Capital 7: Group taxation Flashcards
What approach generally prevails in corporate taxation?
The separate legal entity approach prevails, where corporations are taxed independently.
In which cases is the separate legal entity approach of taxation abandoned?
It is abandoned when corporations belong to:
- A group of companies, or
- A fiscal unity
What defines control in a group of companies or fiscal unity?
- Subsidiaries are controlled by a parent company
- Control is exercised through majority shareholding, meaning the parent company holds the majority of the subsidiary’s shares.
What are the main concepts of group taxation?
- Loss compensation
- Loss compensation and deferred taxation of inter-company transactions.
What is a partnership?
- Association of two or more persons/partners
- Based on a partnership agreement
- Apportionment of profits and losses between the partners
- Existence depends on the existence of the partners–
- At least one partner is a general partner
- General partners exercise management and representation of partnership
What is the issue with üüartnerships in civil and tax law?
- treatment varies from country to country
- Interaction of civil and tax law varies
How can partnerships be defined under civil law?
Partnerships can be defined as:
- Legal entities, or
- Entities with no or only partial legal identity.
How does tax law interact with civil law in defining partnerships?
Tax law may either follow civil law or deviate from it
What principles are used to treat partnerships in tax law?
Partnerships can be treated according to:
- The transparency principle, or
- The corporate principle
What occurs when characteristics of transparency and corporate principles mix?
A hybrid taxation system occurs = option between corporate and transparency principle
What are the three types of partnerships in civil law?
- General partnership: Each partner is a generall partner
- Limited partnership: At least one partner is a general partner, other could limit their liability
- Special shapes: possibility all partners could limit their liability
What are the features of a partnership regarded as a legal entity?
- Own legal capacity.
- Owner of assets and liabilities
- Entitled to the claim and indebted to the claim.
- Can conclude contracts with partners.
What are the features of partnerships with no or partial legal identity?
- No legal capacity
- Partners own assets and liabilities
- Partners are entitled to and indebted to the claim
- Cannot conclude contracts with partners
What is the taxation of partnerships which are legal entities for tax purposes`?
Taxation is based on the corporate principle.
What is the taxation of partnerships which have a option between corporate and transparency principle?
Hybrid taxation occurs when there is an option between the corporate and transparency principles