Cardiac Manifestations of Systemic Diseases&Rheumatic Heart Disease Flashcards
Systemic Disease
multi-organ involvement that can affect the heart by:
↑ demands on the heart
Cause arrhythmias
Enable coronary arterial disease → ischemic heart disease
Distort cardiac structure: pericardium, myocardium, endocardium (valves)
Cardiac Manifestations of Systemic Diseases– DM
Independent risk factor for CAD, PAD, CHF, MI
CAD is the most common cause of death in DM 1 and 2
Prognosis is worst than for non-DM
Have larger infarct size
Greater CAD burden
Greater post-infract complications (CHF, death)
Duration and control of hyperglycemia correlates w/incidence
DM Pts have greater risk for MI due to high CAD burden
Greater CAD burden = greater MI area = greater post-infarct complications
Worrisome “angina equivalent” symptoms (6)
Nausea Dyspnea Pulmonary edema Arrhythmias Heart block Syncope
Why does CAD happen (DM)?
↑ Insulin resistance → endothelial dysfunction and ↑ plasminogen activator inhibitors-1 →↑ coagulation and thrombosis formation and platelet dysfunction
Why does cardiomyopathy happen (DM)?
DM has ↑ intra-ventricular collagen/fibrosis/inflammation →↓ mechanical compliance during diastole →↓ myocardial relaxation → diastolic HF seen in early failure
Treatment Approach for DM with Endocrine disease and Cardiac Manifestations
Maintain A1C ~ 7% Physiologically normal Insulin concentration slows cardiac pathology Dyslipidimia Hypertension <130/80 mmHg (Pts with Nephropathy, CVD)
People with Diabetes that get CAD Treatment approach
Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) restenosis
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) for multi-vessel disease
Vitamins and minerals are essential in biochemical reactions as co-enzymes
Dietary proteins are essential for amino acid protein synthesis
~50% of Internal Medicine/Surgical Pts have negative protein balance
Low serum albumin
When caloric intake is scarce some amino acids can be used for energy = gluconeogenesis (alanine)
Too little protein consumption = negative protein (negative nitrogen) balance
Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM)
Cardiac Manifestations of Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) Syndromes:
Myocardial (myofibrillar) atrophy
Ventricular hypokenesis =↓ Cardiac Output and Systolic BP
↓ Pulse pressure
Generalized edema due to:
↓ oncotic pressure
Ventricular hypokenesis
Cardiac Manifestations of Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) Syndromes Treatment
Nutritional rehabilitation
Total parental nutrition
Jejunostomy tube
Thiamine deficiency (beriberi, B1 deficiency)
Found in vegetables, beef, yeast, nuts, whole grains
Deficiency found in 20-90% of U.S. Heart Failure Pts
Diuretic induced renal excretion
Decreased PO intake
Common in alcoholics Due to: malnutrition Malabsorption from EtOH Impaired cellular B1 utilization and ↓ tissue oxygenation
Anorexia Nervosa
Poor dietary intake is the main cause
Clinical presentation: Thiamine deficiency
Tachycardia High out-put heart failure Definition: increased cardiac output w/o meeting metabolic needs Wide pulse pressure (↑SBP-DBP) Third heart sound—S3 Apical systolic murmur
Wernike-Korsakoff syndrome
is the most common complication of alcohol related B1 deficiency = encephalopathy, oculomotor, ataxia then anterograde-retrograde amnesia.
B6, B12 and Folate
Co-factors in metabolism of Homocysteine
Folate (Folic Acid)
Leafy green vegetables
B6 (Pyridoxine)
Co-factor in > 100 enzymes involved in amino acid metabolism
Present in all food groups
B12 (cobalamin)
Clinical signs of deficiency will be seen after a yr or more
Causes of deficiency:
Chronic gastric atrophy
Auto-antibody formation to gastric intrinsic factor
Elevated homocysteine is an independent risk factor for atherosclerotic vascular disease
Homocysteine triggers formation of atheromas
Creates endothelial oxidative stress
Is Prothrombotic
Plasma deficiencies of Folate, B12 and B6 are inversely related to Homocysteine levels—especially B12, Folate
Treatment for Folate, B6, and B12
Replace Folate: 1-5mg/day x 3 months until levels normalize
Replace B12: 1000mg/day x 3 months until levels normalize
Replace B6: according to age and sex until levels normalize