Capillary function Flashcards
The capillary bed
Flow of blood through capillaries depends upon: Blood flow through arterioles Patency of AV shunts Patency of metarterioles State of precapillary sphincters Arteriole vasomotion
Capillary density
Increases with metabolic activity/need
Determines area available for gas/nutrient exchange
Determines inter-capillary spacing (distance blood-cell)
Diffusion and flow across capillary walls
Hydrostatic pressure- pressure due to fluid compression
Oncotic pressure- driving force of water moving from a dilute to a more concentrated environment due to osmosis
Diffusion os the main method for solutes to cross capillary walls, water can diffuse but no net flow as flow is bidirectional
Diffusion, filtration and pinocytosis definitions
Diffusion- passive movement down concentration gradients to and from capillaries
Filtration- movement of water to and from capillaries due to interaction between hydrostatic and oncotic pressures
Pinocytosis- movement of water to and from capillaries due to active transport across endothelial cells
Factors determining diffusion rate
Concentration gradient
Surface area
Permeability- ratio of pore size to size of solute molecule, pore density, path length, lipid solubility
Three types of solute based in physical properties
Lipid soluble e.g. oxygen
Small lipid-insoluble e.g. glucose
Large lipid-insoluble e.g. plasma roteins
Capillary exchange
Capillary membranes impair diffusion of lipid insoluble solutes
Continuous- found in muscle, lungs and CNS
Fenestrated- found in renal glomerulus and intestinal mucosa
Discontinuous- found in spleen, liver and bone marrow
Fluid homeostasis and capillary exchange
Capillary walls are a semi-permeable barrier
Water and electrolytes pass across capillary wall easier than plasma proteins
Therefore filtrate has a reduced protein content to capillary content
Starling principle of fluid exchange
Net intra-capillary pressure forces fluid out of capillaries
Net osmotic pressure of plasma proteins retained in capillaries opposes loss of fluid
In most beds there is net filtration
Net absorption only occurs in specialised cases where there is independent fluid input from the interstitium
Net fluid outflow from capillaries needs draining- lymphatics
Lymphatic circulation
Valves- one way flow
Intrinsic propulsion- rhythmic contractions of smooth muscle
Extrinsic propulsion- compression from tissue movements
Capillary filtration rate > lymphatic drainage = oedema
Causes: raised capillary pressure, reduced plasma oncotic pressure, increased capillary permeability, lymphatic insufficiency
Physiological regulation of exchange
Recruitment of more capillaries
Concentration gradients are steeper
Increased blood flow
Increased endothelial permeability