Cardiac All Flashcards
(STE) in aVR w/ other ischemic findings can indicate:
= LMCA occlusion, proximal LAD occlusion, or triple vessel disease
Einthoven’s triangle: Lead 1 & view:
Lead 2 & view:
Lead 3 & view:
= negative RA → positive LA (Left lateral camera view)
= negative RA→ positive LL (Inferior camera view)
= negative LA→ positive LL (slight lateral Inferior camera view)
Einthoven’s triangle: green electrode:
Blue electrode:
Red electrode:
= neutral/ground
= Negative
= Positive
Poiseuille’s law:
= vessel w/ relative radius of 1 would transport 1mL per min at BP difference of 100mmHg. Keep pressure constant
= Less blood = vaso-press
Arrhythmias) causes: 1.
1.= Blood gas abnormalities (hypoxia & abnormal pH (haldane & Bohr)
2.= Electrolyte imbalances (Ca++, K+, Mg++)
3.= Trauma to myocardium
4.= Drug effects / toxicity
5.= Digoxin- can cause multitude of dysfunctions
6.= Myocardial ischemia, necrosis, infarction,
7.= ANS imbalance
8.= Chamber/s Distention
AV pace impulses relation w/ P waves)Atriums fire 1st then ventricles:
Atriums & Ventricles fire at same time:
Ventricles fire 1st then atriums fire 2nd:
= inverted P wave before QRS
= P wave hidden w/in QRD
= P wave after QRS (before T wave)
(Coronary) left coronary artery supplies:
Left coronary artery 2 major branches are:
= L-ventricle, Intraventricular septum, part of R-ventricle & lower conductive system
= anterior descending artery and the circumflex artery
= Coronary Artery disease: disease affecting coronary vessels
= Cardiovascular disease: affecting heart, peripheral blood vessels, or both
Einthoven’s triangle(Bipolar/limb leads) leads 2 views:
Lead 2 Negative:
Lead 2 Positive:
= Inferior wall diagonally towards left foot
= Right Arm
= Left Leg
Einthoven’s triangle(Bipolar/limb leads) leads 1 views:
Lead 1 Negative:
Lead 1 Positive:
= Left Lateral wall
= Right Arm
= Left Arm
Einthoven’s triangle(Bipolar/limb leads) leads 3 views:
Lead 3 Negative:
Lead 3 Positive:
= inferior (down & rightward) 50% MI has R ventricle Infarction
= Left Arm
= Left Leg
If the R is far from the P, then you have a:
If some Ps don’t get through, then you have a:
If Ps and Qs don’t agree, then you have a:
Longer, longer, longer, drop, then you have a
~⅔ heart’s mass:
Bottom of heart aka:
Top of heart aka:
Great vessels:
Aorta diameter:
= L of midline w/ remainder to right
= apex: just above diaphragm, left of midline 5th rib
= Top of heart/base: ~2nd rib.
= connect to the heart through the base.
