CAP403 Flashcards
Aerobatic Manoeuvre
The definition of an aerobatic manoeuvre is as defined in Schedule 1 of the Air Navigation Order (ANO).
A Pilot holding a UK Display Authorisation (DA) participating in their own SINGLE item Flying Display who is responsible to the CAA for the safe conduct of that Flying Display.
Aircraft Parking Area
Parking of aircraft.
Public has no access during the period of the display.
Airfield Boundary
The line delineated by the Airfield Boundary fence, or where no such fence exists, the area confined to that prepared and used solely for the purpose of ground manoeuvring of aircraft.
Car Park(s)
Spectators have access during the Flying Display.
Must be considered in the same manner as the Spectator Area.
Close Formation
When an aircraft are flying in close proximity (usually within 50 metres).
Requires the following aircraft to take all external visual references solely from the lead aircraft.
Congested Area
Any area in relation to a city, town or settlement which is substantially used for residential, industrial, commercial or recreational purposes.
A golf course attached to a Congested Area is considered as part of that Congested Area and must be treated as such when considering overflight restrictions.
Crowd Line
CLOSEST edge of any area, including Car Park(s), accessible to Spectators with respect to the Display Area / Display line
Display Area
Ground area footprint of the airspace within which displaying aircraft may be manoeuvred at a height below that imposed by SERA.5005(f)(1), SERA.5005(f)(2).
Essential Personnel
Authorised and permitted to be within designated restricted areas, forward of the Crowd Line, during a Flying Display.
Once a specific duty has been completed, those personnel become non-essential and must re-locate .
The person responsible to the CAA for the safe conduct of a Flying Display.
They may be held accountable by the CAA for a failure to comply with the applicable regulations, the conditions of the Permission or the requirements set out in CAP403.
Singly or in formation.
PAST a gathering of Spectators along a pre-planned route without manoeuvring, other than when necessary for safe and accurate navigation.
NO Aerobatic Manoeuvres.
ONE single pass (unless specified on Permission)
Flypast (Mil)
Singly or in formation.
OVER or PAST a gathering of Spectators along a pre-planned route without manoeuvring, other than when necessary for safe and accurate navigation.
NO Aerobatic Manoeuvres.
Minimum Aerobatic Height
Min height ABOVE which the aircraft must be capable of complete recovery from an Aerobatic Manoeuvre.
Most restrictive of:
Min aerobatic height specified in the Permission.
Min aerobatic height quoted on relevant pilot’s DA (in relation to the aircraft category being flown); or
Min aerobatic height imposed by FDD.
MOD Occupied Property
Any premises occupied by or under the control of the MOD or any other visiting military force.
Minimum Separation Distance
Min sep, in all directions, between any part of an aircraft in flight and the ground, water or any obstacle.
Min Pyrotechnic Release Height
From which pyros released to ensure
COMPLETELY burnt out at or above 200FT above the surface
Pleasure Flights
Any pax flight starting from, or arriving at, the display site (or adjacent site) purely for the purpose
of Commercial Air Transport pleasure flying ON THE DAY of a Flying Display or Special Event.
Private Flying Display
Any flying activity deliberately performed for the purpose of providing an exhibition or entertainment at a private event requiring a Permission to operate contrary to the requirements of SERA.5005(f). (See
also ‘Flying Display’4)
… one that is not advertised or open to the public
Private Flying Displays must be organised and supervised by a FDD / AFDD and the participating pilots are required to hold DAs.
Requirements for Flying Displays held over MOD Occupied Property and events over non-MOD Occupied Property where the ONLY participants are military registered aircraft.
Role Demo
Any flying activity designed to demonstrate an aircraft’s performance commensurate with that normally carried out during routine operations and training.
Separation Distance
LATERAL distance between the displaying aircraft and Crowd Line.
Secondary Spectator
A person viewing a Flying Display from a location which has not been specifically designated for Spectators by the FDD.
Special Event
Any flying activity deliberately performed requiring a Permission to operate contrary to the requirements of the ANO, the Rules of the Air or SERA. Special Events include Funeral Flypasts, the dropping of articles and can include film work or any other unusual activity5.
Static Aircraft Park
An area used for the parking of aircraft to which the public MAY have access.
Swept Wing Jet
Jet aircraft.
Leading edge of the wing is at an angle of 30 degrees or more from the perpendicular to the longitudinal axis
A Tailchase is defined as one or more aircraft following a leader through a series of manoeuvres.
Sunset to 30 mins after sunset.
30 mins before sunrise to sunrise.
Sunset and sunrise are measured at surface level at the display location.
Tyro Display Authorisation
A display authorisation available to a newly qualified Display Pilot subject to the conditions detailed in CAP1724