Candy Flashcards
At his heels walked a drag-footed sheep dog, grey of muzzle and with pale blind eyes
Metaphor for candy
No friend represent elderly demographic in 1930s America
Carlson shoots dog representing attitude to life,people are judged obsolete when they no longer serve purpose
Rubbed his whiskers with his stump
Disability: swamped (menial cleaner worst job)
In 1930s no compensation for work injuries
Whiskers has connotations to dog
The old man came slowly into the room
Kind and knowledgeable
You can have them two bunks over there
Swamped warmed to his gossip
Been there so long knows all gossip
They left all the weak ones here - Curley’s wife
Befriends g and L and offers to help by dream
Cruel plot devise as reader gains optimism in terms of protagonists realising their dream