Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins and Enzymes Flashcards
What temperature is optimum for biological for detergents?
- lower temperatures
- e.g 30 degrees
What are complex carbohydrates?
- many smaller sugar units (e.g. glucose or sucrose molecules) joined together in a long chain
- monosaccharides joined together by a glycosidic bond
- e.g. starch and cellulose
What is lipase?
- converts lipids into fatty acids and glycerol
What is a substrate?
- a molecule that is changed in a reaction
What are proteins?
- long chains of amino acids (polypeptide chain)
- these chains are folded into specific shapes that allow other molecules to fit into the protein
What are the four functions of protein?
They act as
- antibodies: help body to fight disease, produced by white blood cells
- hormones: used to carry messages around the body. e.g insulin
- structural proteins: makes up tissues in the body e.g. muscles
- enzymes: control chemical reactions in the body. they have a unique shape so only certain molecules can fit
Where does protease work in?
- stomach
- small intestine
What do protease do?
- converts proteins into amino acids
What does the large intestine do?
- water that is mixed in the food is absorbed into the bloodstream
What happens when pH is changed during a reaction?-
- change from optimum reduces rate of reaction
- pH that is very different from optimum will denature the enzyme
- affects bonding within the enzyme
- 3D shape altered
- active site loses precise structure. substrate no longer fits the active site
- fewer ESC formed, fewer products formed per unit time
What are simple sugars?
- carbohydrates that are only made up of one or two units of sugar
- a monosaccharide
- e.g. glucose (one unit) and sucrose (two units)
What is the difference between non-biological and biological detergents?
- non-biological contain chemicals that break up stains on clothes
- biological contain the same chemicals but also contain a mixture of enzymes to break down stubborn stains
Describe enzyme controlled reactions in a solution
e.g. cytoplasm, extracellular fluid
- all molecules (e.g. enzyme and substrate) are moving around as they possess kinetic energy
- by chance there can be a random collision between the substrate and the active site, which forms an enzyme substrate complex (ESC). this is a successful collision
- reaction takes place, forming products, which are released from the active site
- enzyme is available for reuse as it is not changed or used up
Where is amylase produced?
- salivary glands
- pancreas
- small intestine
Where is lipase made?
- pancreas
- small intestine
What does amylase do?
- converts starch into sugars
Where is bile produced?
- in the liver
Where is protease made?
- pancreas
- stomach ( as pepsin)
- small intestine
What happens if you increase the temperature in a reaction?
- higher temp = higher kinetic energy of enzyme and substrate molecule
- more frequent collision between enzyme and substrate molecules
- more ESC formed per unit time
- collision occur with more energy to break bonds
What does the liver do?
- produces bile
What kind of enzymes are in biological detergents?
- proteases and lipases
What happens to a reaction if temperature is lowered?
- slow reaction
- fewer collision between enzyme and substrate molecules
- fewer ESC formed unit time
What are enzymes?
- biological catalysts
Where does amylase work in?
- mouth
- small intestine