carbohydrates, lipids and proteins Flashcards
what elements do carbohydrate molecules contain
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
starch and glycogen…
are large complex carbohydrates which are made up of many smaller units joined together in a long chain
what elements do proteins contain
what are lipids built from
fatty acids and glycerol
what are proteins made of
long chains of amino acids
what elements do lipids contain
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
benedicts test for testing…
iodine solution test for testing…
biuret test for testing for
sudan III test for testing for
benedics solution:
prepare food sample and transfer 5 cm 3 to test tube
prepare a water bath so that its set to 75 degrees.
add 10 drops of benedics solution to test tube using a pipette
place the test tube in the water bath using a test tube holder and leave it in there for 5 mins
if the food sample contains glucose, the solution will change to blue. it will become green or yellow in low concentrations of glucose, or brick red in high concentrations
iodine solution:
make a food sample and transfer 5cm 3 of your sample to a test tube
add few drops of iodine solution and gently shake the tube to mix
if sample contains starch the colour change from browny orange to black or bluey black
biuret test:
prepare sample of food and transfer 2cm 3 of your sample to a test tube.
add 2 cm 3 of biuret solution to the sample and mix contents of test tube by gently shaking it
if food sample contains protein. solution will change from blue to pink or purple