CAR M1 - The historical process Flashcards
This is generally the movement of a group of people or animals from one area to another. Specifically, human migration is the movement of people from one place in the world to another for the purpose of taking up permanent or semipermanent residence, usually across a political boundary. People can either choose to move (voluntary migration) or be compelled to move (forced or involuntary migration).
The combined continental landmass of Europe and Asia; more directly located in the area now know Siberia.
The renaissance
Aka ‘The Rebirth of Knowledge’, a period in the 15th-century Europe when citizens developed a renewed interest in scientific knowledge and the arts. This was largely brought on as a result of the invention of the printing press.
The Treaty Tordesillas
This is an agreement between Spain and Portugal in 1494 dividing the known and as yet unknown territories outside Europe between them by an arbitrary line through the Atlantic, with Spain receiving territory to the west of it. As the line dissected Brazil, this went to Portugal, with the rest of the Americas being apportioned to Spain.
The political, economic or military predominance or control of one state over the others.
Indentured servant
A laborer who paid for their passage to the New World by working for an employer for a fixed term of years
Syncretic religion
The combination of different forms of belief or practise
The deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, ethnical, racial or religious group
The parent state of a colony
Mercantile system
An economic system characterized by restrictions placed on trade between colonies and countries outside of the metropole. The British Navigation Acts of 1651 were derivatives of mercantilism that were direct restrictions on the use of foreign trade ships for trade between British West Indian colonies and any other instituted similar laws by 1664.
Triangular Trade / Transatlantic Slave Trade
The trade that operated between Europe and Africa, Africa and the Caribbean and from the Caribbean back to Europe. This trade formed the hub for commercial activity in many European port cities.
Middle Passage
The leg of the triangular trade route between Africa and the Caribbean
a term used to describe the ruling class of plantation society that owed the main means of production (land and labour)
People of mixed race, usually the result of sexual relations between planters and female African slaves, though the term has been used more generally to denote any person of mixed.
The name given to any member of the lowest cast in Hindu society. The caste system of India was a rigid social structure based on the Hindu religion.
The Caribbean diaspora refers to societies and living spaces outside of the region, where West Indian people converge and form communities reminiscent of their homeland territories.
System of production
This refers to the ways in which an economy is organized to produce commodities to sustain society.
Slash and burn
The cleaning of agricultural plots by burning trees and other types of vegetation
Encomienda system as a system of production
Indigenous Amerindians were expected to pay tribute to the Europeans (in gold, silver, crops, foodstuff or other goods) and to labour in the fields and mines in exchange for “protection” and instruction in Christianity
Chattel Slavery
Also called traditional slavery, is so named because people are legally treated as the ‘chattel’ (personal property) of the owner and can be bought, sold, traded and inherited as any other ‘goods’. It is the least prevalent form of slavery in the world today.
An adherent of abolitionism, which was the movement to end the slave trade and set all slaves free.
Apprenticeship system
A four year transition period after emancipation during which the working hours of slaves and the wages they received for additional work were legally enforced.
Peasant groups
Bands of ex-slaves who cooperated in various ways to achieve independence from the plantations by creating small farms outside the plantations to raise animals and grow crops for subsistence and small-scale commerce.
Local assembly
In British Caribbean colonies this was the legislative branch of what was originally intended to be ‘representative government’ (the other two branches were the Governor, representing the Crown and the council). After emancipation, this became a misnomer because the majority of citizens - ex slaves, along with many mulattos and white servants - were excluded by the required property qualifications from both membership and voting.
Old representative system
the form of government originally established in British colonies, of which the local assemblies were part, along with a governor and council
Political enfranchisement
Freedom from political subjugation; the ability of a nation to determine its own affairs
In political terms, this is the right to vote in public elections
Universal adult suffrage
The system whereby voting rights are granted to adults (at first over 21 but now over 18) irrespective of their race, sex or social class. Prior to this, the right to vote in the Caribbean was determined by the amount of wealth or property a man held, and women were not allowed to vote at all
Political party
An organized group of people with roughly similar political aims and opinions, that seeks to get its candidates elected to public office
Internal self governance
The situation where the chief minister (or Premier / First Minister) and the Cabinet of a colony are in control of all the domestic matters, except defense and foreign affairs
Colonial disengagement
The process by which a colonial power gradually divests itself of direct responsibility for its former colonies. With respect to the mid 20th century Caribbean, this occurred within a context of general recognition of the right to national self determination and of a global anti-colonial movement that saw independence being achieved elsewhere, including large former British colonies such as India.
National self determination
The process by which a group of people, usually possessing a certain degree of national consciousness, form their own state and choose their own government.
Economic enfranchisement
The situation when a group of people or a country achieves the ability to determine how it develops its systems of production