Capacity Flashcards
Capacity of Exercise
a person who has reached the age of majority has the right to make all sorts of juridical acts unless otherwise stated by the legislature.
Capacity of Enjoyment
all natural persons enjoy legal capacity to have rights and duties
Age of majority
Who cannot contract
unemancipated minor, interdict, person deprived of reason at the time of contracting
Types of Emancipation
full, limited by authentic act, marriage
Full emancipation
minor, ages 16 or 17 is granted full contractual capacity
Limited emancipation
minor, ages 16 or 17, is granted limited juridical acts as outlined by the court. All other effects of minority will continue
Emancipation by marriage
minor, ages 16 or 17 who is married is FULLY emancipated.. Does not lose emancipated status upon divorce or termination.
a person who the court has declared unable, due to infirmity, to make reasoned decisions and to communicate those decisions consistently regarding his person or property
Full interdiction
no decisions, managed by a curator
Limited interdiction
some decisions as outlined by the court, also managed by the curator
Proving lack of capacity
(1) person who claims incapacity
(2) capacity is presumed
(3) proved w/clear and convincing evidence (heavy burden)
Effect of contract entered into by a person lacking capacity
relatively null
may be rescinded by the incapable party or his rep.
Remedy for the party lacking capacity
party lacking capacity can seek recission w/ exceptions
Exceptions to request for rescission by incapacitated party
(1) UEM-cannot be rescinded if contract is made for the purpose of the UEM’s business, education, or support
(2) Majority Representation-when a UEM represents themselves as having reached the age of majority and the other party reasonably relies on that representation
(3) a non-interdicted person who was deprived of reason at the time of contracting may obtain rescission of an onerous contract upon the ground of incapacity only upon showing that the other party knew or should have known the person’s incapacity.
After rescission
For lack of capacity
parties OR their legal representative should be returned to their pre-contract condition. Party lacking capacity can’t confirm a contract, but they can once incapacity is ceased. If pre-contract condition is impracticable or impossible, court may award compensation
Non-interdicted decedent’s contract
contract may be attacked after death on the grounds of incapacity when the contract is gratuitous or shows lack of understanding within 30 days of death
Right to require confirmation or recission for the other party
Immediately after discovering the incapacity of the other party who at the time was ignorant of the incapacity, may require confirmation or rescission from the party if the capacity has ceased or by their representative if it has not. With TWO EXCEPTIONS:
Burden flips to the capable party to prove they were unaware of
(1) if the party is notoriously insane then there is a rebuttable presumption that the party knew or should have known
(2) If it was generally known to persons who saw the incapacitated party during contracting then it is presumed that the capable party knew or should have known