CARDIO Flashcards
Murmur of MVP
Late systolic murmur with a
Mid SYSTOLIC click
Opening Snap
Mitral stenosis
Fixed splitting
Loud P2, split S2
Pulmonary HTN
Paradoxical Split/ Reverse splitting/ P2 closes earlier than A2
Pericardial friction rub/ pericardial knock
Constrictive Pericarditis
*Sharp early diastolic sound
Physiologic Split
A2 comes before P2
Pulsus Tardus et parvus
Aortic stenosis
Pulsus Bisfiriens
Pulsus Alternans
Cheyne-Stokes Respiration
Severe heart failure
Pulsus Paradoxus
Cardiac tamponade
SVC syndrome
Pulmonary Obstruction
Late diastolic murmur with a “plop”
Atrial Myxoma
Continuous murmur, 3rd L ICS
What happens to murmurs with handgrip/phenylephrine?
All murmurs will increase (due to increased afterload) EXCEPT HOCM, MVP, AS
What happens to murmurs with amyl nitrite?
All murmurs will decrease (due to decreased afterload) EXCEPT MVP, HOCM, AS
Post PVC what happens to murmur of HOCM, MVP, AS?
HOCM, AS - increase
MVP- decrease
Increased neck vein distention on inspiration?
Kussmaul’s sign
Found in constrictive pericarditis, cardiac tamponade, RV infarct, pulmonary (BA, COPD), abdominal compartment syndrome
RCA supplies what
Inferior, posterior, RV
LAD supplies what
Anteroseptal, apicolateral
L circumflex supplies what
Post descending artery supplies what
Diagonal branch supplies what
High lateral
When to use MUGA scan
To det EF in pxs with wall motion ab(N); EF poor prognosticating factor for MI
When is Exercise stress test +
ST elevation
ST dep > 1mm for > 0.08 sec
When to stop stress test
Symptomatic (CP/SOB)
ST dep > 2 mm
SBP drops > 15 mmHg
When to do cardiac cath?
Poor prognostic factor on stress test
Post infarct angina
UA still symptomatic despite tx or becomes NSTEMI (+ ekg, cardiac enz)
Findings in Microvascular Angina
CP, EKG neg, Stress test reversible ischemia, cath neg
TX: BB, nitrates, CCB
Wellens Syndrome
ST dep in V2-V4
Indications for PCI
- STEMI > 12hrs
- TPA contraindicated
- 75 years
Indications for thrombolysis
T/F in pxs going for PCI, clopidogrel should be used
T/F in pxs going for cabg, clopidogrel should be used
When is CABG better than PCI
L main dse
3V dse with dec EF
2V dse with Involvement of proximal LAD & low EF
Dressler’s syndrome
Post-MI pericarditis
Tx: high dose ASA (6-8g/d) or ibuprofen 800 mg TID
T/F Mortality benefit of ICD > 40 days post-MI, warfarin in large ant wall MI x 3-6mos
T/F Vtach & Vfib within 48hrs postMI need long term therapy
Mech of reperfusion arrhythmias
Change in frequency fr accumulated Ca
What to do if px has sustained Vtach 48hrs after MI?
Treat with amio (if stable), defibrillate if unstable, then place ICD
*Vtach > 48h post MI is a predictor of mortality after discharge
Vtach post MI, with recurrent discharges from ICD?
Start amiodarone
If persistent, radiofrequency ablation
How many mos after MI should you do elective surgery?
After 6 mos
Treatment for recurrent pericarditis
Most common cause of constrictive pericarditis?
Square root sign
Constrictive pericarditis
Also with:
Pericardial knock (early 3rd heart sound)
Pericardial friction rub
Heart pressures are within 5mmHg of each other
Treatment of constrictive pericarditis
Surgical stripping
Most common cause of CHF
Also caused by:
Dilated CMP, valvular dse, congenital heart dse