Cardiology Flashcards
cardiac cycle
- flow into atria, continuous except when they contract. inflow leads to pressure rise
- opening of av valves, flow to ventricles
- atrial systole, completes filling of ventricles
- ventricular systole and atrial diastole, pressure rise closes a-v valves, opens aortic and pulmonary valves
- ventricular diastole - causes closure of aortic and pulmonary valves
heart sounds
1st = closing of AV valves 2nd = closing of semilunar valves 3rd = early diastole of young and trained athletes 4th = turbulent blood flow, due to stiffening of walls of left ventricle`
do heart chambers empty fully
stroke volume
volume of blood pumped out ~75ml can double during excercise
ejection fraction
% volume pumped out, ejection fraction = 55-60% , 80 in excercise, 20 in heart failure
cardiac output
volume of blood pumped per minute by each ventricle. CO=HR x SV ~5l/min
co = bp/peripheral resistance
force of contraction, adrenaline increases this
end diastolic volume
volume of blood in ventricle at the end of diastole
volume of blood in ventricles at the end of diastole
peripheral resistance
increased peripheral resistance
decreased stroke volume, increased end systolic volume, increased end diastolic volume, increased stroke volume. so overall stroke volume doesnt change much`
cardiac excitation pathway
sinus rhythm = heart rate controlled by SA node approx 72 bpm, action potential then activates atria, atrial a.p activates a-v node. av node, small cells, slow conduction velocity introduces delay of 0.1 sec. av node activates bundle of his and purkinje fibres which activate ventricles
cardiac muscle as it generates its own action potential
Action potential conduction
aps develop spontaneously at the SAN, aps are conducted from cell to cell via intercalated discs which have gap junctions
Action potential diagram described
nvr ok
skeletal muscle, requires nerve impulse to activate
cardiac action potential describes
Cardiac cell contraction
ca is normally released from sarcoplasmic reticulum but needs ca from outside (ca induced ca release)
where are 4 ecg limb leads placed
red - right arm, yellow- left arm, green- left leg, black - right leg (dummy)
where are 6 ecg chest leads placed
v1 - 4th intercostal space right of sternal angle
v2 - 4th intercostal space left of sternal angle
v4 - over heart apex (5th ics mid clavicular line)
v3- halfway between v2 and v4
v 5 - at the same level as v4 but on anterior axillary line
v6- same level as v4 and v5 but on the mid axillary line
Leads I, II, III
normal = I,ll +ve III -/+ve
left axis deviation = I +ve, II,III = -ve
right axis deviation= 1 -ve, II +/-ve, III +ve
calibration of ecg
10mm tall
large box vs small box ecg
large = 5mm / o.2 s small = 1 mm / o.o4 s
what causes waves on ecg
p= atrial depolarisation qrs = ventricular depolarisation t = ventricular repolarisation
normal waveform intervals
PR = o,12 - o,2 secs QRS = < o,12 secs QT = < o,44 (m), o,46 (f)
What is the pr interval
time to conduct through AVN/ His
what is QRS duration
time for ventricular depolarisation
what us ST segment
start of ventricular repolarisation. ST elevation due to acute infarction, pericarditis
ST depression due to ishaemia, LV strain (LVH)
lack of q dip
wolf- parkinson whits syndrome
ventricular hypertrophy
left or right same as william marrow but super deep troughs
v1 - v6 MaRRoW
v1-v6 WiLLiaM
anatomic groups of ecg leads
lateral = I, aVL, V5, V6 inferior = II,III, aVF septal = v1, v2 anterior = V3,4 Avr = none
how to calculate hr of regular rhythm
300 / count large squares between r waves and
how to calculate hr of irregular rhythm
6 x rhythm strip
HR < 60 bpm
HR> 100 bpm
heart block
1st degree
regular rhythm, pr interval > 0,2 seconds constant. Causes: IHD, conduction system disease, healthy kids and athletes
no treatment req
heart block
2nd degree
aka mobitz 1 / wenckebach.
irregular rhythm, Pr interval continues to lengthen until a QRS is misssing
usually benign unless assoc with MI
heart block
2nd degree
aka mobitz 2
irregular rhythm, QRS complexes may be wide >0,12 seconds, non conducted sinus impulses appear at irregular intervals. can cause syncope or deteriotate into 3rd degree, if in conjuction with acute MI = high risk patient
causes: IHD, fibrosis of the conduction system
treatment: pacemaker
heart block
3rd degree
aka complete
atria and ventricles beat independant of one an other, QRS look different each time. May be caused by MI, cause angina or syncope.
