card8 Flashcards
short and sweet
surprisingly short in a way that pleasing
win smb over
переубедить кого-то, что раньше тебя не потдерживал
follow smth through
to do something what needs to de done
dress smth up
одеть что то красивое чтобы приподнести себя с лучшей стороны
make up your mind
to decide
rule smth/smb out
to decide that something is impossible
be a night owl
быть совой
state of feeling happy and healthy
be an early riser
быть ранней пташкой
be out like a light
to go to sleep very quickly
can’t stop yawning
не могу перестать зевать
have a lie-in
валяться в постели
have a little nap
have a short sleep
have a sleepless night
провести бессонную ночь
nod off
to begin sleeping, especially not intentionally
snore loudly
сильно храпеть
suffer from jet-lag
the feeling of tiredness that people experience after making a long journey
to insist on smth
настаивать на чем то
to be good at smth
быть хорошим в чем-то
to be hooked on smth
подсесть на что то
an occasion when you allow yourself to have something enjoyable
to be grateful
быть благодарным
to please smb
угодить кому то
to ruminate
to think carefully and for a long period about something
to splurge
to spend a lot of money on buying goods, especially expensive goods
the ability to be happy, successful, etc. again after something difficult or bad has happened