canterbury review Flashcards
the knight
two brothers fell in love with a girl in prison one brother got out then could never see her but the stayed so he could her name was Emily
*** the knight was good
grass is always greener on the other side
the miller
a silly tale/ bawdy- butt fire cause he though the lady would kiss it, wanted to fart- flies niclolas making fun of carpenders
the Reeve
like a carpender sexcapaid wanted to trick the wife and the daughter into sleeping with miller are stupid cheaters
the man of law
about constance, she remained that way think out role of relgion——brooks tale///////her faith in her god stayed the same and constant//// converted the towns she ended up in to chrisanity/// own kingdom converts /// the good guys are the Christians in the tale///mother wants to keep her religion////non chritians are presended as evil///want to kill the Christians/// she stands her ground
the wife of bath
need to know this very well/tale what do women what/ to be able to choose for themselves/ control and independance
the merchant
sex in a tree// January may romance//sarahs song// don’t get married
the phipican
they value virginity –> her dad kills her he cuts her head off cause he doesn’t want her to get railed ;) maided head + he cuts off her head play on word
the pardoner
they’ll find death they all kill eachother want the money death does show up cause it fuks them all the greed was there downfall wanted to kill death caus eit killed threre friend/// pardones people from there sins sex with summor// tell a good tale.// smooth talker
the nuns priest
the chichen thing with maya===== chanticleer/ 7 sister wives// has a nightmare and then sees a fox in real life. it wants to eat him. fox gets him cause he sings= vanity is bad. don’t trust a flatter.
the parson
his is a sermon about the 7 deadly sins the worest is envy //cure is to love// only non hypocrite of the god poeple
the friar/ summoner
tell bad stories bout eachother like the miller and the reeve/// the servant can divid the fart on the church// dividing of the fart// servant
story about love //broken hearted falconess got dumped for a kite magic ring
the prioress
madam eglatim*** look up name //likes animals more than poor people// singing boy killed by jews// slits his thote keeps singing// bad=non Christian// wears pin that says love conqurs all// likes ettique
the monk
coletion of little tales ,,, fickle fortune//the blue girl// ever changing/ evolving
2nd nun
saint Cecilia wont die she wants to be a virgin but she does enencholy but stays true to religion