Cardio and MS changes (Staloch) Flashcards
What decreases with the MS system that occur as we age?
- Size of type 1 muscle fibers (less decrease than type II)
- Size of type II muscle fibers
- Fasting rate of mixed and myosin protein synthesis
- Muscle protein metabolism
- Peak anaerobic muscle power
- Elasticity of tissues - Results in decrease in ROM (more in shoulders)
- Vertebral disc heights
- Glycogen storage capacity, glycogen synthesis
- Bone mineral density - Increased osteoclastic activity
- Mm strength, power and endurance
- Mm mass (sarcopenia)
What increases in the MS system with aging?
- Mm fat
2. Mm connective tissue
What are documentation requirements for sarcopenia?
Criterion 1-low muscle mass PLUS
Criterion 2-low muscle strength OR
Criterion 3 –low physical performance
What decreases in the CV system with aging?
- Maximal aerobic capacity
- Maximal Heart Rate
- Maximal cardiac output, stroke volume, peak HR, max 02 consumption
- Endothelial reactivity – harder time dilating or constricting
- Maximal skeletal muscle blood flow
- Capillary density
- Vascular insulin sensitivity
- Heart Size
- End diastolic filling
- Compliance of large arteries
- Secretion and release of catecholamines – impact on HR
- Pacemaker cells in SA node—can lead to a slightly lower heart rate
- Sensitivity of baroreceptors leading to postural hypotension in response to stress
- Speed of red blood cell production in response to stress of illness
- HDL cholesterol
- Lioprotein lipase activity – enzyme that helps break down triglycerides
What increases in the CV system with aging?
- Prevalence of A-Fib, aortic stenosis and valvular disease as a result of - Left ventricular mass and wall thickness increases—the amount of blood the chamber can hold may actually decrease leading to heart filling more slowly; Thickening of valvular structures; Epicardial fat
- Heart rate and blood pressure response to submaximal exercise
- Peripheral vascular resistance (HTN)
- Total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol
What are the functional implications of CV changes?
- Lower HRmax
- Lower stroke volume and cardiac output
- Increased BP
- Increased cardiovascular disease
- Reduced blood flow and therefore reduced oxygen to the skeletal muscles
- Decreased VO2 max
- Reduced skeletal muscle oxidative capacity
- Reduced exercise capacity/ blunted exercise response
What decreases in the pulmonary system with aging?
- Vital capacity
- Tidal volume
- Vascular insulin sensitivity
- Maximal flow rates
- Respiratory muscle strength
- Lung Expansion
- Elastic Recoil
- Alveolar surface area up to 20%-leads to decrease in max O2 uptake
- Alveolar vascularity
- Number of Cilia - Leads to respiratory infection
- Alveoli tend to collapse sooner on expiration
- no change in TLC
What increases in the pulmonary system with aging?
- Stiffness of chest wall
- Number of mucus producing cells
- Residual volume (RV)
- Functional Residual Capacity
- Respiratory Rate
What are functional implications of pulmonary changes in older adults?
- Reduced vital capacity and maximal ventilatory capacity
- Reduced forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1)
- Up to 20% increase in work of respiratory muscles
- Ventilation/perfusion mismatch
- More vulnerable to respiratory infections
- Body becomes less efficient in monitoring and controlling breathing
- Lower threshold for shortness of breath
What are MS responses to exercise adaptations from aerobic training?
- Increase in type IIA fibers
- Increase in cross-sectional area of type IA and type IIA fibers
- Increase in capillary density
- Increase mitochondrial enzymes
- Increased muscle capillaries
- Increased oxidative enzyme activity - increased ATP
- Increased muscle protein synthesis
- Decrease in type IIB fibers
- Decreased Lactate dehydrogenase activity – decreased m soreness
What are MS responses to exercise adaptations from strength training?
- Increased oxidative capacity
- Increased mitochondrial volume density
- Increased muscle mass/size
- Increased power of both type I and type II muscle fibers
- Increased endurance
- Increased functional strength
- Increased insulin action
- May help increase ROM
- Increased myofibrillar protein turnover
What are normal cardiopulmonary responses to exercise?