= ~2 inch
Limb leads) placement:
Negative to positive makes wave:
positive to negative makes wave:
= mid forearm on M. & inside of calf (if amputee/ go less distally)
= positive wave
= negative wave
P wave) Limb leads amplitude:
Precordial “chest” leads amplitude:
= <2.5mm in limb leads Avl (2.5mV)
= <1.5mm in precordial (1.5mV)
PVC) Bigeminy:
= 2rd beat uni/PVC regularly “boom PVC” (1:1 pattern)
= 3rd beat is uni/PVC regularly “boom boom PVC)
= 4rd beat is uni/PVC regularly “boom boom boom PVC” 2-3x
PVC) Unifocal:
= same fire site & shape
= dif fire spots & shape
Refractory periods) Absolute:
= end of P to apex of T wave- cells absolute Beginning of repolarization
= “some really could happen” lot of cells repolar but not all so can throw out of rhythm Commodo cordis
T wave) Precordial “chest” leads amplitude:
= <10mm in precordial
T wave) Limb leads Amplitude:
= <5mm in LL
Vaughn-Williams Antiarrhythmics) Procainamide & Lidocaine:
“lol” Labetalol:
Adenosine & Digoxin:
= Class I: Na Channel Blockers:
= Class 3: K+ Channel Blockers (“phase 3 repolar”):
= class 2 beta blockers
= class 4 Ca blockers
= miscellaneous
+ STE in V1 is occlusion of =
= LMCA or proximal LAD occlusion
1 TDP) Twisting of points
2 Definer:
3 Rules:
4 Rhythm Etiology:
5 Symptomology:
6 stable Treatment:
7 unstable Treatment:
8 Wrong treatment:
1= most common polymorphic VT “teeter toter of de & re /polarization of ventricles” (twisting ribbon)
2= Changes in shape w/ size (note w/ change of conduction)
3= 100-250BPM, usually irreg/ Rhythm, if Ps present, don’t associate w/ QRS, No PRI, QRS varies beat-beat, many ventricular pace/sites, QRS >0.12secs, morphology & size changes
4= women>men chance, certain/ mixing antiarrhythmics
5= Can cause severe hypoperfusion in perfusing rhythm,
6= (rare) MAG-SULFATE 1-0.5Gs, Overdrive pacing (ER) pacemaker faster than HR) Correct underlying electrolyte prob/s (hyperK) Ca-Cl, Na-Bicarb, LVN
7= Defib! (only time defib/ pulse) few mins before gone
8 = Amio will prolong QT & kill PT, Rx w/ antiarrhythmics usually used for treatment of VT can have disastrous consequences
Fixed pacer:
Demand pacer:
=NONDEMAND PACER Fires continuously at preset rate, regardless of heart’s electrical activity, TC pacing nondemand
= non-fixed, Sensing device; fires only when natural HR drops
1 cause of death when having a MI
is from a lethal dysarrhythmia
12/15 Lead ECG Kev Approach) 1st.
1st} Is there a clear isoelectric baseline? (Skin prep correctly)
2nd} Are QRSs upright leads I, II & III (Check attachment correctly)
3rd} good R wave progression? (Check lead placement)
4th} Is the monitor in the correct mode(diagnostic)? (0.05 to either 40 or 150 Hz)
5th} Is the axis normal? Any axis deviation present?
6th} Is there any ST elevation present? If yes, do you see it in 2 or more contiguous leads?
7th} Is there any ST depression? If yes, do you see it in 2 or
more contiguous leads?
8th} any pathological Q waves present? Yesterday’s news!
A Lateral Wall high view:
B Left Lateral low view:
C Inferior wall view:
D Septal wall view:
E L-Anterior view:
A= Lead I & aVL= LA
B= Lead 1, aVL, V5 & V6: views LCX & LAD
C= 2,3,aVF: LL most common block(RCA) Lots of blockages/infarcs
D= V1 & V2: Along sternal borders blockages from LAD commonly
E= V3 & V4: left anterior wall : LAD & LMCA blocks
Lateral Wall high lead view:
Lead I & aVL= LA
Left Lateral low lead view:
Lead 1, aVL, V5 & V6: views LCX & LAD
Inferior wall leads view:
2,3,aVF: LL most common block(RCA) Lots of blockages/infarcs
Septal wall view leads:
V1 & V2: Along sternal borders blockages from LAD commonly
L-Anterior wall view leads:
= V3 & V4: LAD & LMCA blocks
A Lateral Wall high view:
B Left Lateral low view:
C Inferior wall view:
D Septal wall view:
E L-Anterior view:
A= Lead I & aVL= LA
B= Lead 1, aVL, V5 & V6: views LCX & LAD
C= 2,3,aVF: LL most common block(RCA) Lots of blockages/infarcs
D= V1 & V2: Along sternal borders blockages from LAD commonly
E= V3 & V4: left anterior wall : LAD & LMCA blocks
1Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT)
4 Can precipitate:
1= “ SVT sudden start & stop” not associated w/ underlying Cdisease
2= same as SVT but sudden onset, terminates abruptly
3= Stress, overexertion, smoking, ingestion of caffeine.
