Capitalism, Globalization, & Migration Flashcards
what is migration?
movement of people, either voluntary or forced, in order to live and work in a new place to escape economic, social, political, or cultural hardship in home communities
what is globalization?
process that emphasizes interdependance of the globe, whereby people, goods, and ideas move around the world
what are undocumented workers?
people who do not have the needed documentation or permission to live or work in a foreign country
are all immigrants undocumented?
what is your living wage?
is the minimum income necessary for a worker to meet his or her basic needs
what is minimum wage?
minimum wages are the minimum rates that all covered employers must pay all workers
do minimum wage jobs make enough to cover your living wage?
generally no
what is a boycott?
people deliberately stop buying or using certain product/brand as an expression of protest
what is a buycott?
the opposite side of a boycott, meaning a deliberate purchase of a company’s product in support of their policies or desirable behavior
what are unions?
a labor union is a group of two or more employees who join together to advance common interests such as wages, benefits, schedules and other employment terms and conditions
what did ceaser chavez do?
- united farmworkers union
- labor leader and civil rights activist
what did ceaser do for UFW?
the struggle of farm workers in the United States to improve their working and living conditions through organizing and negotiating contracts with their employers
what is “illegal work”?
corporations hire vulnerable people (undocumented workers) on purpose to save money (increase profits by not paying minimum wages, denying workers compensation, etc.)
what are refugees?
someone who has been forced to flee their country because of persecution, war, or violence
what does it mean to seek asylum?
the right to be recognized as a refugee and receive legal protection and material assistance
what is a visa?
A visa is a conditional authorization granted by a policy to a foreigner that allows them to enter, remain within, or leave its territory
what is international capitalism?
focused mainly on how national capitalists based in competing national economies and working through national companies operated across borders.
what is deportation?
is the expulsion of a person or group of people from a place or country.
what are policies?
a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by a government party, business, or individual
what are practices?
praxis, what is acceptable for people to do
what is femicide?
on the border, women are recruited to work in borderlands
migrate to US = increased violence against women
what is NAFTA?
on January 1st 1994, a document was signed by US, Canada, and Mexico that eliminates tariffs (taxes) on goods imported from any member state