Cardiology Flashcards
What conditions might cause a raised troponin level (not associated with an ACS)
- Large pulmonary embolism
- Advanced renal failure
- Severe congestive heart failure
- Myocarditis / pericarditis
- Aortic dissection
- Aortic stenosis
- Malignancy
- Stroke
- Severe sepsis
What 4 conditions may mimic ST elevation on ECG
- Early repolarisation
- especially in leads V1 and V2 - Pericarditis
- Brugada syndrome
- ion channel mutation predisposing to ventricular tachycardia (misdiagnosed as anterior STEMI) - Takotsubo cardiomyopathy
- stress reaction in middle-aged females
STEMI (ACS) - state the following:
- Pathophysiology
- Presentation
- ECG changes
- Investigations
- Management steps (immediate and longer term)
- Myocardial infarction which is full thickness
- Caused by complete coronary vessel obstruction, usually by a thrombus
- Dull, crushing, central chest pain which can radiate to shoulder tip, neck or jaw
- Sympathetic response e.g. sweating
- Nausea / vomiting
ECG changes:
- ST elevation in 2 or more leads in the same zone
- Full blood count including troponin I and creatine kinase levels
- Cannulation (IV access)
- Pain relief (Morphine and anti-emetics)
- Dual anti-platelet therapy:
1. Aspirin 300mg loading dose (75mg lifelong)
2. Prasugrel 60mg loading dose
- Primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) without thrombolysis if within 2 hrs of presentation, thrombolysis if PCI not available
Longer term
- Medications: beta-blocker, ACEi and statin
- Manage risk factors (smoking cessation, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, diabetic control)
N-STEMI (ACS) - state the following:
- Pathophysiology
- Presentation
- ECG changes
- Investigations
- Management steps (immediate and longer term)
- Myocardial infarction which is partial thickness
- Caused by partial coronary vessel obstruction, usually by a thrombus
- Dull, crushing, central chest pain which can radiate to shoulder tip, neck or jaw
- Sympathetic response e.g. sweating
- Nausea / vomiting
ECG changes:
- ST depression
- T wave inversion
- Pathological Q waves
- Full blood count including troponin I and creatine kinase levels
- Pain relief (Morphine and anti-emetics)
- Aspirin 300mg loading dose (75mg lifelong)
- LMWH (Enoxaparin)
- Repeat ECG
- May give Ticagrelor
- Nitrates (for coronary artery spasm)
Longer term
- Manage risk factors (smoking cessation, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, diabetic control)
Explain the procedures of Primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) and thrombolysis with respect to STEMI and time period when they can be used post-MI
Primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI):
- Angiography used to visualise blockages in coronary arteries
- Balloon used to open vessel back up, stent used to keep open long term
- Doesn’t involve thrombolysis
- Used within 2 hours of presentation
- Fibrinolytic medication to dissolve thrombi
- Examples: Streptokinase, Alteplase, Tenecteplase
- However significant risk of bleeding
- Used if PPCI isn’t available within 2 hours of presentation
Outline the use of the GRACE score in NSTEMI treatment (what the scores mean)
GRACE score:
- Predicts the risk of the patient having another MI or death in the next 6 months
- Used to assess for the need to carry out PCI with a patient with NSTEMI
< 5% = low risk
5-10% = medium risk
> 10% = high risk
If medium or high risk (5%+), then consider for PCI within next 4 days
Outline how the management of STEMI and NSTEMI differs
Main management for STEMI (MOAN + PCI/thrombolysis)
- Morphine (IV)
- Oxygen (controlled)
- Aspirin (300mg stat)
- Nitrates (GTN)
Then cardiac team carry out PCI within 2 hours, if not then thrombolysis
Main management NSTEMI (BATMAN + GRACE score):
- Base the decision about angiography / PCI on GRACE score
- Aspirin 300mg stat dose
- Ticagrelor 180mg stat dose (clopidogrel if high bleeding risk, or prasugrel if having angiography)
- Morphine titrated to control pain
- Antithrombin therapy with Fondaparinux
- Nitrates (GTN)
List the complications of an MI (DARTH VADER)
Ruptures (ventricular wall, septum, papillary muscles)
Heart failure
Valvular disease (papillary muscle rupture or septal rupture)
Dressler’s syndrome (pericarditis)
Describe Dressler’s syndrome and how it presents, including ECG changes
Post-MI syndrome
- Pericarditis that typically occurs 2-3 weeks post-MI
- Caused by a localised immune response
- Pleuritic chest pain, worse on lying flat and better on sitting up
- Pericardial rub on auscultation
- Pericardial effusion
- Low grade fever
- Rarely: cardiac tamponade
ECG changes:
Labile ECG changes (change over time)
- Low QRS complex
- Alternating QRS complex height (electrical alternans)
- Global ST elevation
Stable angina - state the following:
- Pathophysiology
- Presentation
- ECG changes
- Investigations
- Management
- Atherosclerotic plaques cause narrowing of the coronary arteries leading to reduced blood supply to areas of heart muscle, felt as chest pain
- Occurs on exertion and emotion
- Relieves with rest (chest pain not present at rest)
- Dull, central aching chest pain
- If severe, may have autonomic symptoms e.g. sweating
- Key: present on exertion, relieved on rest
- May have cardiovascular risk factors present
ECG changes:
- None present unless previous ACS/MI
- Full blood count including troponin I and creatine kinase levels, full lipid profile
- Calculate angina risk score
