Cardio Vascular Flashcards
The cardiovascular system is composed of?
A pump called the heart,
A network of interconnecting tubes called blood vessels
The fluid called blood, which flows around the circuit.
Three types of blood vessels?
The function of arteries?
Transports oxygenated blood away from the heart.
The function of veins?
Transports deoxygenated blood back to the heart.
The function of capillaries?
Delivers nutrients, oxygen, hormones etc from the arterioles to the cell.
Takes back the waste from the cell and passes it to the venule (then Vein and back to the heart).
Blood is composed of?
It is composed of 55% plasma and 45% cells/
Blood temperature?
Blood temperature is around 38° C
The ph of blood is?
Blood ph is 7.4 (slightly alkaline)
Total blood volume in the body?
Total volume in the body men 5 – 6 litres women 4 – 5 litres
The function of blood?
Transports oxygen, nutrients, hormones and enzymes around the body.
Transports carbon dioxide and waste materials from the body to the organs of excretion.
Helps fight infection (with leucocytes and antibodies – see opposite for more detail).
Prevents the loss of body fluids after accidents by clotting.
Regulates body temperature.
The composition of plasma?
Plasma makes up 55% of blood volume. It is a slightly thick, straw-coloured fluid.
It is mostly water (90%-92%) and the rest is plasma proteins (albumin, globulin, fibrinogen and prothrombin)
The function of plasma?
Plasma helps to transport the following essential substances around the body:
Mineral salte
Antibodies and antitoxins
The left-hand side of the heart receives?
Oxygenated blood from the lungs and sends it to the Aorta, the main artery.
The right-hand side of the heart sends?
Deoxygenated blood from the body and sends it to the lungs.
The Septum?
A muscular wall, separates the right and left sides of the heart
Name of the four chambers of the heart.
The right and left atria above and the right and left ventricles below.
Name the three layers of the heart.
The valve that lies between the left atrium and the left ventricle?
Bicuspid valve/mitral
The valve lies between the right atrium and the right ventricle?
The Tricuspid valve.
The function of the valves in the heart?
These valves open as the atria contract and close as the ventricles contract to prevent backward flow.
Three types of blood cells?
Erythrocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes.
Red Blood Cells.
Transports oxygen as oxyhemoglobin.
White Blood Cells.
To protect the body from infection.
Responsible for blood clotting.
The Systemic Circulation
Circulation from the heart to the body.
The Pulmonary Circulation
Circulation from the heart to the lungs and back again.
The heart rate
The number of times the heart beats in one minute is known as the heart rate.
When you feel your pulse this is what you are feeling – the rate at which your heart is pumping blood through your circulatory system.
Average heartbeat?
Most adults heartrate is 72-80 beats per minute whereas most babies have a rate of 130 times a minute
Blood pressure.
The force that the blood exerts on the walls of the blood vessels as it is transmitted from the heart.
Necessary for blood to clot
thromboplastin (produced by damaged platelets)
vitamin K (necessary for the formation of prothrombin)
The normal level of blood pressure is usually about
120 (systolic)
Over 80 (diastolic)