Severe CHF restriction
2000mg/day sodium restrict
1 to 2 L of fluid restrict
Mild to moderate heart failure restriction
Sodium of 3000mg/day
General ill health and malnutrition, marked by WEAKNESS & EMACIATION
Additional CHO & CHON needed to prevent CATABOLISM
Cardiac cachexia/ cachexia
Collective phrase for chronic bronchitis, asthma and emphysema
Critical illness, shock, severe injury or sepsis
Acute Respiratory Failure
COPD Nutrition Therapy
25 to 45 kcal/kg and NAV Common
Adeq CHON for vent drive
Ratio of CO2 produced to amount of O2 consumed
Respiratory Quotient
Produces greatest amount of RQ
CHO metabolism
Produce lowest RQ
Fat metabolism
RQ greater than 1 is evidence of?
accumulating CO2
What are ARF patients required to have?
Mechanical ventilation
Nutritional recommendations COPD
moderate to high FAT
Moderate CHO
Underlying pathologic process responsible for CAD
2 most common manifestations of ATHEROSCLEROSIS
- Angina pectorid
2. Myocardial infarction
Blood flow to coronary arteries occluded
Angina pectoris