Capital Markets And Pricing Of Risk Flashcards
Assumptions of CAPM
- investors can trade securities with no additional fees and can lend and borrow at a risk free rate
- Have homogenous expectations regarding volatility, correlation and expected return of securities (have the same estimates)
-investors on,y hold portfolios that yield maximum expected return for a given level of volatility
What’s the cost of capital
The return investors expect from an investment in a company and reflects risk of project and financing methods
What is capital structure
Firms mix of long term debt and equity
What does the project cost of capital depend on
Risk of project and how it is financed
Difference between index funds and exchange traded funds
Index funds ; mutual funds that invest in S and P 500, the Wiltshire 5000 or some other index
Exchange traded funds; funds that are traded directly on exchange but represent ownership in a portfolio
How does Rwacc compare with Ru
WACC= weighted average cost
Ru= equation involving debt and equity (expected return if there is NO debt)
Companies benefit from a tax shield on debt.
Interest payments on debt are tax deductible. Tax is deducted from the interest payments and not from the company’s income. Therefore they save money. This is known as tax shield.
This means debt lowers the cost of capital as money is saved.
WACC takes tax inti consideration : calculation value would be lower than the one calculated from Ru :
WACC more realistic
Ru should be used when evaluating an all equity project
WACC should be used when evaluating project that considers all perspectives.
When using WACC what value of securities should u use
MARKET VALUE Not book value.
Define market value of bonds and equity
Market value of bonds: PV of all coupons and par value discounted at the current interest rate
Market value of equity: market price per share multiplied by the number of outstanding shares
What is the pure play technique?
Method to estimate the expected return if a project by matching the risks of the project to a publicly traded company .
Once pure plays have been identified, market data is used to calculate required return
What is net debt
Gives a more accurate picture of company’s real debt by considering how much cash they have.
Cash is considered a low risk asset due to its value not changing much: lowers overall risk of the company assets
Net debt = company’s debt minus cash and short term investment
What is asset beta
Measures risk of assets without considering the debt .
High beta : more risky
What determines asset betas
Cyclicality: how much company’s profits go up and down with the economy
If economy is bad and company’s profits go down and economy is good and profits go up = high cyclicality
High beta = more risky ( u can see that company performance depends on economy )
Operating leverage:
Refers to variable and fixed costs.
A company with high fixed costs = high operating leverage : high beta and therefore higher risk
Say sales go up, profits increase a lot as fixed costs don’t change
Sales go down, profits decrease however fixed costs still have to be paid
Low operating leverage = profits less sensitive to changes in sales
Advantages of CAPM
although there are many assumptions when using this model
- errors in cost of capital estimates not likely to make large difference in NPV estimates
- practical. Easy to implement
-requires managers to think about risk in the right way
S and P is a wide ranging US market index, so why does it have a low risk
Due to diversification.
S and P 500 represents a wide range of companies from different industries ( diversification )
This means that the risk of individual companies are spread out, when some companies perform poorly others do well and it balances.
Stocks don’t move same way due to being affected by different factors.
Industry specific issues
Company specific issues
Difference between unsystematic and systematic risk
Unsystematic risk - risk that is specific to a company or industry e.g. poor management and it can be reduced by holding a diversified portfolio of different stocks
Systematic risk - risk that affects entire market/ economy and can’t be avoided as it impacts all companies
What is risk premium of a security and what does it depend on
Risk premium : how much extra return investors expect for taking on risk.
Depends on its systematic risk