treatment - pacemaker, isoprenaline
Narrow complex tachycardia
QRS duration <0.12s, uncontrolled fast atrial fib (almost straight line between complexes) or flutter ( n’s between complexes) , atrial tachycardia
Broad complex tachycardia
a (QRS duration >0.12 s)
Ventricular tachycardia
Ventricular fibrillation
Sinus arrhythmia
Sinus node fires at a variable rate
• Speeds up during inspiration
• S l o w s d o w n during expiration
• Effect caused by variations in vagus nerve
activity (parasympathetic nervous system)
Sinus tachycardia
Sinus node fires > 100 per minute • Physiological causes: – anxiety, exercise • Pathological causes: – fever, anemia, hyperthyroidism, heart failure – shock (sepsis, bleeding, anaphylaxis) – almost any acute medical emergency
Sinus bradycardia
• Sinus node fires < 60 per minute • Physiological causes: – Sleep, athletic training • Pathological causes: – hypothyroidism – hypothermia – sinus node disease – raised intracranial pressure, many others
Sino-atrial disease
A degenerative condition affecting the atria,
including the sinoatrial (SA) and
atrioventricular (AV) nodes. Characterised by patchy atrial fibrosis,
atrial dilatation and altered conduction
• Common in individuals age > 70 years. Can lead to sinus tachycardia, sinus
bradycardia, atrial ‘ectopic’ beats, and atrial
• permanent pacemaker to prevent slow rhythms
• antiarrhythmic drugs to prevent or moderate
rapid rhythms
– beta blocker
– digoxin
– amiodarone
heart block
dizziness, fainting, tiredness and shortness of breath. Causes of AV nodal block • sino-atrial disease • coronary heart disease • aortic valve disease • damage during heart surgery • drugs – beta-blockers – digoxin – calcium channel blockers Treatment • Remove any triggering cause (e.g. drugs) • IV atropine or isoprenaline (acute treatment) • permanent pacemaker
Atrial fib and flutter
Sensations of a fast, fluttering or pounding heartbeat (palpitations) Chest pain. Dizziness. Fatigue. Lightheadedness. Reduced ability to exercise. Shortness of breath. Weakness. Causes of atrial flutter / fibrillation • sino-atrial disease • coronary heart disease • valve disease (esp. mitral valve) • hypertension • cardiomyopathy • hyperthyroidism • pneumonia, lung pathology Treatment • drugs to block AV node and therefore limit heart rate – digoxin – beta blocker – calcium channel blocker • electrical cardioversion • catheter ablation
ventricular fibrilation (squiggle line)
shockable ryhtmn so is ventricular tachycardiaTreatment ACUTE • defibrillation • IV antiarrhythmic drugs • remove any triggering cause LONG TERM • oral antiarrhythmic drugs • treat underlying heart conditions • implantable defibrillator for some patients
causes: low plasma oncotic pressure (malnutrition, liver disease, nephrosis), high interstitial oncotic pressure (inflammation), high venular hiydrostatic pressure (dvt), high arteriolar hydrostatic pressure (vasodilator drugs)
blood pressure
affferent: arterial baroreceptors
efferent: ANS - sympathetic and parasympathetic
hormones: angiotensin II (i), adrenaline (I), vasopressin (i)
local factors: nitric oxide (d), endothelin (I), kninins (d), prostaglandins (D)
effector organs - heart and arterioles
response time - seconds- minutes
blood volume
afferent: volume stretch receptors, juxtaglomerular cells (secrete renin)
ANS: sympathetic nervous system
hormones: aldoesterone (causes an increase in salt and water reabsorption, and increases blood volume) vasopressin (increases blood volume),
effector organs; kidneys
response time - minutes to hours
how is cardiovascular system mediated
by receptors responding to the influence of the autonomic nervous system
heart rate what receptors increase and decrease it?
increased by noradrenaline, adrenaline, beta-1 adrenoreceptors
decreased by acetylcholine, and muscarininc receptors
myocardial contractility
increased by noradrenaline, adrenaline, beta -1 adrenoreceptors
blood pressure nervous regulation
baroreceptor regulation providing second to second control of bp.
