Cardiac Action Potentials Flashcards
Explain Phase 0 in a cardiac muscle cell and perkinge cells (fast phase)
Signal that causes the membrane to be less negative causes fast sodium channels to open. Upstroke = sodium. Transient influx of sodium, rapidly depolarizing cell until threshold potential is reached (approximately -70mV.) Deactivated almost immediately after activation -> causes rapid early depolarization of the cell.
Explain Phase 1 in fast phase cardiac APs
Brief current of repolarization returns the membrane potential to approximately 0mV. Potassium efflux through a transiently activated potassium channel.
Explain phase 2 is fast phase cardiac APs
L-type (long) calcium channels open (begin to open during phase 0 when voltage at about -40mV), leading to a plateou where there is a balance between calcium influx and potassium efflux. THIS calcium triggers release of stored calcium in SR, leading to contraction.
Phase 3 of fast phase cardiac APs
calcium channels inactivated, potassium efflux dominates, repolarization of the cell
Phase 4 of fast phase cardiac AP’s
resting state. Balance of influx and efflux of potassium leaves muscle cell as a membrane potential of about -90mV
Slow cardiac action potential - seen in SA node, AV node and Pacemaker cells
Automaticity. Funny sodium channel is perpetually open, so when the cell is depolarized enough by enough sodium, the cell spontaneously depolarizes.
Phase 0 = one funny Na+ channels leaked enough Na to reach threshold, VG-Ca++ channels open to cause further depolarization. T-type Ca++ channels primarily (upstroke=calcium) Maximum neg voltage of pacemaker cells is -60mV.
Phase 3= calcium channels close, potassium channels open, cause repolarization caused by potassium efflux
Phase 4 = Na+funny open, slowly depolarizing the cell until theshold potential is reached (obviously, unlike in fast phase where its completely flat) This is called the pacemaker current (I f)
Absolute refractory period
when a cell is completely unexcitable to new stimulation
Effective refractory period
includes the absolute refractory period but extends beyond it to include a short interval of phase 3, during which stimulation produces a localized action potential that is not strong enough to propogate further
Relative refractory period
interval during which stimulation triggers an action potential that is conducted but the rate of rise of the AP is slower because some sodium channels are still inactivated.
Name the three components of troponin and say what they do
Troponin T -> links the troponin complex to the actin and tropomyosin molecules
Troponin I -> inhibits the ATPase activity of the actin-myosin interaction
Troponin C -> responsible for binding calcium ions that regulate the contractive process. As calcium binds Tropnin C, the activity of Troponin I is inhibited, which exposes binding bite of actin and myosin.
What are ryanodine receptors?
Invagination of the T-tubules with L-type calcium channels bring them in close proximity with ryanodine receptors. Calcium binds to the ryanodine receptor which causes a great increase in release of calcium from the SR into the cytosol from the stores in the terminal cirternae. This is called calcium-induced calcium release. (CICR)
Myocyte relaxation
Towards the end of phase 2, L-type channels inactivate, arresting the influx of calcium into the cell and abolishing the trigger for CICR. Calcium is pumped back into the SR by SERCA. Calcium that entered the cell through L-type channels gets removed by sarcolemmal Na+/Ca++ echanger and by a lesser extend the Ca++-ATPase pump.
Beta adrenergic signaling of the myocardium
Catecholamines bind the myocyte beta 1 adrenergic receptor, which is coupled and activates Gs, which stimulates adenylyl cyclase, which converts ATP into cAMP, which activates protein kinases which phosphorilate some cellular proteins like the L-type calcium channels and the ryanodine receptor. Makes them more twitchy!
ALSO enhances myocyte relaxation because return of calcium from the cytosol is controlled by phospholamban. Phospholamban inhibits calcium uptake by SERCA when its dephosphorylated. Also it phosphorylates TnI, inhibiting actin-myocin interaction and promoting quick muscle relaxation.
Cholinergic signaling via sympathetic inputs and the heart
Opposes effects of beta adrenergic stimulation
AcH binds to muscarinic M2 receptors, activates Gi proteins, which inhibit adenylate cyclase.