4=angina, hypotension, congestive heart failure.
1Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT)
2 Definer
1= “ SVT sudden start & stop” not associated w/ underlying Cdisease
2= same as SVT but sudden onset/ends abruptly
3 Is of cardiac) Ischemia:
“Infarct” Injury:
= Ischemia: ST depres/, Hyperacute T waves>5chest avf >10 precordial
= “Infarct” Injury: ST elevation 50%,
= Infarction: old MI; >25% Q or QRS >1SB
3 I’S of cardiac) Pathologic Q
3 I’S of cardiac) ST Elevation:
A blockage of which of the following would result in the entire left ventricle not receiving blood supply?
Left Main Coronary Artery (LMCA)
Blood cell travels from the left atrium, through what & into where?
= Mitral/Bicuspid valve & into Left Ventricle
Blood cell travels from the right atrium, through what & into where?
= Tricuspid valve & into Right ventricle
Blood cell travels from the right ventricle, through what & into where?
= Pulmonic valve & into Pulmonic arteries
A-Flutter w/ RVR shock dose
Cardiovert 50-100/200/300/360J
Cardiac Arrest
pVT/VF) Repeated dos
Immediate Defib (initial 200J), CPR, Antiarrhythmic & EPI
Stable vs Medical PT assessment
NCT stable vs unstable
Stable} Vagal, medicate, SVT (Adeno & Diltiazem) other NCT (Diltiazem, Verapamil, Beta-Blockers)
Unstable} Cardiovert SVT 50-100 (AFib RVR 120-200)
WCT stable vs unstable
Stable} Med (Procain
Unstable} usually cardiovert 100-200
Dopamine, Infusion if needed, TCP probably
Adult Bradycardia
Unstable) TCP
Stable) Medicate (atropine)
Bradycardia stable vs unstable
Stable} medicate (Atropine)
Unstable} TCP
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA):
= Bulging of abdominal aorta.
= Pulsatile abdominal mass, back/ABDMN pain, hypoBP if ruptured
= Ligamentum arteriosum
Right side balloon out & hypertrophic
Abdominal situs Inversus=
Spleen & Liver flipped but H normal
Absolute refractory period:
Relative refractory period:
= Apex of T wave Q-T wave apex of wave: ventricle not ready to work
= T wave top to end of T wave: (commodo cordis) cells not repolarized (torsades de pointes more dead from repolarization not in sync)
Class IV Antiarrhythmic of Vaughan-Williams Class is:
Class I Antiarrhythmic of Vaughan-Williams Class is:
Class III Antiarrhythmic of Vaughan-Williams Class is:
Class II Antiarrhythmic of Vaughan-Williams Class is:
= Calcium channel blocker
= Sodium channel blocker
= Potassium channel blocker
= Beta-Blocker
Vaughan-Williams Classification Ca-channel blocker is a:
Vaughan-Williams Classification Na-channel blocker is a:
Vaughan-Williams Classification K-channel blocker is a:
Vaughan-Williams Classification Beta-Blocker is a:
= Class IV Antiarrhythmic
= Class I Antiarrhythmic
= Class III Antiarrhythmic
= Class II Antiarrhythmic
AFib & Flutter w/ RVR, MAT, Junctional tachycardia stable RX:
= DONT VAGAL, Diltiazem 0.25mg/kg (M20mg) 0.35/kg (M25mg), Verapamil 2.5-5mg, Beta-Blockers
AFib w/ RVR shock dose
Cardiovert 120-200/300/360J
= resistance against which the heart must pump against afterload become increased w/ increased ventricular workload
Amiodarone class & indication
Class 3 K channel blocker> VF/Pulseless VT unresponsive to shock, CPR & Epi, BradyCs to include AV blocks, Recurrent, hemodynamically unstable VT w/ pulse
Normal T Wave in any chest lead should have max amplitude:
= 10 mm
Normal T Wave in any limb lead should have a max amplitude:
= 5 mm
ANP Atrial natriuretic peptide:
made, stored, & released by atrial M> cells in response to atrial distension & Sympathetic stim & counters RAAS system, Decreases afterload pressure
ECG Camera views) Anterior
Lead V3 V4
Anterior MI: ST elevation in V1–V4what artery:
LAD involvement.