Afferent info: arterial baroreceptors carotid sinus - glossopharyngeal nerve
aortic arch - vagus nerve
CNS - vasomotor center in medulla
efferent signals : sympathetic nerves and parasympathetic
BP increase and decrease (vasoconstricor and vasodilator)
increase: vasoconstrictor, phenylephrine
decrease: vasodilator, glyceryl trinitrate
treatment of atrial fibrillation/ flutter
beta blockers (bisoprolol, atenolol @lol) calcium channel blocker (verapamil, diltiazem), cardiac glycosides (digoxin)
reduce the risk of thromboembolic stroke (Anticoagulants) vitamin k antagonists - warfarin, DOACs - apixaban
Beta- blockers
lol, b1 selective ant, indications: atrial fib, hypertension, angina , heart failure. oral administration
adverse effects: lethargy, bronchospasm, heart block
calcium channel blockers
verapamil, diltiazem. indications: atrial fib, supraventricular tachycardia, hypertension, angina. orally.
adverse: hypotension, headache, flushing, constipation, heart block
supraventricular tachycardia treatment
vagal stimulation manouevers, valsalva maneouvre, carotid massage. immediate treatment: adensoine (IV) adverse, dizzines, flushing, headache, chest pain, dyspnoae. verapamil
blood volume
intravascular - 4 L extracellular - 12l intracellular - 24;
how is blood volume sensed
the delivery of sodium and chloride in tubular fluid to the macula dense in every renal tubule and also low pressure stretch receptors in the atria of the heart
low blood volume
increases the activity of the renin-angiotensin system and sympathetic nervous system, r
promotes release of angiotensin II which causes vasoconstriction and aldosterone release from the adrenal cortex
action of beta1-adrenoreceptors antagonists
beta blockers, inhibit actions of catecholamines on the SAN and AVN, reduce generation of secondary messenger cyclic amp
action of calcium channel blockers
inhibit the entry of calcium ions through L-type calcium channels
action of digoxin
cardiac glyceride that inhibits na/k atpase and increases vagal tone on avn
adenosine action
naturally occuring purine that is an agonist to A1 receptors which open potassium channels temporary block of impulse transmission
anti-arrhythmic drug class 1
block na, mainly active on myocardial cells
anti-arrhythmic drug class 2
beta 1 adrenoreceptor antagonists, active on pacemaker cells
anti-arrhythmic drug class 3
block k+ channels to lengthen action potential mainly active on myocardial cells
anti-arrhythmic drug class 4
block ca2+ channels mainly active on pacemaker cells
acute haemorrhage
reduces intravascular volume, venous retuen to the heart, cardiac output, atrial blood pressure - these changes are sensed by arterial baroreceptors, atrial stretch receptors and juxtaglomerular kidney
cardiovascular disease
diuretics, beta-blockers, ace inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, nitrates, anti-platlets, anti-coagulants, lipid lowering drugs
renin- angiotensin system
decrease in NaCl - liver releases angiotensinogen, kidney releases renin which makes angiotensin become angiotensin 1. lungs release ACE which then converts angiotensin 1 to 2, which causes vasoconstriction, NaCl reabsorption, ADH secretion, aldosterone secretion from adrenal cortex also causing NaCl reabsorption.
Blood volume increases
diuretic drugs
reduce the reabsorption of sodium and water by the renal tubules and increase urinary flow (loop, thiazide (hypertension), potassium sparing)
adverse effects of thiazide diuretics
adverse: hypokalaemia, hyponatremia, hypomagnesaemia, alkalosis, hyperuricemia, hyperglycaemia, fluid depletion, incontinence, erectile dysfuntion
calcium channel blockers
peripherally acting (amlodipine, nifedipine) and centrally acting drugs (verapamil, diltiazem). used for angina pectoris, svt, hypertension (oral) peripheral oedema,headache, flushing, constipation,
ACE inhibitors
ramipril, lisinopril reduce arterial bp, and water retetnion, first line treatment of hypertension, chronic heart failure
can cause dry cough
resistant hypertension
potassium sparing diuretics - hyperkaelemia, dizzy
Pulse pressure
Mean Arterial BP
PP/ 3 + DBP (<60 risk of ischaemia)
Total peripheral resistance
When does BP change
drops at night
White coat hypertension