High risk: CT coronary angiogram
Medium risk: Echo or stress MRI
Low risk: CT calcium scoring (if high, CT angio)
- Aspirin 75mg OD
- Sublingual GTN spray
- Beta-blockers and calcium-channel blockers (symptom control)
- Manage cardiovascular risk factors
Hypertension - state the following:
- Pathophysiology
- 3 stages of hypertension
- Management
- Increased blood pressure
- Can be primary, or secondary to another condition
3 stages of hypertension:
Stage 1 = BP > 140/90
Stage 2 = BP > 160/100
Stage 3 (severe) = BP > 180 OR diastolic > 110
(home readings 5mmHg less on top and bottom)
- Weight loss / increase exercise
- Moderate their salt intake
- Smoking cessation
- Limit alcohol
Under 55:
1) ACEi
2) Add CCB
3) Add diuretic
Over 55 or afro caribbean:
1) CCB
2) Add ACEi
3) Add diuretic
List some causes of hypertension
Essential/primary hypertension (95%)
Others (ROPE):
- Renal stenosis
- Obesity
- Pregnancy
- Endocrine = Conn’s syndrome (hyperaldosteronism) / Cushing’s syndrome (high cortisol) / pheochromocytoma
Explain the difference between emergency hypertension and urgent hypertension
Explain how the differences in how you aim to manage the 2 situations (LEGS)
Emergency hypertension:
- High BP associated with a critical event
- e.g. MI, AKI, encephalopathy, pulmonary oedema
Aim of treatment: reduce diastolic BP to < 110 in 3-12 hrs
Give (LEGS):
- IV Labetalol
- IV Esmolol
- IV Sodium Nitroprusside
Urgent hypertension:
- High BP NOT associated with a critical event
- but is associated with hypertensive retinopathy (grade 3/4)
- e.g. MI, AKI, encephalopathy, pulmonary oedema
Aim of treatment: reduce diastolic BP to < 110 in 24 hrs
- IV Labetalol
- IV Esmolol
- IV Sodium Nitroprusside
Explain hypertensive retinopathy and the changes seen on fundoscopy (acute and chronic)
Damage to eye resulting from hypertension (acute or chronic)
Acute hypertension:
- Vasoconstriction in retinal vessels
- Optic disc oedema
Severe acute hypertension:
- Flame-shaped hemorrhages
- Cotton-wool spots
- Yellow hard exudates
Chronic hypertension:
- Arteriovenous nicking
- Vessel wall changes
List the organs that are targets for organ damage in HTN
- Eyes (retinopathy)
- Brain
- Vessels (TIA/stroke / aneurysm)
- Heart (HF / MI / ischaemia)
- Kidneys (nephrosclerosis/renal failure)
Outline some tests to assess for end-organ damage in hypertension
Kidneys = urine dip and albumin:creatinine level
Eyes = fundoscopy (retinopathy)
Heart = ECG (LV hypertrophy)
List 8 causes of heart failure (I HAV CCCH)
Ischaemic heart disease
Atrial fibrillation
Vascular heart disease
Chronic lung disease
Cancer drugs (previous)
List some factors indicating a very poor prognosis for someone with heart failure
- Regular hospital admissions with HF
- Increasing age
- Severe fluid overload
- Multiple co-morbidities
- Very high NT-proBNP levels
- Severe renal impairment
List some conditions that cause high NT-proBNP levels (other than HF)
- HF
- Atrial fibrillation
- R ventricle strain
List some findings on a chest x-ray in heart failure
- Cardiomegaly
- Perihilar shadowing
- Pleural effusions
- Air bronchograms
- Oedema in alveoli
- Increased width of vascular pedicle
Heart failure - state the following:
- Pathophysiology (including types)
- Presentation
- ECG changes
- Investigations
- Management
- Failure of the heart to supply the demands of the body
- HF with reduced EF OR HF with preserved EF
- Left OR right sided HF OR congestive
- Lethargy/tiredness
Left HF
- Cough (white/pinky frothy sputum)
- Orthopnoea
- Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea
- Bibasal crackles
Right HF
- Peripheral pitting oedema
- Raised JVP
ECG changes:
- Evidence of ischaemic heart disease
- Echo = KEY
- Bloods = NT-proBNP
- Chest x-ray (cardiomegaly)
Lifestyle modification
1. Diuretics (Furosemide)
2. ACEi / ARB
3. Sacubitril / Valsartan
4. Beta blocker
5. Other vasodilators
- If the above fails: CRT (cardiac resynchronisation pacemaker) or ICD (implantable cardiac defibrilators)
Outline the NYHF classification for heart failure (stage 1-4)
Stage 1:
- No limitations
Stage 2:
- Some limitation on physical activity
- No symptoms at rest
Stage 3:
- Significant limitation on physical activity
- No symptoms at rest
Stage 4:
- Unable to carry out physical activity without symptoms
- May have symptoms at rest
State where an aortic stenosis murmur is best heard and describe the murmur
Best heard: 2nd ICS on right
- High pitched ejection systolic murmur
- Crescendo-decrescendo
- Radiates to neck/carotids
State where an aortic regurgitation murmur is best heard and describe the murmur
Best heard: sternal edge on left
- Soft pitched early diastolic murmur
- Blowing
- Doesn’t radiate
- Associated with collapsing pulse and head bobbing
State where an mitral regurgitation murmur is best heard and describe the murmur
Best heard: 5nd ICS on right, midclavicular line
- High pitched pan-systolic murmur
- Blowing
- Radiates to axilla
Outline common causes of aortic stenosis
- Age-related calcification
- Rheumatic fever
- Congenital bicuspid valve
- Chronic kidney disease
Outline common causes of aortic regurgitation
- Age-related calcification
- Rheumatic fever
- Idiopathic dilation of aorta
- CT diseases e.g. Marfan’s syndrome
Outline common causes of mitral regurgitation
- Rheumatic fever
- Infective endocarditis
- CT diseases e.g. Marfan’s syndrome
- Pectus excavatum
- Ischaemic heart disease
- Drugs
- Left ventricle dilation