Cardio Short Case Flashcards
Causes of clubbing
Due to platelet derived growth factor released in the nail beds causing fibrovascular proliferation
CVS- cyanotic HD, IE
Respi- lung carcinoma(non small cell), bronchiectasis, abscess, empyema,IPF, CF,mesothelioma, asbestosis
Gastro-cirrhosis,IBD,coeliac disease
Others- thyrotoxicosis, pregnancy, 2ndary parathyroidism, neurogenic diphragmatic tumours
Features of marfan syndrome
Mitral valve prolapse, aortic regurgitation
Features of down syndrome
Features of turner syndrome
Coarctation of aorta/AS
What are splinter haemmorhages?
Linear haemmorhages in nail beds lying parallel due to IE, SLE, antiphopholipid
What are oslers nodes and janeway lesiosn?
Oslers-Rare manifestations of IE, raised, red tender palpable nodules on the pulps of fingers
Janeway- non tender red maculopapular lesions containing bacteria , rarely in palms or pulps of the fingers in IE
Collapsing pulse
Happens in AR
water hammer pulse is felt as a tapping impulse that is transmitted through the bulk of the muscles.
This happens because the blood that is pumped to the arm during systole is emptied very quickly due to the gravity effect on the raised arm.
This results in the artery emptying back into the heart during diastole, increasing preload, and therefore increasing cardiac output
Pulses paradoxus
Fall in pressure more than 10mmHg on inspiration
Seen in constrictive pericarditis, pericardial effusion, severe asthma
What is anacrotic pulse? (3)
Small volume
Slow uptake
Notched wave on upstroke
Seen in Aortic stenosis
What is plateau?
Slow upstroke
Seen in aortic stenosis
Anacrotic and collapsing pulse
Seen in AS and AR
What is cause of collapsing pulse?
Hyperdynamic circulation
Peripheral AV fistula
Arteriosclerotic aorta( seen in elderly patients)
What does carotid and JVp tells us?
Carotid tells about aorta and left ventricular function
JVP tells about right atrial and right ventricular function
What is kussmaul sign?
Rise of JVP on inspiration
Seen in constrictive pericarditis, cardiac tamponade
Causes of elevated JVP
Right ventricular failure
Tricuspid stenosis or regurgitation
Pericardial effusion or constrictive pericarditis
SVC obstruction
Fluid overload
Dominant a wave
Triscuspid stenosis
Pulmonary stenosis
Pulmonary htn
Cannon a wave
Complete heart block
VT with retrograde atrial conduction
Dominant v wave
Tricuspid regurgitation
Steps in cardio exam before auscultate heart? part 1
1)Wash hands, introduce +consent, position , expose
2)General inspect- oxygen devices, click, distress, cyanosis( start thinking of pathology here already)
3)Hands- do with pulse together
Radial pulse- radial radial delay, radio femoral delay
( is it okay if I feel the pulse in your groin)
collapsing pulse- do you have any pain in your shoulder? I am going to lift your hand.
4)BP- I am gonna take your blood pressure
5) eyes: look up for me and pull eyelid down
6) open your mouth wide- cyanosis and high arched palate
7) turn your head slightly to your left, ask if you have any pain in your tummy, i am going to press gently for hepatojugular reflex
8) feel pulse in your neck -both sides one at a time
steps after inspection in cardio exam? part 2
1) inspect chest for deformities, scars, insertable cardiac monitor devices site
2) feel for apex beat and count the ribs to confirm position
3) heel for parasternal heaves and palms for thrills( aortic and pulmonary area), then finger over remaining two valve areas-mitral and tricuspid
4) diaphragm over mitral area- take big breath in, hold your breath, big breath out, stop breathing , breathe normally, repeat at axilla
5) turn to left, bell over mitral area and repeat
6) lie flat- diaphragm in remaining 3 areas and repeat
7) ask to sit up, and palpate for palpable thrills over aortic pulmonary area
8) diaphragm over left sternal edge( for AR) and aortic area( AS)same method, and do at carotids again
9) do handgrip and valsava manourvre over mitral and aortic area
10) examine back and lower limbs and then thank patient