Cardio Drugs Flashcards
Quinidine (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: antiarrythmic
MOA: Na channel blocker. Also blocks K channels. Decreases phase 0 depolarization
PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: decrease myocardial CV, excitability, and contractibility. Prolongs AP
INDICATIONS: Atrial arrhythmias, PSVT, WPW SIDE EFFECTS: Torsades de pointes, cinchonism, thrombocytopenia, anticholinergic effects
Procainamide (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: antiarrythmic
MOA: Na channel blocker; also blocks K channels. Decreases phase 0 depolarization
PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: decrease myocardial CV, excitability, and contractibility. Prolongs AP
INDICATIONS: refractory ventricular fibrillation; pulseless ventricular tachycardia
SIDE EFFECTS: SLE like symptoms
Lidocaine (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: antiarrhythmic
MOA: Na channel blocker. Inhibits influx of Na through fast Na channels
PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: Purkinje fibers - depress automaticity; higher affinity for ischemic tissue. Suppresses spontaneous depolarization in ventricles by blocking reentry
INDICATIONS: Acute treatment of ventricular arrhythmia from MI; suppress ventricular tachycardia
SIDE EFFECTS: neurotoxicity including seizures
Metoprolol (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: antiarrhythmic
MOA: β-1 adrenergic receptor antagonist (β-blocker)
PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: reduces HR and lessens contractility
INDICATIONS: treatment and prophylaxis of PSVT; prevent recurrent MI in pt recovering from MI; decrease myocardial O2 demand to lessen angina, HF
SIDE EFFECTS: fewer CNS effects than nonselective beta blockers, hypotension, bradycardia
Esmolol (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: antiarrhythmic
MOA: β-blocker
PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: reduces HR and lessens contractibility
INDICATIONS: short-term control of sinus, tachycardia, PSVT, and ventricular rate in pt with atrial fibrillation/flutter
SIDE EFFECTS: AV block and cardiac arrest
Amidarone (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: antiarrhythmic
MOA: Blocks Na, K, and Ca channels; blocks beta-1 receptors
PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: properties of all 4 classes of antiarrhythmic drugs
INDICATIONS: atrial and ventricular arrhythmias
SIDE EFFECTS: Torsades de pointes, pneumonitis, pulmonary fibrosis
Digoxin (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: antiarrhythmic
CLASS: Misc.
MOA: inhibits the Na/K-ATPase
PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: Increased intracellular Na followed by greater Ca influx and greater contraction
INDICATIONS: Antrial fibrillation (first-line with HF or sedation); SVT
SIDE EFFECTS: N&V, mental status change, vision color and EKG changes
Antenolol (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: Antihypertensive
CLASS: sympatholitic
MOA: β receptor agonist
PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: decreases BP, renin release, and sympathetic outflow from the brain
INDICATIONS: decrease myocardial O2 demand to lessen angina, HF
SIDE EFFECTS: fewer CNS effects than nonselective β-blockers, hypotension, bradycardia
Diltiazem (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: antihypertensive
CLASS: vasodilator
MOA: Ca-channel blocker
PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: prevent vascular SM contraction
INDICATIONS: arrhythmia, Prinzmetal’s angina
SIDE EFFECTS: edema, constipation, flushing, and dizziness
Nifedipine (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: antihypertensive
CLASS: vasodilator
MOA: Ca-channel blocker
PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: prevent vascular SM contraction
INDICATIONS: arrhythmia, Prinzmetal’s angina
SIDE EFFECTS: edema, constipation, flushing, and dizziness
Sodium Nitroprusside (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: antihypertensive
CLASS: vasodilator
MOA: direct action relaxing arterioles and venules via NO
PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: peripheral vasodilation - lowers preload and afterload
INDICATIONS: hypertensive emergency, acute MI, aortic dissection, HF
SIDE EFFECTS: hypotension, tachycardia, cyanide toxicity
Losartan (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: antihypertensive
MOA: antagonizes angiotensin II receptors
PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: lowers TPR, reduces plasma volume
INDICATIONS: HF and diabetic neuropathy
SIDE EFFECTS: acute renal failure; NO angioedema and coughing associated with ACE inhibitors
Hydrochlorothiazide (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: antihypertensive
CLASS: diuretic
MOA: inhibits Na reabsorption in distal tubules
PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECTS: lowers plasma and ECF volume, thus decreasing workload on heart and TPR
INDICATIONS: first therapy for managing HTN; HF
SIDE EFFECTS: hypokalemia, sexual dysfunction, hyperglycemia/lipidemia
Fenoldopam (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: antihypertensive
CLASS: Misc.
MOA: selective D1-receptor (DA) antagonist
PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: decreases TPR with increased renal blood flow
INDICATION: acute treatment for severe HTN
SIDE EFFECTS: flushing, hypotension, headache, nausea
Nitroglycerin (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: anti-anginal
CLASS: nitrate
MOA: activates GC which raises cGMP and lowers intracellular Ca in SM
PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: increases venous capacitance; decreases arteriole resistance; redistributes blood to ischemic area
INDICATIONS: angina attack and prophylaxis, HF, HTN emergency
SIDE EFFECTS: transient dizziness, hypotension, flushing, severe headaches but tolerance occurs