therefore must be meausred on at least two separate occasions to obtain BP clinic AND home/ambulatory
How many yearly deaths due to hypertension
9.4 million
10mmHg SBP reduction
32% CVA (stroke)
1 4% CHD (coronary heart disease)
20% MI
50% HF
Risk factors for CVD
Age, high BP (hypertension), high LDL cholestero (hypercholerterolaemia), High bmi (obesity/overweight), impaired glucose tolerance (diabetes mellitus) , decreased renal function (chronic kidney disease)
diagnosis of hypertension
BOTH conventional BP 140/90 AND ABPM/home 135/80`
white coat hypertension
> 20/10 higher that at home/ abpm
hypertension target organ damage
heart (left ventricular hypertrophy), kidneys (reduced eGFR, increased albumin/creatine ration), eyes (hypertensive retinopathy)
general advice on reducing hypertension
weight in ideal range, limit salt, regular excercise
Hypertension initial investigation
past BP levels, CVD and risk factors ,
blood tests (U+E/eGFR (low is bad) , lipids, HbA1c/glucose, LFTs, gamma GT (high in liver damage), urate
urinalysis : protein, glucose, blood
Hypertension treatments in patient with type 2 diabetes or aged under 55 and NOT of black African or African-Caribbean family origin
- ACE Inhibitor / ARB
- ACE Inhibitor / ARB + CCB / tl D
- ACE Inhibitor / ARB + CCB + thiazide like Diuretic
- Confirm resistant hypertension
Add low dose spironolactone if blood potassium level is 4.5 mmol/l
Add alpha-blocker or beta-blocker if blood potassium level is >4.5mmol/l
Hypertension in patient without type 2 diabetes AND aged 55 or over OR of Black African or African-Caribbean family origin (any age)
- CCB + ACEi/ARB or tlD
- ACEi or ARB + CCB + tlD
- Confirm resistant hypertension
Add low dose spironolactone if blood potassium level is 4.5 mmol/l
Add alpha-blocker or beta-blocker if blood potassium level is >4.5mmol/l
Common anti-hypertensive drugs
ACE inhibitors - enalapril, lisinopril, ramipril
ANG-II receptor blockers - losartan, candesartan
Calcium channel blockers - nifedipine, amlodipine
[+ rate limiting: verapamil, diltiazem]
Diuretics* - bendroflumethiazide, [chlortalidone/
Beta-blockers - atenolol, metoprolol, bisoprolol
Mineralocorticoid-Blockers** – spironolactone, eplerenone
Alpha-Blockers - doxazosin
Mechanisms of action of common anti-hypertensives
• ACE inhibitors - inhibit ACE, block RAAS, increase BK*, dilate
arteries (and veins), AngII receptor blockers-similar (no BK effect)
• Calcium channel blockers - block voltage-operated calcium
channels, dilate arteries (± heart rate reduction)
• Thiazides - inhibit Na+
-Clsymport, distal tubular natriuresis,
dilate arteries and veins
• Beta-blockers - block beta-adrenoceptors, reduce cardiac rate
and output, block RAAS, initial vasoconstriction (ultimately
• Mineralocorticoid blockers – block mineralocorticoid
receptors, distal nephron natriuresis/limit potassium loss
• Alpha-blockers – block alpha1-adrenoceptors, dilate arteries
and veins.
*BK = bradykinin a vasodilator
side effects of common antihypertensive drugs
ACE inhibitors - cough, rise in/high K+
,renal dysfunction
• Angiotensin receptor blockers – few, rise in/high K+
, renal
• Calcium channel blockers - headaches, flushing, ankle swelling,
• [different for rate limiting CCBs eg verapamil- bradycardia,
constipation, other gastrointestinal symptoms]
• Diuretics - impotence, rashes, biochemical – low Na+, low K+,
raised glucose (risk of diabetes), high urate (risk of gout)
• Beta-blockers – wheeze [caution with asthma/COPD], cold
peripheries, lassitude, exercise intolerance, impotence,
bradycardia, heart block, raised glucose
• Mineralocorticoid blockers - rise in/high K+
, gynaecomastia
(just spironolactone)
• Alpha-blockers – dizziness (especially on standing), urinary
symptoms, tachycardia, oedema [caution with heart failure]
Indications and cautions of ACEi/ARB
i: Heart failure Diabetic Nephropathy c: Severe renal artery stenosis, High K+ Contraindicated in Pregnancy
Indications and cautions of CCB (Amlodipine, Verapamil)
i:Older patients,
high pulse pressure
c:Heart block, Heart failure
Indications and cautions of Thiazides
i: Older patients, High pulse pressure Heart Failure c: Contraindicated in Gout Low K
Indications and cautions of Beta-Blockers