- A progressive decline in SBP - Possibly sharp decrease in SBP may occur due to venous pooling and should normalize in a supine position
- DBP should remain the same post exercise - A decrease could be an indicator of heart failure; An increase of > 10 mmHg during or after exercise may be associated with CAD
What are valid aerobic capacity tests to use in older adults?
- 2min WT - for those that cannot walk long durations (acute care, CHF, frail) - distance during the time
- 400m WT - elicits greater effort that 6MWT - time taken to complete
- 6min WT - most widely researched in mult pt pops - measure distance
- 2min step test - for those concerned with walking, space not available - # steps
- 3 min step test - higher fxning - recover HR
- seated step test - for low level frail adults and those who cannot stand/ walk
- 1 min STS - # STSs without hands
- treadmill 6MWT - not interchangeable with 6MWT
What are valid muscle performance tests to use in older adults?
- Hand held dynamometer
- STS - 5x or 30s - norms only for no use of hands
- Grip strength - predictive of mortality, future disability, and postop complications
- arm curl test - 5# or 8# dumbbell - as many as they can for 30s
the application of exercise science to physical therapist exercise prescription; Developed to address how tissues, organs and organ systems adapt to varying levels of physical stress; Includes other factor that may modify level of stress as well as the response of the tissues to stress Changes in relative level of physical stress causes a predictable response in all biological tissue - Stress below maintenance level=decreased tissue tolerance to stress (atrophy), Maintenance levels=do not change tissue (no change), Stress that exceeds maintenance levels=increased tissue tolerance to stress (hypertrophy)
Physical stress theory
Principle of physical stress theory:
- Tissue must be exposed to a load not normally exposed to in order to improve function
- Applied to aerobic capacity, strength training, balance training and flexibility
- Must be individualized
- Applies to: intensity, duration, frequency and speeds
- Intensity must be sufficient to overload the cardiovascular, pulmonary, musculoskeletal and neuromuscular systems without overstraining them
Principle of physical stress theory:
- Training will only improve those parts of the body being trained
- To become better at a particular skill, must perform that exercise or skill
- Effects are specific to the exercise or activity performed and muscles involved
- Long distance power walking will increase cardiovascular/pulmonary endurance
- Stretching the hamstrings will increase their flexibility
Principle of physical stress theory:
- Prescribe an optimal does of exercise as soon as possible
Reach optimal level no later than by 3rd or 4th session
- As patient/client improves, must steadily progress intensity levels to continue to provide overload stimuli
- Each case is unique and patients will progress at individual rates (from rapid to no progress at all)
- Take care to progress patients/clients neither too quickly nor to slowly
Principle of physical stress theory:
- Cannot rush training
- Body needs times to allow physiological mechanisms required for the activity to adapt
- Overload training should not be done daily—muscles require time to heal
- If training intensity is increased too quickly, may lead to increased risk of fatigue or injury
Recuperation/ recovery
Principle of physical stress theory:
- Muscles will hypertrophy with use and atrophy with disuse
- Must balance between stress and rest
- Must be periods of low intensity between periods of high intensity for recovery
- Consider cross training – beneficial if worried about overloading or stressing
use/ disuse
- “Use it or lose it”
What are the components of exercise prescription?
- frequency
- intensity
- duration
- mode
- warm up/ cool down
What are guidelines to warm up?
5-10 minutes
- Passive: increase temperature by external means
- General: increase temperature using nonspecific body movements
- Specific: increase temperature using similar biomechanics used in subsequent, more strenuous activity—rehearses activity or event
- Rehearse movement
- Elevate body temperature
- Increase dissociation of oxygen from hemoglobin and myoglobin
- Increase muscle blood flow
- Reduce muscle viscosity
- Increase sensitivity of nerve receptors
- Increase speed of nerve impulses
- Increase flexibility
- Reduce likelihood of injuries
What are guidelines to cool down?
