Cardiac system Flashcards
What can the mucous membrane look like if there is cardiac failure?
Cyanotic , Livid , Pale, whitish
Where to measure the pulse in Cattle?
- Facial a.
- Transverse facial a.
- Coccygeal a.
Where to measure pulse in Horse?
- Facial a.
- Transverse facial a.
- Lateral and medial digital aa.
Apical beat location in dogs and cat:
Left 3-6 and Right 3-5 ics
Arterial palpation:
- Rhythm
- Symmetric
- Rate
- Quality –> Size, strength, duration of pulse wave, and fullness of artery
Type of exam commonly carried out, together with ECG?
PhonoCardioGraphy PCG
Describe a systolic murmur in the horse:
- Systolic murmur –>Blood flows into aorta and pulmonary aorta in early systole.
- Diastolic murmur –> Ventricular filling. Common in EQ. young horses and thoroughbreds.
What is true about the systolic heart murmur in horses:
- Graded 1-3/6
- Can be heard on the left side of the thorax
- Localized and brief
- Intensity may change with exercise
Due to ventricular filling (FALSE – it is Caused by blood flow in aorta and pulmonary artery)
Happens in late systole (FALSE - it happens in early-mid systole)
It is crescendo (FALSE – it is crescendo-decrescendo or decrescendo)
ECG, asked to calculate the heart rate:
Enlarged P wave:
Atrial enlargement
In dogs, left-sided heart failure can lead to:
In what kind of conditions would you hear a stronger heartbeat?
Cardiac hypertrophy
Pulse pressure:
- Difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
- Determined by heart rate, stroke volume, and peripheral resistance.
When to take an ECG:
Irregular heartbeats noted during physical exercise. Bradycardia, tachycardia, etc.
Exact diagnosis and evaluation of cardiac arrhythmias
Detect enlarged cardiac chambers (Echocardiography better)
Show cardiac disturbances of electrolytes and systemic diseases
Aid cardiac diseases diagnosis
Monitor anaesthesia
Evaluate effectiveness of cardiac drugs (Digitalis glycosides, etc.)
Pre-cordial thrill (fremitus):
Pathological. Grade 5 murmur –> Very loud murmur with pre-cordial thrill.
Heart palpation:
Between the 3rd and 6th ic space.
All species on both sides except Cattle, goat, sheep, pig : Only on the left
Dog – Heart apex:
Apex beat in the dog and cat is over the edge of the sternum.
Left ic : 3-6
Right ic : 3-5
What do you test with BMBT?
Buccal Mucosal Bleeding Test –>Capillary refill time (<2secs). Also, tests platelet function.
What clinical signs are seen in case of pericardial effusion?
- Elevation of the caudo-ventral border –> Increase of cardiac dullness (enlargement)
Pulse measurement:
Horse : Facial a., Transverse facial a., Brachial a. (Median a.), Common digital palmar a.
Cow : Facial a., Transverse facial a., Coccygeal a., Greater auricular a.
Small ruminants, Dog, Cat : Femoral a.
What is M-mode in echocardiography?
Uni-directional M-mode echocardiography (M:motion) –>Used for the measurement of the left ventricle.
Pericardial tamponade in Cow. Signs:
Pulse changes with respiration
Positive venous stasis test–>No emptying below the compression point
Grading of murmurs:
I Very soft murmur, heard only after a few seconds in a quiet room.
II Soft murmur but easily heard directly upon auscultation.
III Moderate intensity murmur with good audibility.
IV Loud murmur, very good audibility but without precordial thrill.
V Very loud murmur with precordial thrill.
VI Loudest murmur, even audible with stethoscope lifted from the chest wall.
In which species can’t you palpate the heart on the right side?
Ruminants and Pigs