cardio Flashcards
Contraindications of ACE inhibitors?
What condition is ACE inhibs good for?
- renal aa stenosis, hyperkalaemia, pregnancy, severe aortic stenosis, severe AKI
- diabetic nephropathy
Side effect of B blockers
bronchospasm, cold hands, fatigue, low blood pressure, masking hypos in DM
What ABG findings do you get in pulmonary oedema
Initially type 1 RF due to hyperventilation
Later type 2 RF due to impaired gas exchange
Causes of pulmonary oedema
Fluid overload
LVF/ valve disease/cardiomyopathy
ARDS (infection, DIC, toxins)
What is the management of acute heart failure causing pulmonary oedema
Sit the patient upright 100% O2 IV diamorphine IV furusomide 40-80mg GTN puffs or buccal
If not improving
- Nitrate IV if >100sbp
- SBP <100 cardiogenic shock and ?ICU
Causes of ARDS
Direct inhalation: smoke, drowning, aspiration
Indirect: sepsis, pancreatitis, transfusion reactions, anaphylaxis
MI in which artery corresponds to this STEMI pattern:
- I, avL, V5, V6
- V1-4
- II, III and avF
- = Circumflex
- = LAD
- = right coronary artery
Why is identifying VSD/ ASD early crucial
Once Eisenmengers syndrome in place cant do structural reversal surgery on heart.
Only treatment is heart and lung transplant
Symptoms if infective endocarditis
- Fever, new murmur
- Malaise, lethargy, anorexia
- Haematuria, splenomegaly
- Oslers nodes, Janeway, Clubbing, Splinter, digital infarcts
- Roth spots
What investigations would you do for infective endocarditis?
- 3 cultures 3 diff types
- Urinalysis
- Transthoracic echo
What is DUKES criteria for endocarditis
+ve cultures (2), endocardial involvement on echo
predisposition (valve disease, congenital defects), fever >38, vascular/immunological signs, culture/ echo not good enough for major,
Need 2 maj OR 1 minor + 3 minor
What signs are indicative of infective endocarditis on echo
- New regurgitation
- Vegetations
- Abscess
Causes of bradycardia
- b blockers
- prev MI
- OD
- medications
- endocrine e.g. hypothyroid
- hypoxia
- hypothermia
Name causes of an inverted T wave
- MI
- PE
- raised ICP
- normal in children!!!
What are the causes of AF
- hypertension
- valvular heart disease
- PE
- thyrotoxicosis
- excess alcohol intake