Capitulo 3 Tema 1: Obligations, appliances, chores Flashcards
deber (+ inf)
must/ should (do something)
necesitar (+ inf)
to need (to do something); in a strong sense
tener que (+ inf)
to have to (do something)
venir (+ inf)
to come (to do something)
preferir (+ inf)
to prefer (to do something)
querer (+ inf)
to want (to do something)
quehaceres (domesticos)
(domestic) chores
arreglar el curato
to tidy/ clean up the room
cortar el cesped
to mow the lawn; cut the grass
lavar la ropa
to wash clothes
limpiar (la casa)
to clean (the house)
poner (la mesa)
to set the table
quitar la mesa
to clear the table
secar la ropa
to dry clothes
trabajar en el jardin
to work in the graden/ yard
trapear (el piso)
to mop (the floor)
la aspiradora
vacuum cleaner
la estufa
el horno
el (horno) microondas
microwave (oven)
la lavadora
washer; washing machine
el lavaplatos
la secadora
una vez a la semana
once a week
una vez al mes
once a month
los aparatos domesticos
con que frecuencia?
how often?