- Lancet/Incision Devices
- Laser Lancet
- Microcollection Containers
- Microhematocrit Tubes and Sealants
- Microscope Slides
- Warming devices
- Capillary Blood Gas Equipment (CBG)
Capillary Puncture step 1
Step 1 :Review & accession test request
Capillary Puncture step 2
Step 2 : Approach, identify, & prepare patient
Capillary Puncture step 3
Step 3 : Verify diet restrictions & latex sensitivity
Capillary Puncture step 4
Step 4: Sanitize hands & put on gloves
Capillary Puncture step 5
Step 5: Position Patient
Capillary Puncture step 6
Step 6: Select the Puncture/Incision Site
Capillary Puncture step 7
Step 7: Warm Site if Applicable
Capillary Puncture step 8
Step 8: Clean and Air-Dry Site
Capillary Puncture step 9
Step 9: Prepare Equipment
Capillary Puncture step 10
Step 10: Puncture the Site and Discard Lancet
Capillary Puncture step 11
Step 11: Wipe Away the first blood drop because they maybe contaminated with excess tissue fluid.
Capillary Puncture step 12
Step 12: Fill and Mix Tubes/Containers in Order of Draw
Capillary Puncture step 13
Step 13: Place gauze and apply pressure. Keep the incision site elevated
Capillary Puncture step 14
Step 14: Label Specimen and Observe Special Handling Instructions
Capillary Puncture step 15
Step 15: Check the Site and Apply Bandage
Capillary Puncture step 16
Step 16: Dispose of Used and Contaminated Materials
Capillary Puncture step 17
Step 17: Thank Patient, Remove Gloves, and Sanitize Hands
Capillary Puncture step 18
Step 18: Transport Specimen to the Lab
specific sequence with
which blood must be drawn and collected in tubes to avoid cross contamination of additives between the tubes. The Order of Draw should be Blood gas specimens (CBGs), EDTA specimens, other additive specimen and serum specimen.
Order of Draw
For infants, the incision site should be less than ____________deep and to
avoid bone damage the incision the recommended site should be in the plantar surface of the heel, or on the median or lateral edge.
2.0 mm
Warming the incision site increases the blood circulation in the area for up to seven times. Using a warm washcloth or towel, warm the site for _______minutes.
3 to 5