Carbon and Alloy Steels and Alloy Steel Filler Metals Flashcards
Identify carbon steels, alloy steels and alloy steel filler metals
Q: What is the carbon content range for low carbon steel?
Objective 1: List the carbon content and the uses for low carbon steel, medium carbon steel, and high carbon steel
A: Low carbon steel contains between 0.05% and 0.30% carbon.
Q: What are the common uses for low carbon steel?
Objective 1: List the carbon content and the uses for low carbon steel, medium carbon steel, and high carbon steel
A: Low carbon steel is used for tanks, agricultural equipment, general fabrication, and structural shapes. It is tough, ductile, and can withstand rough treatment.
Q: What is mild steel, and how does it relate to low carbon steel?
Objective 1: List the carbon content and the uses for low carbon steel, medium carbon steel, and high carbon steel
A: Mild steel is a subset of low carbon steel with a carbon content range between 0.15% and 0.30%. It is widely used in structural shapes and bar stock.
Q: What is the carbon content range for medium carbon steel?
Objective 1: List the carbon content and the uses for low carbon steel, medium carbon steel, and high carbon steel
A: Medium carbon steel contains between 0.30% and 0.45% carbon.
Q: What are the common applications for medium carbon steel?
Objective 1: List the carbon content and the uses for low carbon steel, medium carbon steel, and high carbon steel
A: Medium carbon steel is used for components that require higher strength and wear resistance, such as axles, connecting rods, and earth-moving equipment.
Q: What makes medium carbon steel more difficult to work with compared to low carbon steel?
Objective 1: List the carbon content and the uses for low carbon steel, medium carbon steel, and high carbon steel
A: Medium carbon steel is stronger and harder than low carbon steel but is also more difficult to machine, forge, and weld.
Q: What are the typical uses for high carbon steel?
Objective 1: List the carbon content and the uses for low carbon steel, medium carbon steel, and high carbon steel
A: High carbon steel is used for crankshafts, scraper blades, springs, and tools requiring high hardness and strength.
Q: What is the carbon content range for high carbon steel?
Objective 1: List the carbon content and the uses for low carbon steel, medium carbon steel, and high carbon steel
A: High carbon steel contains between 0.45% and 0.75% carbon.
Q: How does very high carbon steel differ from high carbon steel?
Objective 1: List the carbon content and the uses for low carbon steel, medium carbon steel, and high carbon steel
A: Very high carbon steel has a carbon content range of 0.75% to 1.50%. It is even harder and more brittle than high carbon steel and is used for tools such as chisels, knives, and cutting equipment.
Q: What is one key characteristic of high carbon and very high carbon steels?
Objective 1: List the carbon content and the uses for low carbon steel, medium carbon steel, and high carbon steel
A: Both high carbon and very high carbon steels respond well to heat treatment, making them suitable for applications requiring high hardness.
Q: How does carbon content affect the weldability of steel?
Objective 2: Identify the effect of carbon content on the weldability of steel
A: Higher carbon content reduces the weldability of steel because it increases the hardness and brittleness of the heat-affected zone (HAZ), leading to a higher risk of cracking.
Q: What is considered a low carbon content in steel, and how does it affect weldability?
Objective 2: Identify the effect of carbon content on the weldability of steel
A: Low carbon steel contains less than 0.30% carbon, making it highly weldable with minimal risk of cracking or other weld-related issues.
Q: What happens to steel with medium carbon content during welding?
Objective 2: Identify the effect of carbon content on the weldability of steel
A: Medium carbon steel (0.30% to 0.45% carbon) becomes more susceptible to cracking during welding, especially in the heat-affected zone, due to increased hardness.
Q: Why is preheating often required for welding high carbon steel?
Objective 2: Identify the effect of carbon content on the weldability of steel
A: High carbon steel (above 0.45% carbon) is prone to cracking and hardness in the heat-affected zone. Preheating helps reduce thermal shock and prevent rapid cooling, which can cause brittleness and cracking.
Q: What is the carbon equivalent, and how is it used in welding?
Objective 2: Identify the effect of carbon content on the weldability of steel
A: The carbon equivalent (CE) is a formula used to estimate the combined effect of carbon and other alloying elements on steel’s weldability. A higher CE indicates a greater risk of cracking during welding.
Q: What role does post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) play in welding steels with high carbon content?
Objective 2: Identify the effect of carbon content on the weldability of steel
A: PWHT is often required for steels with high carbon content to relieve internal stresses, reduce hardness in the heat-affected zone, and prevent cracking after welding.
Q: How does the carbon content of filler metals influence the weldability of steel?
Objective 2: Identify the effect of carbon content on the weldability of steel
A: Filler metals with higher carbon content can increase the hardness of the weld metal, leading to reduced ductility and a greater risk of cracking. Matching filler metal with the base metal’s carbon content is crucial.
Q: What precautions should be taken when welding medium and high carbon steels?
Objective 2: Identify the effect of carbon content on the weldability of steel
A: Precautions include preheating the steel to reduce rapid cooling, using low hydrogen filler metals, and potentially applying post-weld heat treatment to reduce hardness and minimize the risk of cracking.
Q: How does carbon content affect the selection of welding procedures?
Objective 2: Identify the effect of carbon content on the weldability of steel
A: As the carbon content increases, more controlled welding procedures, such as preheating, controlled cooling, and post-weld heat treatment, are required to maintain weld integrity and prevent cracking.
Q: Why is low carbon steel easier to weld than high carbon steel?
Objective 2: Identify the effect of carbon content on the weldability of steel
A: Low carbon steel has lower hardness and ductility, reducing the risk of cracking and distortion during welding. High carbon steel is harder and more brittle, making it more prone to issues in the heat-affected zone.
Q: What is the effect of carbon on the properties of steel?
Objective 3: Identify the effects of elements in the properties of carbon steel
A: Carbon increases the hardness and strength of steel but reduces its ductility and weldability. Higher carbon content also increases the risk of cracking in the heat-affected zone during welding.
Q: How does manganese affect the properties of carbon steel?
Objective 3: Identify the effects of elements in the properties of carbon steel
A: Manganese improves the strength, toughness, and hardenability of steel. It also helps deoxidize the steel during production, preventing porosity and cracking during welding.
Q: What is the role of silicon in carbon steel?
Objective 3: Identify the effects of elements in the properties of carbon steel
A: Silicon acts as a deoxidizer, helping to remove oxygen during the steelmaking process. It also improves the strength and hardness of the steel without significantly affecting its ductility.
Q: What is the effect of sulfur in carbon steel?
Objective 3: Identify the effects of elements in the properties of carbon steel
A: Sulfur is generally considered an impurity in steel, causing brittleness and reducing the weldability. However, controlled amounts of sulfur can improve machinability, especially in free-machining steels.