Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats: The Energy Macronutrients of Balanced Meals Flashcards
They are organic (all contain carbon)
Provides kilocalories (kcal), a measure of energy
Carbohydrate (CHO) and protein (PRO) = 4 kcal/g
Fat = 9 kcal/g
Alcohol (Etoh) = 7 kcal/g Alcohol is not considered a macronutrient
made up of glucose molecules - C6H12O6 Three forms: - Sugar: monosaccharides and disaccharides - Starch: polysaccharides - Fiber: Indigestible polysaccharide Two Sources: - Plant (from photosynthesis) - Milk Chief energy source for the body cells (sugar / starch)
Noted with suffix “-ose”: glucose = blood sugar; sucrose = table sugar; fructose - fruit sugar; lactose = milk sugar
polysaccharide found in bread, peas, corn, pasta, and potatoes
indigestible polysaccharide found in plants; insoluble = skin / seeds and “crunchy” soluble = pulp and “gummy”
High Fiber Foods
Have a relatively low glycemic index
Glycemic Load
A meal with a high content of CHO with sources that are high in glycemic index (quickly enter the blood stream)
A monosaccharide that circulates in our blood
A monosaccharide that is part of milk sugar
A monosaccharide found in fruits and vegetables, it makes up more than half the sugar in honey and in the high-fructose corn syrup used to sweeten many foods and beverages
Made of two glucose units, it is formed when starch is digested; when you chew bread and then hold it in your mouth, the slightly sweet taste you experience is due to the maltose formed as the enzyme salivary amylase digests the starch present in the bread
The disaccharide made by linking glucose to fructose, is table sugar; it is the only sweetener that can be called “sugar” in the ingredient list on food labels in the United States
Made of glucose linked to galactose, is often called milk sugar and is the sugar found in milk, ice cream, and other dairy products
Whole Grains
Contain the whole kernel, including the bran, germ, and endosperm
Refined Grains
Foods processed to remove course parts such as the bran and germ which removes the fiber and some vitamins and minerals
Complex Carbohydrates
Excess glucose is linked together for storage
Glycogen: storage in animal skeletal muscles and the liver
Starch: storage in plants
Fiber: a different type of bond links glucose molecules to make plant support structures
Humans can not break this bond
Soluble fiber
Dissolves in water
Partially digested by bacteria in large intestine
Helps lower cholesterol
ex. pectins, gums, and some hemicelluloses
Insoluble fiber
Does not dissolve in water
Not digested by bacteria in large intestine
ex. cellulose, some hemicelluloses, and lignin
Estimating CHO Content of Plant-Based Foods
Assess three tactile aspects:
Level of sweetness
Level of water
Bran Layer
A high source of dietary fiber