Cancer Genomics Flashcards
What are the three classifications of germ line DNA changes?
Define polymorphism
= variant not causing disease
Define mutation
= variant causing disease
Define variant
= any change from the reference DNA sequence
What are the three classifications of cancer DNA changes?
somatic mutation (variant)driver mutationpassenger mutation
Define somatic mutation (variant)
= any change from the patient’s germ line DNA sequence
Define driver mutation
= somatic mutation contributing to cancer development
Define passenger mutation
= somatic mutation not contributing to cancer development
What are the small scale nucleotide sequence changes called?
Point mutationInsertion or deletion
What are the large scale nucleotide sequence changes called?
TranslocationAmplificationInsertion or deletion
What is the DNA change in epigenetic changes?
Promoter methylation
Genes involved in cancer are either..?
- Oncogenes or 2. Tumour suppressor genes
What are oncogenes?
Gene function promotes cancer formationMutations causes increased gene functionMutations are dominant (only one allele mutated)
What are TSGs?
Gene function normally inhibits cancer formationMutations cause loss of gene function or expressionMutations are recessive (both alleles must be knocked out)
What is a driver mutation?
Driver mutation drive the tumour and contribute to cancer dvpmtInvolve oncogenes and TSGConfer advantage in growth or survival, therefore are positive selected(5-10 driver mutations per cancer?)