Leads V3 & V4 view
Leads V1 & V2 view
Leads 2,3, & aVF view
Leads 1, aVL, V5, V6 view
= Anterior
= Septal
= Inferior
= Lateral
Antiarrhythmics for pVT, TdP, VF
pVT/ TdP= Lidocaine & Aminodarone
Tdp= Mag-Sulfate
RP of a cardiac autorhythmic cell is:
AP of a cardiac autorhythmic cell is:
Influx of what causes depolarization of autorhythmic cells:
Efflux of what ion causes repolarization:
= -60mVs
= -40mVs
= Calcium
= Potassium
What is Acute Coronary syndrome?
A spectrum of conditions caused by sudden reduced blood flow to the heart. Includes unstable angina, NSTEMI, & STEMI.
= General hardening & loss of elasticity in arterial walls, often w/ age.
= harding of arternia
= tunica media plaque build up in layers of media & intima pushing & narrowing lumen size,
= stiffening of vessels
= build up in make up of arteries
=160-325mg PO
Asystole & PEA 3 needs
= Type of arteriosclerosis involving plaque buildup (fat, cholesterol, etc.) narrowing arteries.
Atrial appendages:
(abnormal heart birth defect) pockets that form clots on either atrium from uterine dev/,
Atrial Kick
the contraction “kick” @ end of systole to give more blood to ventricles accounts for 20-30%
Atrioventricular valves aka & leaflets# & aka:
Atrioventricular valves Fn:
= R-Tricuspid valve beeu w/ 3 cusps & L-Bicuspid/Mitral valve w/ 2 cusps
= control blood flow between atria & ventricles via connection to specialized papillary muscles in ventricles.
AV node Heart blocks are
blocks in AV node partial or complete
“Putting a rock or pebble on a cable”
Heart blocks are
blocks in AV node partial or complete
“Putting a rock or pebble on a cable”
Axis normal
Axis normal
Axis Path L cause:
Anterior Hemiblock
Axis QRSs) normal axis leads & Degrees
= all Up) 0° to +90°
Axis QRSs) Pyscio Left leads & Degrees
= U, U, D) 0° to -30°
Axis QRSs) Patho Left leads & Degrees
= U,D,D) -30° to -90°
Axis QRSs) RIght axis leads & Degrees
= D, U/D, U) +90° to +180°
Axis QRSs) Extreme right leads & Degrees
=All down )+180° to -90°
Axis QRSs) all Up
Axis QRSs) U, U, D
physcio L
Axis QRSs) U, D, D
Patho Left
Axis QRSs) D, U/D, U
Axis QRSs) D, D, D
Extreme Right
Axis pys L
Axis) pys L cause:
Benign Early Repolarization:
Concave ST elevation, no reciprocal changes.
Cardio-Selective Beta-Blockers:–
Non-selective Beta-blockers:
= blocks β adrenergic receptors
= Atenolol, Esmolol, Metoprolol
= Propranolol, Nadolol, Labetalol, Sotalol.
BNP Brain Natriuretic peptide:
secreted by ventricles in response to stress to excessive stretching of myocytes & Counter RAAS
BP form/s:
BP is related to:
= (SV x HR) x SVR or CO x SVR
= CO & peripheral resistance
Bradycardia Stable Rx
Atropine 1mg/3-5mins
Bradycardia Stable vs Unstable
Bundle Branch A&P) Fascicle of the conduction system:
Bundle branch blocks:
= Facilitates syncytium
= ventricles out of sync
Cardiac artifacts:
Causes of artifacts:
= hard to decipher iso-electrical lines w/ 0 & skewed
= M. tremors/shivering, PT mnt(moves baseline), Loose electrodes, 60-hertz interference(ungrounded electricity near you (AC current alternating in house), Machine malfunction (Dotted flat line),& electrode bad connection/ off
Cardioversion for:
higher start:
lower start:
= VT, SVT, ASVT, PSVT, too fast HR “convert down”
= ST>100J, 200J, 300J, 360J
= ASVT, PSVT, SVT> 50-100J (AF w/ RVR 120-200J)
Cardioversion or pharmacological intervention is only usually required for patients that present in A-Fib at what ventricular rate?
