Cardio Flashcards
What can you see in Posterior MI?
ST depression in V1-V3
RCA supplies what parts of the heart?
Inferior, posterior, RV
What are the MC complications of inferior MI?
Bradycardia, MC Mobitz type 1 (Wenckebach)
Papillary muscle rupture
Think about RV MI when you see what on EKG?
STE much Higher in Lead III > II Or STE in V1 > V2 Or STE in V1 with STD in V2
What defines STE?
1mm elevation in 2 anatomically contiguous leads
Accelerated Idioventricular rhythm occurs when?
Looks like what?
Slow VTach, HR around 80-90
What is the baseline of the EKG?
T to P segments
What are the main associations to think about with HTN emergency?
Aortic dissection Encephalopathy Malignant HTN ACS Pulmonary edema Stroke Renal Failure Preeclampsia
Labetalol works via what mechanism?
Onset of action, lasts how long?
Do not use when?
8x more beta than alpha
5-10 minutes, less than 6 hours
CHF, asthma
Sodium nitroprusside MOA?
Onset of action? Lasts how long?
What SE can it cause?
Arterial dilator, reduces afterload
1-2 mins, 1-2 minute half life
CN toxicity, tachycardia
What Abx can cause prolonged QT?
Macrolides, FQs
Symptoms and EKG findings of post-MI IV septal rupture?
Time period?
Acute SOB, NEW holosystolic murmur at LL sternal border and RL sternal border, EKG —> deep q waves in V1, V2
5-7 days
What kind of surgery and what time period makes it an absolute contraindication to thrombolytic treatment?
Intracranial or intraspinal surgery within 2 months
What EKG findings make occlusion of the Left Circumflex Artery more likely than RCA in an inferior MI?
EKG also shows STE in V4-V6
HTN and loud systolic murmur in young peds patient think what?
Coarctation of the aorta
What is the MC type of AAA?
What is the MC cause of IE in valve replacement pts?
S. Aureus if w/in 2 months
Coagulase (-) if after 2 months (s. Epidermidis)
What meds are CONTRAINDICATED in peds pts w/SVT?
CCB in less than 1 y/o
Causes irreversible HoTN
What heart complications can Paget’s disease of bone cause?
AV fistulas in new bone —> lead to high output HF
Pt with septal rupture post MI, what is the treatment?
Afterload reduction —> use vasodilator
Pt with COPD and tachycardia (maybe d/t SVT), VSS who is taking theophylline, what is the immediate treatment?
Adenosine does not work bc theophylline is a potent adenosine receptor antagonist
Pt with acute-onset HA with tinnitus, right sided Horner’s syndrome most likely has what?
Carotid artery dissection
Anti-thrombotic therapy
What is the MC location for AAA to rupture into?
Most fatal?
Infant less than 1 week old presents w/lethargy and poor PO intake. VSS: HR 200, RR 50, O2 sat 70%, systolic murmur, pt has what?
Do What?
Coarctation of aorta
give PGE to maintain PDA