cardiac posion - CVSmodule Flashcards
name some cardiac poison
-acotine , nicotine , digitalis
other name of aconites
meetha zehar , wolf bane.
what part of aconite plant is poisonous
active principles of aconite
aconine , pesudoaconitine , aconitine.
some aconite characteristic
Most posionous species are ; aconitum ferox and aconitum napellus.
root are posionous , sweet in taste no odor.
conical in shape , dark brown/white becomes pink when exposed to air
moa of aconite
stimulate then paralyses peripheral termination of sensory , secretory cells , motor nerves , medulla centers , spinal cord.
depresses myocardium , smooth muscles and skeletal muscles.
signs and symptoms of aconite
tingling sensation in lips, mouth , pharynx and tounge —> numbness
muscular spasm and convulsions
muscular weakness , slow and weak pulse + respiration , large dose casue arryhthmias.
ventricular fibrillation / asphyxia causes death = resp center paralysis.
fatal dose of aconite
2-4gm of root , 2-6 mg of alkaloid.
fatal period of aconite
1-5 hrs
treatment for aconite toxicity
milk / activated charcoal , stomach wash with warm water / KMnO4 , cardiac arrythmias - 50ml of 0.1% iv novocain , artificial respiration / O2 inhalataion
how to preserve aconite sample
vomitus preservation = acetic acid (1) ; rectified spirit (2)
why aconite is ideal as homicide poisoning
ideal homicide = cheap , small lethal dose , easily available , difficult to detect in body coz of rapid destruction.
symptoms resemble natural disease.
medico legal importance of aconite
homicidal ,accidental in Hakim Medicine , arrow poison, cattle poison , use to procure abortions.
postmortem finding in aconite poisoning
not characteristic , remnant of plants may be found in stomach , brain and lung congestion , aconite is extremely unstable and rapidly destroyed by putrefaction.
characteristics of nicotine
alkaloid found in tobacco plant , only ripe seeds are not poisonous , dried leaves ; 1 -8% of nicotine , active principle includes ; nicotine
and nicotianine .
colorless , volatile , bitter in taste
smoked . chewed , snuffed