Cardio Flashcards
What causes Hypospadias?
Failure of the urethral folds to fuse. Same underlying embryological process responsible for PFO.
Fenoldopam MOA?
Dopa agonist -> Increases cAMP -> activates Protein Kinase A -> inhibits myosin light chain kinase activity -> decreased m. contraction.
Congestive HF can lea to?
What medication does this resulting condition contrindicate?
Lactic Acidosis.
Bosentan MOA?
Endothelin 1 receptor antagonist. Endothelin promotes vasoconstriction.
What is Kartagener Syndrome?
Dynien arm defects that lead to cilia dysfunction. Results in inability to properly clear mucus, dextrocardia, infertility in women (ciliary defects in the fallopian tube or immotile sperm).
First line investigation in patients with features suggestive of chronic venous insufficiency?
Duplex Ultrasound. Can help identify incompetent valves.
Wallenberg Syndrome/?
Neuro condition caused by lateral medullary infarction. Which results from occlusion of either the PICA or vertebral artery. Sx: Ipsi horner syndrome, hoarseness, dysphonia), vestibulocerebellar sx; nystagmus, vertigo, ataxia). Contra sensory disturbances (pain and tem) in trunk and limbs.
Difference between infarction in lateral medulla and lateral pons?
Lateral medulla infarction manifests with features of CNIX and CNX. While lateral pontine syndrome manifests with features of cochlear nucleus infarction and VII palsy.
What should be administered immediately following an anaphylactic T1HS reaction?
Epinephrine (both a b-adrenergic receptor and alpha -adrenergic to help increase bp, broncho-dilation, reduce mucosal edema in upper airways and reduce release of inflammatory mediators from mast cells.
What is the first line treatment for vasospastic angina?
1st line tx: CCB
Others: nitrates and smoking cessation
Causes of vasospastic angina?
RF: smokin
Triggers: cocaine, alcohol, triptans.
the region of the anal canal above the dentate line drains into the portal venous system via the following pathway?
Superior rectal vein -> inferior mesenteric vein -> splenic vein -> hepatcic portal vein.
The region of the anal canal below the dentate lube drains into systemic venous circulation via the following pathway?
Inferior rectal vein -> internal pudendal vein -> internal iliac vein -> inferior vena cava.
Why is it important to know the lower anal canal venous drainage?
- Predicting most likely route or hematogenous spread of malignancies
- Understanding first pass metabolism
In CHF, what is accumulated?
NADH. Due to hypoxia. Hypoxia impairs oxidative phosphorylation and causes lactic acidosis.
W/o oxidative phospho -> the body increases glycolysis to generate ATP anaerobically which produces excess pyruvate and NADH. Hypoxia also results in underutilization of pyruvate and NADH in the CCA and ETC.
Depending on the shape of the QRS, the site of escape ventricular rhythms can be identified. Normal narrow QRS complexes start with impulses where?
SA node up to the bundle of His.
The superior thyroid artery is a branch of ?
What does it supply?
External carotid artery
Supplies the cranial half of the thyroid gland.
Classic triad of congenital rubella infection?
Bilateral cataracts, sensorineural hearing loss and heart defect.
Other findings: Blue-berry muffin rash.
What symptoms can be suggestive of diphtheria?
Pharyngitis and pseudomembranous formation and cervical lymphadenopathy.
What is indicated for the immediate control fo symptoms in patients with hyperthyroidism?
What can high doses of propanolol do for hypertyroidism?
Decrease the peripheral conversion of T4 - T3 by inhibiting 5-monodeiodinase.
Cystic media degeneration occurs in what circumstances?
Occurs with aging, bicuspid valve, Marfans.
PDGF function?
STimulates the transition of cells form the G1 phase to the S phase. STimulates proliferation and migration of smooth m. cells in the tunica intima. Also mediates the differentiation of fibroblasts into myofibroblast -> fibrous cap formation.
Sudden onset of urinary incontinence in conjunction with sensory and motor loss predominantly affecting the lower extremity should raise concern for?
Cortical injury, especially in the region of the ACA.
ACA occlusion causes loss of contralateral motor function, particularly of LE and contralateral sensory loss.