- 5-10 minutes
- A gradual tapering off of intensity
- Prevents blood from pooling in the lower extremities
- Decreases the likelihood of drop in BP, lightheadedness, fainting or abnormal heart rhythms
- Promotes removal of waste products from muscles
When should vitals be taken during aerobic capacity testing?
before, immediately after, and 10 mins after completion
- HR, BP, RR, RPE must be taken
- pulse ox may be taken
When should vitals be taken during aerobic training?
before, during (for intensity), and after (for recovery)
- during = HR, RPE, CIT
- after = HR, BP, RR, RPE
the body’s ability to work or participate in activity over time using the body’s oxygen uptake, delivery and energy release mechanisms; Is expressed in terms of VO2 max
aerobic conditioning/ endurance training
- max O2 uptake related to age, gender, genetic, health, exercise tolerance
- 3-5x per wk, more frequent (5-7 days) with older adults if exercise is at very low intensity of short duration
how do you determine target HR using the Karvonen method?
THR (bpm)=[%exercise intensity x HRR] +HRrest,
- where Heart Rate Reserve (HRR) =HRmax-HRrest
Intensity test:
- Shown to be well correlated with the ventilator and ischemic threshold
- A highly consistent method of exercise prescription
- Use as an alternative to THR or
- %CTT=[(count while achieved while exercising/CTTrest) x 100], the number they reach is their reserve
counting talk test
What is the RPE associated with physiological adaptations to exercise on the Borg Scale?
“somewhat hard” to “hard”
What population would you use RPE over HR for intensity?
People who are taking beta blockers
- Artificially depressed HR
HR will not rise as much during exercise
What are the correlations for exercise intensity on a 6-20 scale?
- RPE 9-11=20-40% of max aerobic capacity
- RPE 11-13=40-50%
- RPE 12-14=50-60%
- RPE 15-18=60-80%
Estimate exercise intensity (0-10 scale):
- RPE 5-6=moderate intensity (13-14 on 6-20 scale)
- RPE 7-8=vigorous intensity (16-17 on 6-20 scale)
Other than CTT, HR, and RPE, what are other scales used for measuring intensity?
- Borg dyspnea scale (0-10)
- Angina Scale (1+ to 4+)
- Claudication scale (grades 1-4)
What is the recommendation for how long someone should perform moderate activity?
30-40 inutes
- begins with what is tolerable. 5 mins is better than 0
What should the initial stage of aerobic conditioning/ endurance training look like (healthy adults 1st of 3 stages)?
- Longer warm up of 10-15 minutes
- Moderate intensity (40-60%) using interval format
- Longer cool down of 10-15 minutes including stretching
- 3-4 days per week
- 15-30 minutes
- Stage 1 last 1-6 weeks
What should the improvement stage of aerobic conditioning/ endurance training look like (healthy adults 2nd of 3 stages)?
- Warm up of 5-10 minutes
- Increasing Intensity (60-85%)
- Cool down of 5-10 minutes including stretching
- 3-5 days per week
- 25-40 minutes
- Last 4-8 months
What should the maintenance stage of aerobic conditioning/ endurance training look like (healthy adults 3rd of 3 stages)?
- Warm up of 5-10 minutes
- Intensity (70-85%)
- Cool down 5-10 minutes including stretching
- 3-5 days per week
- 20-60 minutes
- Lasts indefinitely—find variety and make it enjoyable
What are normal exercise responses?
- RPE=13/20
- Rise in SBP of 20-30 mmHg
- BP returns to within 10 mmHg and HR returns to within 10 bpm of pre-exercise value within 5 minutes of stopping exercise while sitting – indicates healthy heart
What are abnormal exercise responses?
- Failure to return to baseline as described above
- DBP drops 10-20 mmHg below baseline
- SBP >210-240
- DBP >110
- HR drops > 10 bpm below baseline
- HR rises > 50 bpm with low level activity
What diagnoses should exercise at lesser intensities?
- MI (wait 3-6 weeks s/p MI)
- Progressive degenerative neurological disorders (i.e. MS)
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Acute musculoskeletal conditions
- Extremely frail or extremely deconditioned
- Patients for who resistance exercise would negatively affect post-surgical healing tissue
- should exercise at 30-60%
how many reps is equivalent to 30-60% 1-RM?
12- 25 reps
- Select amount of resistance you think they will experience momentary muscle fatigue around 15 reps