Cardio Flashcards
Fever, pleuritic pain relieved by sitting up
Irregularly irregular pulse
Atrial fibrilation
ECG - saw tooth baseline + 150bpm
Atrial flutter
Alveolar bat’s wings, Kerley B lines, Cardiomegaly, Dilated prominent upper lobe vessels, Plural effusion
Pulmonary oedema
Raised JVP/hepatojugular
Right-sided heart failure
Sense of impending doom
Saddle shaped ST elevation without troponin elevation
Broad QRS complex tachycardia
Ventricular problems
Mid-diastolic murmur with a tapping, undisplaced apex
Mitral stenosis
Broad QRS with slurred upstroke on R wave
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
Delta waves
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
Tall, tented T waves (wide QRS complexes)
Patient gets pericarditis 4-6 weeks post MI
Dressler’s syndrome
Blurred yellowing vision headache
Digoxin toxicity
Janeway lesions
Sub acute bacterial endocarditis