carbohydrates Flashcards
give some general features of carbohydrates (4)
- are highly oxidizable (hence are a major energy source)
- function to store potential energy (starch in plants, glycogen in animals)
- have structural and protective functions (plant cell walls, extracellular matrices in animal cells)
- contribute to cell-cell communication (ABO blood groups)
describe the structure of a monosaccharide and give examples (3)
monosaccharides are hexoses (6-C sugars)
- glucose (Glc)
- galactose (Gal)
- fructose (Fru)
describe the structure of a disaccharide and give examples (3)
formed from monomers that are linked by glycosidic bonds
- maltose
- lactose
- sucrose
what is a glycosidic bond?
the covalent bond formed when hydroxyl group of one monosaccharide reacts with anomeric carbon of another monosaccharide
is maltose a reducing sugar?
yes, anomeric CC-1 is available for oxidation
how is lactose formed, and is it a reducing sugar?
formed from a glycosidic bond between Gal and Glc
is sucrose a reducing sugar?
no, since no free anomeric C-1. is non-reducing.
describe the structure of a polysaccharide and the two different types
- polymers of medium to high molecular weight
- distinguished by their monosaccharide units, the length of their chains, the types of bonds between units and amount of branching
- homopolysaccharides: single monomeric species
- heteropolysaccharides: have two or more monomer species
starch contains two types of glucose polymer, what are they?
- amylose: d-glucose residues in (α1→4) linkage; can have thousands
- amylopectin: similar structure to amylose but branched; glycosidic (α1→4) bonds join glucose in the chains but branches are (α1→6) and occur every 24 – 30 residues
what is the structure of glycogen?
glycogen is a storage molecule and is a polymer of glucose (α1→4) linked sub-units with (α1→6) branches every 8 to 12 residues
what are the main sites of glycogen storage and its’ functions there?
- liver: acts to replenish blood glucose when fasting
- skeletal muscle: catabolism produces ATP for constriction
why is glucose stored in polymers?
- compactness
- amylopectin and glycogen have many non-reducing ends (hence can be readily synthesised/degraded from/to monomers)
- polymers form hydrated gels and are not really “in solution”
what are glycoproteins and what properties do they have?
- proteins that have carbohydrates covalently attached
- carbohydrate attachment to proteins may: increase the proteins’ solubility; influence protein folding and conformation; protect it fro degradation; act as communication between cells
what are glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and where are they found?
- Un-branched polymers made from repeating units of hexuronic acid and an amino-sugar, which alternate through the chains
- found in mucus and synovial fluid around the joints
what are proteoglycans and where are they found?
-formed from GAGs covalently attaching to proteins
- found on the surface of cells or in between cells in the extracellular matrix
- therefore form part of many connective tissues in the body
where are glycoproteins usually found?
- usually found on the outer plasma membrane and ECM, but also in the blood and within cells in the secretory system (Golgi complex, secretory granules)
- some cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins are also glycoproteins
what are mucopolysaccharidoses and how to they occur?
- they are a group of genetic disorders caused buy the absence or malfunction of enzymes that are required to break down glycosaminoglycans
- over time, GAGs build up in connective tissue, blood and other cells of the body, damaging cellular structure and function
give an example of a mucopolysaccharidose disease and describe its’ symptoms
-hurler syndrome:
severe developmental defects, clouding and degradation of the cornea, arterial wall thickening, dementia (build up of CSF, enlarged ventricular spaces)
what are the mechanisms of CARBOHYDRATE digestion and where do they occur?
mouth: salivary amylase hydrolyses (α1→4) bonds of starch
stomach: NO carb digestion
duodenum: pancreatic amylase works as in the mouth
final digestion by mucosal cell-surface enzymes:
Isomaltase – hydrolyses (α1→6) bonds
Glucoamylase – removes Glc sequentially from non-reducing ends
Sucrase – hydrolyses sucrose
Lactase – hydrolyses lactose
describe the mechanism of glucose absorption at the epithelial cells
indirect ATP-powered process
glucose in the lumen of the small intestine is transferred across the apical membrane via a Glu/Na+ symporter that requires that 2Na+ bind, driven by high extracellular [Na+]
in the epithelial cell, low Na+ and high K+ drives transfer of 2K+ into the cell and 3Na+ out (Na/K Pump), and the glucose molecule is transported into the blood by a glucose uniporter, GLUT2, which facilitates downhill efflux.
what are the mechanisms of absorption of other monosaccharides, Gal and Fru?
galactose is similar as glucose; uses gradients to facilitate its’ transport
fructose binds to the channel protein GLUT5 and simply moves down its’ concentration gradient (high in gut lumen and low in the blood)
what use do cellulose and hemicellulose have?
they cannot be digested by the gut, but do help to increase faecal bulk and decrease transit time.
a lack of oligosaccharides in the diet is bad for health
polymers are broken down by gut bacteria to yield CH4 and H2
what may cause disaccharide deficiencies and how are they diagnosed?
- may be genetic
- can result from: severe intestinal infection, other gut lining inflammation, drugs injuring the gut wall, surgical removal of the intestine
- they are characterised by abdominal distension and cramps
- diagnosis: enzyme tests usually checking for lactase, maltase or sucrase activity
lactose intolerance/lactase deficiency can cause disaccharide deficiency symptoms; what are the reasons for this? (2)
- undigested lactose is broken down by gut bacteria causing gas build up and irritant acids
- lactose is osmotically active, thus drawing water from the gut into the lumen causing diarrhoea
what happens to glucose after it has been absorbed/diffused through the intestinal epithelium cells into the portal blood and on to the liver?
- Glc is immediately phosphorylated into glucose 6-phosphate by the hepatocytes (or any other cell glucose enters)
- glucose 6-phosphate cannot diffuse out of the cell because GLUT transporters won’t recognise it
- this effectively traps the glucose in the cell
-enzyme catalyst;
glucokinase (liver)
hexokinase (other tissues)
glucokinase has a high Km for glucose and high Vmax, hexokinase has a low Vmax and Km for glucose. what does this mean when blood Glc is high (i.e. after a meal)?
- Blood [Glc] normal – the liver doesn’t “grab” all of the glucose, so other tissues have it
- Blood [Glc] high (after meal) - liver “grabs” the Glc
- High glucokinase Vmax means it can phosphorylate all that Glc quickly, thus most absorbed Glc is trapped in the liver
- Hexokinase low Km means even at low [Glc] tissues can “grab” Glc effectively
- Hexokinase low Vmax means tissues are “easily satisfied”, so don’t keep “grabbing” Glc
what does it mean if an enzyme has a high Vmax?
it means that the enzyme is efficient
what does it mean if an enzyme has a low Km?
it means it has a high affinity for its’ substrate
glucose converts into glucose-6-phosphate via hexokinase. what are the possible fates for G-6-P in the liver and other tissues?
- can go through the pentose phosphate pathway to form pentoses and NADHP
- can go through glycolysis (forming ATP via substrate-level phosphorylation) and can continue on to form pyruvate and enter into TCA to produce much ATP via oxidative phosphorylation
- can be converted for into glycogen (stored in the liver or skeletal muscle) to be mobilised when needed
glycogen is a storage molecule found mainly in the liver and skeletal muscle. what are its conversion pathways to glucose in these two areas?
liver: glycogen→ G-1-P →
G-6-P→(glucose-6-phosphatase enzyme acts on G-6-P)→
glucose in blood
skeletal muscle; there is no glucose 6-phosphatase:
glycogen→ G-1-P → G-6-P →
(glycolysis/substrate level phosphorylation takes place)→
(=ATP for muscle contraction fro glycolysis)