Captains test Flashcards
Haz mat what are the 3 levels of evacuation?
Intermediate ( less then 100 People)
Africanized Honey Bee (AHB) attack when approaching the scene and arriving be careful not to over commit your self in the path of the source of bees. Park approximately how far from the colony?
150 feet
The AFFF will kill the AHB within approximately ___ seconds of contact.
The flammable limits for Natural gas is approximately ___ to ___ % in air.
4% to 15%
Natural gas itself is nontoxic, however, it displaces _______ and can result in _________ if in a confined space.
Confined space Phase II-
Pre-entry Operations
Rescue Sector should assign personnel to establish the proper type of mechanical ?
ventilation of the confined space considering the effects that positive and/or negative pressure ventilation will have on the atmosphere
Confined space Phase II-
Pre-entry Operations
A. Establish a _________ determined by factors such as atmospheric conditions, wind direction, structural stability, etc.
Confined space Phase II-
Pre-entry Operations
B. Consider establishing _______ to control rescue personnel entering the hazard zone.
Confined space Phase II-
Pre-entry Operations
B. Stop all unnecessary ______ and park all running vehicles ________.
- traffic
- downwind
Confined space Phase II-
Pre-entry Operations
C. Provide for ________ to general area if necessary
Trench rescue operations-
First arriving company officer shall assume Command and begin an immediate size-up of the situation while ensuring that apparatus remains at least ______ from the location of the trench failure.
50 feet
Trench rescue operations-
Command shall announce that Level 1 staging should take place at least ______ from the trench failure.
150 feet
How far away from a structure collapse perimeter?
200 Feet
Mountain rescue incidents-
First arriving TRT unit that is staffed with a TRT Company Officer should be assigned ________ Sector
The landing zone must be relatively flat and free of obstructions for an area of at least 100’ x 100’ for each helicopter. All spectators, vehicle traffic (including emergency vehicles) and animals must be kept a minimum of ________ away from the landing zone.
Level II staging is implemented for all ?
greater alarm incidents
Level I Staging is automatically in effect for all incidents with how many FD vehicles are responding to a call?
3 or more
Forfreewayemergencies,thefirstapparatuson the scene will do whattoprovideasafeworkarea.
block the scene
what type of ventilation, is the most effective form of ventilation in working interior fire situations
Vertical ventilation as close to directly over the fire as possible
High rise plan-
Second arriving Engine does what and goes where?
- Establish water connection to building standpipe system
-Engineer should remain with the pumper
- Captain should proceed to the Fire Control Room or alarm panel to meet
with first arriving Engine Company and Ladder Company Captains
Attract teams are .
2 Eng and 1 ladder
FIT responsibility when assigned to a sector with a sector officer/BC ?
- Perform Sector Safety Officer (AISO) function/role
- Assess and address safety concerns within the sector
- Assist the BC with managing the sector (stay together)
- Manage accountability within the sector (hose tags too)
- Provide air management within the sector
- Manage work/rest cycles within the sector
- Manage the sector’s On-Deck crews recycle and rehab
- Establish communications with the ISO (you will call them ‘Command’) once the IC has assigned a Safety Channel
- Coordinate with other Sector Safety Officers (AISOs
When a company officer and his crew are in transit or recycling what is the company offer responsible for?
When resources are called to a large/major event what branch do they report to?
All aircraft shall be on a secure radio channel with the position of air operations being the ground contact located at the incident command post. All request for water / retardant drops must go through who?
The primary use of the TIC for the fire department is for what two things?
conducting search/rescue and crew accountability tasks
Hoes lines on the roof
Do not operate hoselines, particularly ladder pipes where?
down ventilation holes
2 names that Usually refers to the area between the median barrier wall and the number one traffic lane?
Distress Lane
Emergency Lane
When power lines are down, they will energize the ground around them. If your feet are in areas where there is a voltage difference, you could complete the circuit and be the source to ground. This is called?
Step and Touch Potential
This danger could be indicated by a tingling sensation in the feet and serve as a warning to back away from the area. Step potential is more severe when the ground is wet
During heat stress management is in effect how many Oz of water do you need to drink?
Tire fires are what kind of incident?
Wild land fire/brush fires what does LCES stand for?
Escape route
Safety zones
Stop all unnecessary _______ and park all running vehicles __________.
- traffic
- downwind
What is the NFPA # for training fires?
Car fires
When rescue is not a factor, first water should be applied for several seconds to extinguish fire or cool down what area.
around any fuel tanks or fuel systems. This is especially important if the fuel tanks are Liquidified Petroleum Gas (LPG) or Liquid Natural Gas (LNG).
- Alert 1: Indicates what?
- And what kind of landing is expected?
-an aircraft is having minor difficulties
And a safe landing is expected.
Arizona Triage System using a triage method called
S.T.A.R.T. What does it stand for?
Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment
Who does a work status report go to?
Immediate supervisor,appropriate WDC and BC, Health/Safety Division Chief and risk management division.
And if it is a worker’s compensation injury COG Work Comp Analyst, Lorena Sanchez-Zumph
All complaints filed against a member of the Employee Organization will be completed within ____ days. If not completed in the allotted time frame, the investigation will be dismissed and deemed un-sustained, except as outlined in Section
120 days
The use of a _________ or ________ _________ __________ equipment will not be authorized during the complaint process for a member of the Employee Organization.
polygraph or other truth verification
What hours can be used for the counseling and treatment program in compliance with section 10.12 of the MOU. If the represented member withdraws or fails to successfully complete the program, they will reimburse the City for any ____________ ________ _________ hours utilized
Special Medical Leave