Above 150 beats per minute
Cardioversion/vert) Indication
intial & after Doses:
= Bradycardia, AF w/ SVR,
= 50-100J then 200J 300J 360J
Cardiovert is for:
“conVERT to normal” too fast
Cardiovert dose
Inital 100J
200, 300, 360J
Chordae Tendineae:
Heart regurgitation:
= connect valves’ leaflets to papillary-M.s to prevent valves from prolapsing into atria & allowing backflow during ventricle contraction
= papillary not working &/or valve doesn’t correctly opens so prolapse
Refers to heart rate (EX: positive chronotropes like epinephrine increase HR).
Chromotropy goes in hand w/:
= dromotropy Speed of impulse transmission, usually goes w/ Inotropy
= HR, + tropic +HR vice versa
= Contraction force
= Speed of impulse transmission, usually goes w/ Inotropy
Circumflex Artery (LCx) feeds what parts of heart:
= L-Lateral wall of ventricle, Posterior wall of L-ventricle (some cases)
SA node (in about 40% of people)
AV node (in about 15% of people)
(Electrolytes affects) Cl
= Cl picks up Co2 (shift) to keep neutrality
= depolarizing myocardium
= depolarization & majority myocardial contractile
= influences repolarizations
= regulates contractility & rhythm
1) Common findings after getting ROSC:
2) Every min in Cardiac arrest:
3) 1st line med in cardiac arrest:
4) Compressions needed to overcome afterload:
5) Epi & reason for admin:
6) Goals during Rx of Cardiac arrest:
= ventricular rhythms,
= knocks 10% of your life
= 02
= 8-10 human compression to overcome afterload P.
= Perfuse heart & coronary arteries more so RCA in arrest for A1Vasoconstrict & +afterload P. to perfuse
= Perfusion & vent: prevent arrest again w/ supporting perfusion b/c heart is weak
Communication or the connecting of two or more vessels is known as:
= Anastomosis
= Ability of cardiac cells to transmit an impulse to neighboring cells
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF):
= Weakened heart unable to efficiently pump blood from L-ventricle
= May be acute or chronic, May occur suddenly, during an MI, Flash Pulmonary Edema
Reciprocal changes:
Spodicks sign:
= same view leads
= mirrored effect in oppisute/corresponding leads for sure MI
= pericarditis PR slopes down aka STEMI imposter
Contractilititly factors electrolyte & receptor:
= Calcium & +Beta1 effects
= ability of CM. cells to contract, or shorten (Actin Myosin)
Coronary Artery Spasm:
Commonly caused by:
= Prinzmetal Angina
= Stimulants ex cocaine energy drinks ect
CPR tasks/delegating
2 people) 30:2, Airway, IO access, self scribe & timer
4-5 people) Pit crew, 2 rotating CPR, 1 BVM, partner checking pulse sites, Medicate, Self shock & admin
CPR) simple cycle
- Rhythm pulse check
- Defib if needed
- CPR 30:2
- Medicate appropriately
De Winter’s T Waves:
V2 V3 most commonly but can happen any lead
ST depression at the J-point & upsloping ST-segments w/ tall, symmetrical T- waves in the precordial leads (LMCA or LAD occlusion)
“Hyper T w/ STD”
Defib for:
= pulseless arrhythmias VFib, Pulseless VT
= 120-200 joules for biphasic defibrillators & 300-360 joules for monophasic