CAPM Exam Flashcards
Treating others with conduct that may result in harm, fear, humiliation, manipulation, or exploitation. For example, berating a project team member because they have taken longer than expected to complete a project assignment may be considered humiliation.
A risk response appropriate for both positive and negative risks, but often used for smaller risks within a project.
Acceptance test driven development
A method used to communicate with business customers, developers, and testers before coding begins.
The receiver signals that the message has been received. An acknowledgment shows receipt of
the message, but not necessarily agreement with the message.
Active listening
The message receiver restates what has been said to understand and confirm the message fully, and it provides an opportunity for the sender to clarify the message if needed.
* The receiver confirms that the message is being received through feedback, questions, prompts for clarity, and other signs of confirmation.
Active observation
The observer interacts with the worker to ask questions and understand each step of the work
being completed. In some instances, the observer could serve as an assistant in doing the work.
Active problem solving
Active problem solving begins with problem definition. Problem definition is the ability to discern between the cause and effect of the problem. Root-cause analysis looks beyond the immediate symptoms to the cause of the symptoms—which then affords opportunities for solutions.
Activity list
The primary output of breaking down the WBS work packages.
Activity network diagram
These diagrams, such as the project network diagram, show the flow of the project work.
Actual Cost (AC)
- The actual amount of monies the project has spent to date.
Once the project is done, either the team moves onto other assignments as a unit, or the project
team is disbanded, and individual team members go on to other work.
Adaptive leadership
- A leadership style that helps teams to thrive and overcome challenges throughout a project.
Affinity Diagram
- This diagram breaks down ideas, solutions, causes, and project components and groups them together with other similar ideas and components.
- When stakeholders create a large number of ideas, you can use an affinity diagram to cluster similar ideas together for further analysis.
Affinity estimation
A method used to quickly place user stories into a comparable-sized group.
- To develop a goal through periodic experimentation in order to fulfill the need of a complex
Agile Adaption
To adapt the project plan continuously through retrospectives in order to maximize value creation during the planning process.
Agile Coaching
- To help achieve goals that is either personal or organizational.
Agile Experimentation
To use the empirical process, observation, and spike introduction while executing a project to
influence planning.
Agile Manifesto
A statement that reflects agile philosophy that includes:
* Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
* Working software over comprehensive documentation * Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
* Responding to changes over following a plan
Agile Manifest Principles
A document that describes the twelve principles of the Agile Manifesto.
Agile Manifesto: Customer Satisfaction
To satisfy customers through early and continuous delivery of products, to test and receive feedback, to inform customers on progress, and to fulfill the customer’s value by completing priority requirements.
Agile Manifesto: Welcome Changes
To allow quick responses to changes in the external environment, and late in development to
maximize the customer’s competitive advantage.
Agile Manifesto: Frequent Delivery
To deliver software frequently to the customer, allowing for a quicker product release, faster provision of value to the customer and shorter delivery timeframe.
Agile Manifesto: Collocated Team
To have individuals work together daily on a project to implement osmotic communication, focus, and receive instant feedback to achieve a common goal.
Agile Manifest: Motivated Individuals
To give individuals the empowerment, environment, support, and trust needed to complete a
task successfully.
Agile Manifesto: Face to Face Conversation
The most efficient and effective way to communicate in order to receive direct feedback and influence osmotic communication.
Agile Manifesto: Working Software
Working software enables the measurement of progress, enhance customer satisfaction, and
maintain and improve the quality of the software to help support project goals.
Agile Manifesto: Constant Pace
- To help team members establish a healthy work-life balance, remain productive, and respond to changes swiftly for progress during a project.
Agile Manifesto: Continuous attention
- To enhance agility and time spent on work requirements in order to retain a well-balanced work