Capital Structure Flashcards
What is a company’s capital structure?
- mixture of debt and equity company used to finance investments
What is the financial goal of the company?
- maximise shareholder wealth
- firm wishes to find capital structure which maximises market value
What is MM1 (perfect capital markets)?
Capital structure irrelevance
- in perfect capital markets
- I.e financing decision is irrelevant, investment decision is what is important
When is debt good and why?
- debt is good when the company is in a good financial position
- because debt holders have a fixed claim on earnings and the rest belongs to the shareholders
Under proposition 1 what is the impact on share price?
- share price is unaffected by capital structure under MM1 as the increase in EPS is offset by the increase in the expected return of the share
What is MM2?
- the cost of capital levered equity is equal to the cost of capital unlevered equity plus a premium that is proportional to the debt-equity ratio
rE = rA + D/E (rA-rD)
Under MM2 (perfect capital markets) explains what happens when debt increases
- with debt firms financial risk increases and therefore shareholders require higher returns on equity
- when debt increases, equity decreases
- due to increased risk ROE increases
- movements offset each other
-rA and rD constant
In MM with corporate taxes how is debt beneficial
- debt reduces taxable income and increases total income to both stockholders and bond holder
What is the formula for interest tax shield?
Interest tax shield= corporate tax X debt
= TcD
What is MM’s proposition 1 with corporate taxes?
- the total value of the levered firm exceeds the value of the firm without leverage due to the present value of the tax savings from debt
What is the formula for MM’s proposition 1 with corporate taxes?
V(L)=V(U) + PV(interest tax shield)
When debt is permanent:
V(L) = V(U) + TcD
What does MM’s proposition 1 with corporate taxes suggest about a firms desired capital structure?
- firms should want as much debt as possible
- in other words debt is advantageous
What is the after-tax wacc with corporate taxes?
r(A) = (1-Tc)(D/D+E X r(D)) + (E/E+D)Xr(E))
If debt = 0 r(A) = r(E)