heart disease in pregn
i- cyanosis, clubbing, engorged neck veins
ii- xray marked cardiomegaly
iii- heart sounds- S2: loud and prominent split, S4: audible
iv- mumur: ESM >3/6, Diastolic murmur
m/c in pregn
a) cardiac disease 1st, 2nd
b) lesion
c) congential
i -heart disease and congential valvular disease
m/c in pregn
a) cardiac disease 1st, 2nd
b) lesion
c) congential
i - heart disease
ii- valvular disease during pregn
iii- congential cyanotic disease during pregn
d) highest risk of maternal mortality
e) cause and time of death
a) RHD, 2nd - ASD
b) MS
c) i- ASD
ii - MVP
iii- TOF
d) eisenmerger syndrome
e) RVF with cardiogenic shock
time - at delivery / within 1 week of delivery
absolute c/i for pregn - explain
eisenmerger syndrome - 2ndary pulm. htn
underlying cardiac effects - ASD, VSD, PDA
heart diseases which are c/i in pregn
eisenmerger syndrome
marfan syndrom with aortic root dilatation > 4 cms
severe aortic - dilation , coarctation
severe left heart obstrution - ef <30%
h/o peripartum cardiomyopathy with residual dysfunction
fanton’s surgery done with residual effect
nyha class III ( dyspnea < n activity), IV (dyspnea @ rest)
management of cardiac disease
NYHA I / II - routine ANC, review at 28-30 weeks,delivery at term
1st tri - MTP
2nd and 3 rd tim - admit and rx for cardiac failure , pulm edema - hospitalisation and delivery at term
cardiac surgery in pregn
a) when is done
b) procedure
c) conditions
a) T2
b) ballon val vulo plasty
MS + pulm edema ( recurrent / hard to deal with)
Cardiac failure not responding to medical rx
NYHA class III or IV
Asymptomatic women with mitral valve area < 1.5 cm
life threatening conditions
peripartum cardiomyopathy
a) define
b) pre requistes
c) echo findings
d) coexisiting factors
e) treatment
a) cardiac failure > 35 weeks GA or postpartum uptil 5months
b) absence of 2 things
i- identificiable cause of cardiac failure
ii- recognisible heart disease prior to last month of pregnancy
c) EF < 45%, LV dimensions decreased
d) PIH - SFLT levels high
etiological agwnt : vasoinhibin