i: Coronary Artery Disease
Stable heart failure
c: Heart block, Asthma/COPD
Indications and cautions of MC Blocker
i: Heart failure
Diabetic nephropathy
c: High K+
, MC deficiency
Indications and cautions of Alpha-Blocker
i: Benign prostatic hypertrophy
c: Impaired urine continence
Postural hypotension
Heart failure
Primary vs Secondary hypertension
primary: lifestyle ‘you’ caused it 95%
secondary: caused by disease
Causes of secondary hypertension
Primary aldosteronism, oestrogen oral contraceptives. NSAIDs, Alcohol, renal artery stenosis, vasculitis, liquorice, glucocorticoids
Renal artery stenosis presentation
May see:-
Severe, seems sudden, resistant Hypertension
recent decline in eGFR
eGFR dip on ACEI/ARB treatment (can be major dip)
1 kidney smaller, size difference >1.5cm (imaging). Severe hypertension with sudden attacks of “flash”
pulmonary oedema and no cardiac basis found
Severe hypertension in patient with evidence of
widespread atherosclerosis, (>50 yrs old)
Causes and management of renal artery stenosis
causes: – atherosclerotic stenosis (older, commonest))
- -Fibromuscular dysplasia (often <40, more women)
management: ACE-I/ARB treatment with eGFR monitoring
- +/- diuretic (eg Thiazide)
- Consider intervention eg renal stent(across stenosis)
Diagnosis and management of Phaeochromocytoma / Paraganglioma
very rare. features of excess noradrenaline/adrenaline: Headache
high blood pressure
+/- in fearful/panicky “attacks”
+/- paroxysms of such symptoms
Management- special medical treatment, surgery, consider genetics
Dangerous tumour,
Initiate α-blockade – doxazosin (or a long acting α -blocker–phenoxybenzamine)
Then β-blockade – atenolol
At surgery – experienced anaesthetic/surgical team
primary aldosteronism
Potentially consider if Hypertension, + suspect 2O Hypertension - with relatively low K+ (+/- relatively alkalotic) investigate : if A/RR is above 40 causes: conn's tumour, bilateral adrenal hyperplasia
What are lipids and examples
poorly soluble in water but miscible in organic solvents
steroids - cholesterol and hormones like testosterone
fat soluble vitamins - A,D,E,K
transport cholesterol and triglycerides around the body in circulation. Dietary ones are created in the small intestine, whilst endogenous ones are created in the liver
exogenous lipid pathway
chylomicrons synthesised in gut deliver triglycerides to muscle and adipose tissue where converted to NEFA (post-prandial)
endogenous lipid pathways
VLDL synthesised in liver also deliver triglycerides to muscle, adipose again converted to NEFA
LDL: cholesterol - peripheral tissues
Reverse cholesterol transport
HDL returns cholesterol to the liver but CETP can disrupt this
Lipoprotein types described
chylomicrons: biggest, mostly triglycerides
VLDL: quite big, mainly triglycerides
IDL: medium, very short lived
LDL: small, cholesterol rich, long lived
HDL: smallest cholesterol rich, long lived
determine lipoprotein behaviour
essential building block precursor to steroid hormones and vit D and membrane. Liver is site of synthesis, secretion,uptake.
delivered to peripheral tissues by LDL
uptaken from circulation by IDL,LDL,HDL
returned to liver from peripheral tissues by HDL
formation of fatty streaks
LDLs oxidised by O-free radicals are consumed by macrophages, now known as foam cells, this is a fatty streak
formation of atheromatous plaque
LDLs oxidised by O-free radicals are consumed by macrophages, now known as foam cells, this is a fatty streak Smooth muscle cells (SMCs) are
stimulated by macrophages to
migrate, proliferate, differentiate, SMCs differentiate into fibroblasts
which produce a fibrous collagen cap , Foam cells undergo necrosis or
apoptosis to leave a pool of
extracellular cholesterol. cholesterol pool
beneath a fibrous cap
within the arterial wall = atheroma
familial hypercholesterolemia
- tendon xanthoma (nondules)
- corneal arcus (white ring)
- xanthelasma whitish lumps on eyelids
treatment of high cholesterol
smoking cessation, reduce sat fat and salt, bmi
ACEi, Beta-blocker = reduce post MI mortality
Aspirin + Clopidigrel = reduce CVD recurrence and mortality
Statins - reduce CVD recurrence and mortality. (headache, dizzy, muscle pain, increased risk of developing diabetes)