Cardiac Dysrythmias Flashcards
ECG shows not all QRS are preceded by a P-wave.
Ventricular and Atrial depolarization’s are initiated from different sites.
Patient’s heart rate is 56 bpm without adverse symptoms. Name one thing to tell patient.
Avoid Valsalva maneuver as bearing down during a bowel movement can result in slowing of the HR.
The ST segment
The point on an ECG where the QRS complex ends.
The J point
The junction point between the QRS and the ST segment.
ST depression
An elevated Digoxin level will show____on ECG?
An ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI)
A thrombus formation resulting in complete occlusion of a major coronary vessel.
Beginning of Q to end of T waves
Repolarization to Depolarization measurements
P Wave
One for each QRS segment
PR Interval
Consistently measuring 0.12 to 0.20 seconds
QRS Complex
Measuring the Q, R, and S waves (
Repolarization of Ventricle
Ischemia-Injured (but salvageable) tissue.
ST Segment Depression
Cardiac tissue injury
Irreversible Cell death
Morphine, Oxygen, Nitroglycerin, Aspirin
The passive stretching force exerted on ventricular muscle at the END of diastole
The amount of pressure the ventricles generate to overcome the higher pressure in the aorta.
Life-threatening condition which affects the heart.
Cardiac Enzymes
Diagnostic data useful in the diagnosis of chest pain.
Mitral Valve Opens
What occurs when the L. atrial pressure exceeds the L. ventricular pressure?
Myocardial Perfusion
The primary goal of fibrinolytic therapy given for an acute MI is for?
The interior of a cardiac cell becomes LESS negative
Atrial Fibrilation
The most common dysrhythmia associated with mitral valve stenosis is?
Supraventricular Tachycardia
The goal of therapy is to reduce the HR to allow increased diastolic filling time.
Myocardial Infarction
The death of cells caused by occlusion of a coronary artery.
Normal Sinus Rhythm
Rhythm begins in the SA node. An upright P wave prior to each QRS complex. P waves look alike. Constant PR interval. Regular atrial and ventricular rhythm.
Sinus Bradycardia
The SA node fires at a slower rate. A HR

Sinus Tachycardia
The SA node fires at a faster rate. A HR > 100 bpm. May have ST depression due to fast rate.

Sinus Arrythmia
The SA node fires irregularly, usually associated with breathing.

Sinus Arrest
The pacemaker cells of the SA node fail to initiate an electrical impulse for more than one or more beats thus resulting in absent PQRST complexes on the ECG.
Premature Atrial Complex
An irritable site within the atria fires before the next SA node impulse is expected to fire.

Supraventrricular Tachycardia
The arrthymia begins above the bifurcation of the bundle of HIS

Atrial Flutter
An ectopic atrial rhythm in which an irritable site fires regularly at a very rapid rate (250 - 450).

Atrial Fibrilation
Irritable sites within the atria firing at a rate of 400-600 bpm causing the muscle to quiver.