Capital allowance and Cash basis of accounting Flashcards
3 types of capital allowances?
FYA (100%)- New 0 emission vehicles and charger (never time apportion)
WDA (18%)- Main pool: 18% x TWDV p.a. (time apportion)
AIA (100%)- acquisition of any asset except car of £1,000,000
What is the main pool and small main pool? What is included and mention disposal rules…
Main pool: cars between 1 to 50g/km Or second hand 0 emission cars
Small main pool: if TWDV before WDA is less than 1000 then write down to 0 but make sure to time apportion
Main pool disposal- before WDA deduct lower of proceeds or original cost
What is special rate pool? What does it include?
WDA= 6% x TWDV (apply after AIA)
o Includes: long life assets, integral features, thermal insulation, solar panels, cars with emissions below 50
What are long life assets and integral features?
Long life asset has life over 25 years and total cost in 12 month of over £100,000
does not include cars, ships, P&M use in retail shops, showrooms, offices
Integral features: electric systems, cold water systems, lift and escalator
If a trader cannot reclaim VAT on an asset…
claim CA on VAT inclusive price
If can reclaim-use exclusive price except cars with private use
What are short life assets and when can you de-pool? give time limits
Short life assets: main pool assets that are expected to be used for less than eight years
Can de-pool to place SLA in single pool rather than main pool. Time limits for this are:
Sole trader- 31 Jan after end of tax year of expenditure
Company- two years after end of accounting of expenditure
What is Structure and Building Allowance? What is the rate?
Contract to build entered on or after 29th October 2018 qualifies for allowance. These contracts include qualifying expenditure of commercial buildings/structures (office/road) but not land, fees or buildings that function as dwelling e.g. student accom
Only for non-residential land
Rate= 3% straight line over 12 months. Time apportion from when bought
Formula for tax adjusted trading profits
Total cash receipts - Total allowable business expenses
Give 4 examples of taxable receipts
Unpaid drawings should added to trading profit at reasonable sum
Sale of P&M (not cars) classed as taxable trading receipts except for non-depreciating
If trader uses capital asset privately, market value of asset at date is treated as taxable receipt
If trader ceases to trade, market value of inventory including WIP is treated as taxable receipt in final period
What expenses are allowable under cash basis? (5)
Allowable: Most normal adjustment to profit rules on business portion
Including: Payment to buy P&M (not cars) however capital allowance cannot be claimed after this
P&M (not cars) under Hire Purchase agreement- deduction for each payment
Payment to buy cars are not allowable expenses (not deductible) but you can claim capital allowance or use fixed rate mileage allowance
For leased cars 15% restriction for higher emission cars did not apply. Can deduct lease payments no matter emission
Bad debts not allowable (unlike in accruals basis)
List 3 impact of cash basis on other taxes
o Partner cannot deduct from their income, the interest paid on the loan to invest in the partnership or to buy P&M
o Selling plant and machinery will be taxed at trading income not capital gains
o VAT cash accounting scheme must also be used