CAP 4 researchers Flashcards
Chun Siong Soon et al
brain activity relating to whether to press a button with left or right hand occurred up to 10 seconds before participants were consciously aware of making a decision
Plato and Descartes
(nature) believe certain things are inborn and occur naturally, regardless of environmental influences
John Locke
people are born with a blank slate (tabula rasa)
IQ is 0.5 on the heritability coefficient
Dias and Ressler
0.68 concordance rate (MZ) and 0.32 concordance rate (DZ) for OCD
10,000 adults in 33 different countries, men preferred young, physically attractive women for their reproductive capacity
0.7 hip to waist ratio
Clark and Hatfield
‘would you like to go to bed with me tonight’ to university students, 0% women and 75% of men said yes
Kerchkoff and Davies
Filter theory
found that people who lived nearer the stairwells in apartment blocks knew the most people in the block
Thibault and Kelling
social exchange theory
Rusbult and Martz
found that of the domestically abused women in a shelter, those who were most likely to return to the partner (so most committed) reported having made the greatest investment and had fewest attractive alternatives (dissatisfied but still committed)
Le and Agnew
conducted a meta-analysis of 52 studies which included about 11,000 participants from 5 countries; found satisfaction, comparison with alternatives and investment size all predicted relationship commitment and relationships in which commitment was greatest were the most stable and lasted longest
Michna et al
young people thought of virtual relationships as in the same vein as physical ones (going to be more popular as people reach dating age)
stranger on the train (more likely to disclose)
Bargh et al
intimacy developed quicker in virtual relationships due to lack of gating
63% of stalkers experienced an early loss of primary caregiver, usually due to a parental separation (50% reported physical, mental or sexual abuse as a child)
Beck et al
found that when a group of 153 patients with schizophrenia were assessed by 2 different psychiatrists, the diagnosis agreement was only 54%
134 US psychiatrists and 194 British psychiatrists given a description, 69% of US and 2% of British gave a diagnosis
sent 8 pseudopatients into hospitals saying they could hear ‘empty, hollow, thud’ but no other symptoms or history and then acted normally once admitted, all were diagnosed and none of the misdiagnosis were discovered in their hospital stays
Ripke et al
108 genetic variants including the C4 gene
revised and says there was also too little in the mesocortical pathway
describes a mother who is domineering, insensitive, controlling and overprotective; micro-manage and deny independence
Bateson et al
contradictory communication between family members
Linszen et al
a patient returning to a high expressed emotion household was 4x more likely to relapse
Davis et al
29 studies looking into effectiveness, relapse occurred in 55% in schizophrenic patients whose drugs were replaced with placebo compared to just 19% who continued taking the antipsychotics
Startup et al
90 patients who were admitted for an acute schizophrenic episode; 43 were given standard care and 40% showed improvements then only 17% at checkups; 47 given standard care and up to 25 90 minute sessions of CBT (60% improvements with long lasting effects)
Anderson et al
relapse was 60% with antipsychotics alone, 20% with family therapy and less than 5% when used together (can prevent the revolving door syndrome)
in the past, if a person didn’t have schizogene they wouldn’t develop the disorder
Tarrier et al
15 patients with schizophrenia allocated into 3 groups: antipsychotics and CBT, antipsychotics and supportive counselling and a control group of antipsychotics alone; patients in combined groups showed significantly lower symptom levels)
child sexual abuse is a major influence and cannabis is a major trigger (considering multiple aspects)
personality - explains a correlation between traits and addictive behaviours
Verheul et al
personality disorders are in 44% of alcoholics, 70% of cocaine addicts and 79% in opioid addicts
Driessen et al
30% of drug addicts and 15% of alcoholics also suffered from PTSD
pinched rats tails continuously and found that those stressed rats were more likely to seek out amphetamines
Schniur et al
found alcohol dependence was twice as likely in those with social phobias than those without