Capacitance Flashcards
What is a capacitor?
A capacitor is an electrical component that can store electrical charge.
How is a capacitor made
Capacitors are made up of two conducting plates separated by a gap or a dielectric (an insulating material).
What is a capacitor circuit symbol?
See CGP Pg 140
How does a potential difference occur in a capacitor
When a capacitor is connected to a power source, positive and negative charge build up on opposite plates. The insulating material (which could be an air gap) stops charge moving between the two plates, so a potential difference is created.
What can be said about the type of field created
This creates a uniform electric field This creates a uniform electric field
How the capacitance be calculated
Q is the charge in coulombs
V is the potential difference in volts
C is the capacitance in farads
How can the total capacitance in a parallel circuit be calculated
If you put two or more capacitors in a parallel circuit, the potential difference across each one is the same.
Each capacitor can store the same amount of charge as it would if it was the only component in the circuit.
So, the total capacitance is just the sum of the individual capacitances:
C(total) = C(1) + C(2)
How can the total capacitance in a series circuit be calculated
When you put capacitors in a series circuit, the potential difference is shared between them.
Each capacitor stores the same charge.
It can be shown that:
1/C(total) = 1/C(1) + 1/C(2)
How can you investigate capacitors in series and in parallel
See CGP pg 141
Imagine an electron moving towards the negative plate of a capacitor that is being charged.
Hence, Explain how a capacitor is charged by the battery
This electron will experience a repulsive electrostatic force from all the electrons already on the plate. External work has to be done to push this electron onto the negative plate. Similarly, work is done to cause an electron to leave the positive plate of the capacitor. The external work is provided by the battery or power supply connected to the capacitor. In short, the energy stored in a capacitor comes from the energy of the battery or power supply.
The electrical energy produce by the battery can be calculated by charge x potential difference
How can the equation w=1/2 QV be derived
The energy stored by a capacitor is equal to the work done to deposit the charge on the plate. So, you can find the energy stored from the area under a graph of p.d. against charge stored on the capacitor.
The p.d. across the capacitor is proportional to the charge stored on it, so the graph will be a straight line through the origin. The energy stored is given by the yellow triangle.
What are three expression for energy stored by a capacitor that can be determined from w=1/2 QV
W=1/2 v^2C
What are uses of capacitors
Flash photography — when you take a picture, the capacitor has to discharge really quickly to give a short pulse of high current to create a brief, bright flash.
2) Back-up power supplies — these often use lots of large capacitors that can release charge for a short period if the power supply goes off — e.g. for keeping computer systems running if there’s a brief power outage.
Smoothing out p.d. — when converting an a.c. power supply to d.c. power, capacitors charge up during the peaks and discharge during the troughs, helping to maintain a constant output.
What is special about how capacitors release stored energy
They can discharge quicker than batteries, which makes them very useful.
The amount of charge that can be stored and the rate at which it’s released can be controlled by the capacitor chosen.
How do you get a capacitor fully charged and record the current, Pd and R as you do so?
1) Set up the test circuit shown in the circuit diagram. See pg 143
1) Close the switch to connect the uncharged capacitor to the power supply.
Let the capacitor charge whilst the data logger records both the potential difference (from the voltmeter) and the current (from the ammeter) over time.
When the current through the ammeter is zero, the capacitor is fully charged.
You can then use a computer to plot a graph of charge, p.d. or current against time.
What do the graphs of a charging capacitor look like?
Explain these graphs in terms of electron flow
See 143 pg
As soon as the switch closes, current starts to flow. The electrons flow onto the plate connected to the negative terminal of the power supply, so a negative charge builds up.
This build-up of negative charge repels electrons off the plate connected to the positive terminal of the power supply, making that plate positive. These electrons are attracted to the positive terminal of the power supply.
An equal but opposite charge builds up on each plate, causing a potential difference between the plates. Remember that no charge can flow between the plates because they’re separated by an insulator (gap or dielectric).
Initially the current through the circuit is high. But, as charge builds up on the plates, electrostatic repulsion makes it harder and harder for more electrons to be deposited. When the p.d. across the capacitor is equal to the p.d. across the power supply, the current falls to zero. The capacitor is fully charged.
How do you fully discharge a capacitor
Disconnect the power supply from the test circuit above, reconnect the circuit and close the switch.
Let the capacitor discharge whilst the data logger records potential difference and current over time.
When the current through the ammeter and the potential difference across the plates fall to zero, the capacitor is fully discharged.
Plot graphs of I, V and R for a discharging capacitor and explain
See CGP pg 143
The electrons (current) flow from the negative plate to the positive plate (shown above).
Initially, the current is high, but as the charge leaves the plates, the potential difference across the plates decreases. So the electrostatic repulsion decreases, reducing the flow of current.
How can you predict how stored charge will change over time for a discharging capacitor using an equation
for any discharging capacitor with capacitance C and initial charge Q, in a circuit with resistance R. You need to find the change in charge over a tiny time interval and repeat this process for a long period of time. To do this, you’ll need an equation which relates Δ Q and Δ t.
In terms of equations
I= ΔQ/Δt and I= V/R
So ΔQ/Δt = V/R
You also know for capacitors Q=CV and V=Q/C
Therefore ΔQ/Δt=-Q/RC
= ΔQ=-Q Δt/RC
How could you use spreed sheet modeling to draw a graph of charge against time for a discharging capacitor
See CGP page 144
What can be said about the rate at which charge on a discharge capacitor decrease
It’s decreases exponentially
What is the formula left for the charge/ voltage/ current on a discharging capacitor?
I=I₀e^(-t/CR) Q=Q₀e^(-t/CR) V=V₀e^(-t/CR)
Where X₀ is the value when the capacitor is fully charged
t is the time since discharging began
R is the resistance
C is capacitance (F)
How do you calculate the charge, Pd and current for a charging capacitor
x=x₀(1- e^(-t/CR) )
I=I₀e^(-t/CR)) Q=Q₀(1 - e^(-t/CR)) V=V₀(1 - e^(-t/CR))
Notice the charging current decrease exponentially
Where X₀ is the value when the capacitor is fully charged
t is the time since discharging began
R is the resistance
C is capacitance (F)
What does the time it takes to charge up a capacitor depend on?
1) The capacitance of the capacitor (C). This affects the amount of charge that can be transferred at a given voltage.
2) The resistance of the circuit (R). This affects the current in the circuit.
What equation is an expression for the time constant
What facts can be ascertained from the time constant expression
T, the time constant, is the time taken for the charge, potential difference or current on a discharging capacitor to fall to 37% of its initial value.
It’s also the time taken for the charge or potential difference of a charging capacitor to rise to 63% of it’s maximum value.
The larger the resistor in series with the capacitor, the longer it takes to charge or discharge.
What is the time taken for the capacitor to fully charge or discharge, in terms of CR
How can you CR for a discharging capacitor using a graph?
To find CR, you can plot a graph of InQ against t while discharging (p.d. or current would work too). The gradient of the line gives you -1/CR
How can the time constant be found experimentally
T can be found experimentally by using a voltmeter and timing how long it takes a discharging capacitor to reach 37% of its starting potential difference.