Cancers Flashcards
What are the different blood tests that may be performed in cancer diagnosis?
complete blood count
-count the # of different types of cells in the blood
-abnormality in # and morphology=possibility of cancer
-bone marrow biopsy: confirm blood cancer
blood protein staining
-test of abnormal immunoglobulins
tumor marker
-ex: CA-125
circulating tumor cell (CTC) tests
-test of cancer cells floating in the bloodstream
What are the different types of complete blood count tests?
red blood cell test
-RBC count, hemoglobin, hematocrit, reticulocyte count
white blood cell test
-WBC count and differential
platelets test
-platelet count, mean platelet volume, platelet distribution
What is the hematocrit?
volume proportion of blood that consists of RBC
What is a reticulocyte count?
count of immature RBCs
Explain blood protein staining.
serum electrophoresis
test protein abnormality and loss of proteins
What is blood protein staining useful in diagnosing?
chronic lymphocytic leukemia
multiple myeloma
What are examples of tumor markers? List what they sample, cancer type, and purpose.
-sample: blood
-cancer type: ovarian cancer
-purpose: diagnosis and treatment
-sample: blood
-cancer type: non-Hodgkin lymphoma
-purpose: targeted therapy
EGFR gene mutation
-sample: tumor
-cancer type: non-small cell lung cancer
-purpose: treatment and prognosis
estrogen receptor:
-sample: tumor
-cancer: breast cancer
-purpose: hormone therapy & targeted therapy
What is CA-125?
cancer antigen 125
-glycoprotein with molecular weight >200kD
What is the normal range of CA-125 in the blood?
less than 46 U/ml
When are CA-125 levels higher than normal range?
ovarian cancer (diagnosis and treatment)
liver diseases
uterine fibroids
What is 70-Gene signature used for?
predict metastasis and recurrence of breast cancer
test the activity of 70 different genes in the breast cancer tissue
aid to early-stage breast cancer treatment
When are CTCs commonly used?
breast cancer
colorectal cancer
prostate cancer
What are the different cancer diagnostic imagings?
breast mammogram
CT scan
PET scan
How do breast mammograms work?
low-dose X-ray imaging
two images of each breast at ~0.4 millisilverts
show abnormal areas in the breast
used for screening of breast cancer
What is a CT scan?
computerized tomography
X-ray scan from different angles and computer-processed cross-sectional images
What is a PET scan?
positron emission tomography
use a radioactive drug as a trace, such as fluorodeoxyglucose
What is an MRI?
magnetic resonance imaging
uses magnetism, radio waves, and a computer to produce images
What is the main way to diagnose most types of cancer?
cancer biopsy
remove a piece of tissue from body and analyze it
-bone marrow biopsy
-endoscopic biopsy
-needle biopsy
-skin biopsy
-surgical biopsy
biopsy analysis
-confirmation of cancer
-cancer grade
-targets for targeted therapy
What can be done to a tumor from surgery for cancer?
remove the entire tumor
debulk a tumor (removing whole tumor might damage organ)
ease cancer symptoms: remove painful tumors
What is smaller residual tumor volume associated with?
longer survival for cancer patients
What are the types of surgery for tumors?
open surgery
minimally invasive surgery (tiny incisions, non-robotic and robotic surgery)
cryosurgery (liquid nitrogen to treat skin cancers and retinoblastoma)
laser surgery (tumors on surface of the body)
hyperthermia (radiofrequency ablation)
What is radiation therapy? What is its purpose?
apply high doses of radiation to kill cancer cells and reduce tumor size
purpose: treatment and palliative care
can be external beam radiation therapy and internal radiation therapy
What are examples of external beam radiation therapy?
photons, protons and electrons
3D conformal radiation therapy (3D-CRT)
intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT)
Explain 3D-CRT.
allows doctors to direct radiation beams (photons) to conform the shape of a tumor
beams are arranged to avoid normal organs and target the tumor