Capitolo 5 Flashcards
May I help you?
Posso esserLe utile?
designer, stylist
stilista (masculine)
what he knows
ciò che sa
to go for a stroll
andare a spasso
all (he) can do,
all that remains
non rimane che
to take a glance
buttare un occhio
he/she is seduced
he/she is drawn in
he/she is distracted by
si lascia sedurre
to make peace with something
to put one’s mind at ease
mettersi l’anima in pace
he/she gets hit
he/she gets run over
he/she is overcome
viene investito
they will be green with envy
sbaveranno dall’invidia
I give up
ci rinuncio
I brought along with me
mi sono portato dietro
to bring along
portarsi dietro
Enough shopping!
Basta shopping!
They begin the hike/walk.
They hit the road.
Si mettono in marcia.
whether or not
o meno
Who knows!
Might be
Could be
Può essere
to take some photos
scattare qualche foto
I gather that
I assume that
I’m guessing that
ne deduco che