How large is the C60 molecule? How many 5-rings and 6-rings of carbon atoms does it contain? What is the approximate C-C bond distance?
7 Å diameter, 12 five rings, 20 six rings, 1.41 Å average bond length.
Describe the chemical bonding in graphene (type of bonds etc), and in graphite.
sp2-sigma bonds, pi-bonds. The latter are responsible for the metallic conductivity
Graphite: van der Waals interactions between the 2D-layers.
Consider lecture slides and compare the electronic band structure of C (diamond), Si and Ge. N-doping of diamond gives yellow crystals. How will you explain that based on the band structure?
Nitrogen impurity creates a impurity level within the band gap which can absorb energy, and in this case is responsible for the absorbance of yellow light.
Give chemical formulas for some graphene analogue materials. How do the electronic properties of BN differ from those of graphene?
h-BN, BCN2, BC2N, BN is a semiconductor.
Describe how fullerenes and carbon nanotubes are formed in an arc reactor. Why is cooling of the reactor walls required?
Heat up to create plasma, which will then combine to C2 and further bond formation. Cooling required owing to large release of bonding energy when individual C-atoms combine and make bonds.
Describe synthesis routes of graphene.
Scotch tape, sonication in a liquid medium followed by centrifugation, bottom-up synthesis based on sugars as reactants, reduction of ethanol with sodium followed by pyrolysis, catalytic CVD processes, reduction of graphene oxide.
What is graphene oxide? Describe synthesis route, and its electronic properties. Which types of C-C bonds are oxidized in the synthesis process? How can the various functional groups of the GO be investigated/determined?
GO has graphite layer structure but with irregular structure with oxygen and hydrogen species. pi bonds are oxidized. Spectroscopy IR/RAMAN.
- potassium chlorate with nitric acid or sulfuric acid are used to oxidize graphite.
How can RGO be obtained? Which properties makes RGO attractive for use as e.g. as an additive to electrode materials for LI-ion batteries?
Reduced graphite oxide is made by heating graphite to 180 degrees, reducing with hydrazine, and then use Cu catalyst + hydrazine again.
What is understood with pillaring of RGO (GOpr)? Why is RGO considered of potential interest in catalysis?
GOpr is electrochemically activated and the orderly pillated. Interesting because it is a good electric conductor and can function as a electron reservoir.
Comment on the mechanical strength of carbon nanotubes. How will defects affect these properties? What is understood by topological defects in graphene?
Extremely strong mechanically. Defects can make the tubes more plastic like.
Describe the difference between multiwall tubes and a scroll. Do both of these types of structures occur both for carbon materials and e.g. V-based oxide materials? How can you experimentally verify which of these situations do occur for a given sample –scroll versus tube?
Difference is that scroll has sheet ends on inside and outside. Both types can occur. It is required to collect an image that is perpendicular to the tube/scroll axis to distinguish between them.
Describe the building principle of different variants (ways of rolling up) of carbon nanotubes. Are there systematic correlations between building principle and electronic properties of the CNT?
It is possible to roll the CNT different, so that the pattern on the tube will be different. Zigzag, armchair and chiral. This difference leads to different electronic structure of the tube.
What is the difference between armchair and zig-zag CNT structures?
Difference in the pattern of the honeycomb pattern. Armchair resembles a chair, and zig-zag is alternating.
Describe possible low-temperature chemical synthesis routes to CNTs. What is the Boudoir reaction? In which organic/inorganic compounds can we find reactive C-atoms or C-C dimers?
Can use carbonyls, also ferrocene.
Boudouard reaction is a redox reaction of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, 2CO = CO2 + C.
Can use ionic carbides.
Describe carbon cones. Why do they form with specific opening angles for the cone?
The specific opening angles: caused by how one can role up a sheet. The open carbon cone can be modeled as a wrapped graphene sheet. In order to have strain-free, seamless wrapping, a sector has to be cut out of the sheet. That sector should have an angle of n×60°, where n=1,…,5.
Therefore, the resulting cone angle should have only certain, discrete values α = 2arcsin(1−n/6) = 112.9°, 83.6°, 60.0°, 38.9°, and 19.2° for n = 1,…,5, respectively. The graphene sheet is composed solely of carbon hexagons which can not form a continuous cone cap. As in the fullerenes, pentagons have to be added to form a curved cone tip, and their number is correspondingly n = 1,…,5.
Discuss a few applications of CNTs.
Emission tip, ion sensor actuator, nano tips, building material???
Describe the difference between endohedral and exohedral fullerenes.
Endohedral: trapped molecules inside cage.
Exohedral: substitutions outside the cage.
What are the electronic properties of C60? How do these change in the compounds K3C60 and K6C60? Consider lecture slides and explain.
C60 is an isolator and is diamagnetic. K3C60 is conducting and becomes super-conducting at low temperatures. Three potassium atoms supply three electrons which half-fill the LUMO.
K6C60 is and isolator, 6 K atoms fully occupy the LUMO.
Explain the VLS process. How can Ge(s) nanowires be grown by means of a liquid phase in the Au-Ge system?
The growth of a crystal through direct adsorption of a gas phase on to a solid surface is generally very slow. The VLS mechanism circumvents this by introducing a catalytic liquid alloy phase which can rapidly adsorb a vapor to supersaturation levels, and from which crystal growth can subsequently occur from nucleated seeds at the liquid–solid interface. The physical characteristics of nanowires grown in this manner depend, in a controllable way, upon the size and physical properties of the liquid alloy.
Describe 2-3 other methods for growth on anisotropic nanoparticles (rods).
Self-assembly, template limited confinement, kinetics capping agent.
Imagine that you have grown templated nanotubes (cylinders/scrolls) in the V-O system. How can you decide whether the apparent tubes are cylinders or scrolls? How can you get a rough value for the distance between the tubewalls in such cylinders/scrolls? What type of measurements can you do for clarifying whether there has been a change in the oxidation state of vanadium from pentavalent in the V-precursor to the situation in the product?
Scrolls versus tubes: TEM with scrolls/tubes studied in crossection.
Imaging parallel to scroll/tube axis: TEM may give a rough estimate of separation between tube walls.
XANES studies are useful for exploring oxidation states – looking in the absorption edge features. Magnetic measurement may prove the presence of unpaired electrons (owing to oxidation state lower than V) –paramagnetism for V(IV).
What kind of structural arrangement is required for a material that may form tubes or scrolls? Give some examples. Why will a graphene layer not tend to roll up to a scroll?
Graphene and BN will not, they have too stiff layers.
How can alumina membranes be used for growth of e.g. gold nanoparticles?
Electrodeposition of Au on AG film in Alumina membranes.