Cardio exam - GEEKY medics Flashcards
What should be looked for when general inspecting around the bedside?
•GTN / oxygen / mobility aids / medication
What things should you note when looking at the patient from the end of the bed?
- Are they comfortable at rest?
- SOB?
- Malar flush? - mitral stenosis
When inspecting the chest from the end of the bed what should be looked for?
- Scars?
* Visible palpitations?
When inspecting the legs from the end of the bed what should be looked for?
- Harvest site scars
- Peripheral oedema
- Missing limbs or toes
When inspecting the hands what should be looked for when the palms are facing down?
- Splinter haemorrhaging - bacterial endocarditis
* Finger clubbing - infective endocarditis / cyanotic congenital heart disease
When inspecting the hands, palms facing up, what should be looked for?
- Colour, cyanosis? - hypoxia
- Temperature, cool peripheries? - poor cardiac output / hypovolaemia
- Sweat/clamy - associated with acute coronary syndromes
- Janeway lesions - bacterial endocarditis
- Osler’s nodes - infective endocarditis
- Tar staining - Increased risk of cardiovascular disease
- Xanthomata - hyperlipidaemia
- Capillary refil - normal is <2s - if prolonged suggests hypovolaemia
What are you assessing in the radial pulse?
• Rate and rhythm
What does radial-radial delay suggest?
•Aortic coarctation
What is a collapsing pulse associated with?
• Aortic regurgitation
What are you assessing in the brachial pulse?
•Volume and character
What is a narrow pulse pressure associated with?
• Aortic stenosis
What is a wide pulse pressure associated with?
• Aortic regurgitation
What are you assessing in the carotid pulse?
• Character and volume
What is a slow rising character found in the carotid pulse associated with?
• Aortic stenosis
What does a raised JVP indicate?
- Fluid overload
- Right ventricular failure
- Tricuspid regurgitation